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Everything posted by JoeWeber

  1. Absolutely. And that wish casting and 5 bucks will get you a Latte at Starbucks. There are no consolations today, just reality and how we make the best of it.
  2. Brother, we can be as angry as we want but the truth of Keyne's statement holds. Today, tomorrow, or a year from now we will all be in line with the new facts. That's just how we work.
  3. Well, you know what's going on so please put together some private group where we can detox. This site, I think, has low value so hoping for a savior is not a good play.
  4. With an uncertain future now certain all of the arguing will become moot. As we get used to the new normal Brents railings will become uninteresting as arguing points as we all see the pointlessness of engaging. And then this forum will fade away.
  5. Zero. I get it that the boss wants out, fair enough. But playing the how much will you pay game for a minor website is a loser. Sangiro needs to come out with a number and be open to ad revenue discussions etc. I'm in the biz and I can tell you that the days of fancy urls to make money are done.
  6. Jerry, get ready for a dismantling of the regulatory state. There is literally nothing that anyone should be doing right now other than positioning their finances to benefit from what is to come. That is the only way any opportunity to protect you and yours from what will happen. That sucks but that is reality. We lost huge and it will not recover in our lifetimes.
  7. Jakee, your estimable skills at dissecting arguments are no longer useful in this arena, sadly. Dissonance is now the game of the day. Please do continue for our entertainment but please know that life will not continue apace now that the asteroid has hit.
  8. Good advice for everyone. The dice are cast and all the worrying about future generations, or any oppressed group in this generation, is a waste of time and energy. The only useful thing to do is work to secure additional resources to help protect your kids and grandkids (if you have them) to give them the options and safety only money can buy. Otherwise get used to a lot more discrimination, a lot more Jesus, and a lot less giving a crap. It might be a also good time to invest in blue state trailer parks for when the light bulb comes on for the winners.
  9. JoeWeber


    You are correct on all points, of course. But airdvr is also right but only insofar as those who returned Trump to power really believed what was false was true. Given that we are no longer a democracy, and given their complicity by the constant sane washing of Trump for eyeballs and profit, I might be rightly entertained by the evisceration of the Fourth Estate during Trump 2.0
  10. Do a search, she often wears black.
  11. JoeWeber


    The point is that we on the left didn't believe the cash for character carry trade would be successful amongst people who suffer the reality of racism on a daily basis. Too many Latino men, and black men for that matter, decided that voting for an avowed racist was an acceptable trade for a few more coins in the purse. We also didn't fully recognize that too many Latino men and white women would choose a slightly elevated feeling of superiority over the betterment of their fellows and sisters and daughters. Trumps team clearly saw our disconnect and used it to win. If nothing else, we now know with absolute clarity who and what we are as a people.
  12. Revisionist history. Blame Clyburn for Harris if you need a scapegoat.
  13. Please name them. My sense is we thought she’d be a capable place holder.
  14. I don't American has unburdened itself from a has been.
  15. It'll be okay for me, for sure. But it won't be for the people for whom I was willing to sacrifice.
  16. ??? Those are all fully verifiable truths? Where is the bs?
  17. Many Championships have been won in round 10.
  18. Might be you could use your skills in another scientific domain that would compliment your expertise in climate science and economics. Virginia Tech’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences is working to make language sense out of cow moo's. Surely there's a Phd to add to your MBA there.
  19. That would be fun but in reality he has our government and us by the short curlies. In the immortal words of my 9 year old grand niece: this game is broke!
  20. JoeWeber


    What? Mexicans? Are codings some kind of vegetable like squash or tomatoes? I am so confused.
  21. And there it is. Also, unlike Trump, I believe she will surround herself with capable advisors and be open to good advice born of experience. She'll be a more than capable place keeper at worst.
  22. You might be right but I think that's the export version and their own version is good for 700KM which should be good enough if true. "Ukraine’s missile program has produced several notable systems, including the Hrim-2 (also known as Grim-2, Grom-2, Thunder, or OTRK Sapsan), a short-range ballistic missile system developed to rival Russia’s Iskander missile. Designed to replace the Soviet-era Tochka-U missiles, the Hrim-2 has a range of up to 700 km for Ukrainian forces, surpassing its previous range of 450 to 500 km. The export version of the Hrim-2, however, has a range of 50 to 280 km"
  23. If Trump wins it'll be Gods fault, actually.
  24. So in today's Christo/Republican vernacular it's at least directionally accurate and a more than sufficient possible certainty to organize not only your life around the idea but also the lives of anyone within grabbing distance. AMARANTH!