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Everything posted by JoeWeber

  1. Of course that would be a regulatory action unless you are imagining a one off state law. If you are thinking about something broader, what regulatory framework would be acceptable to achieve that much; that is to ask would it be state federal, or local for example. Then also, what additional gun and ammunition regulations would be acceptable as a part of that regulatory framework?
  2. And that's mostly always a good thing. An exception would be when the nation is on the verge of an autocracy by electing a demented, narcissistic, madman who is being enabled by a corrupt political party that, at best, represents a minority of Americans. In that situation it's important to see the other side of the aisle for what they have become: blindered and brainwashed enemies of the nation, not a font of good ideas. Later, after we beat the bastards back down into their holes, we can reengage in polite and meaningful dialogue.
  3. Sure, but we were forewarned of this exact possibility when Brent pointed out that farts may or may not stink. If you didn't short Tesla on that very day then I'm glad I'm not in your shorts.
  4. We got us'n a damn burr under our saddles I reckon. Damn things, soon as you get shed of 'em they're right back. Sum'bitch.
  5. That sucks. Maybe next time tell him that your sister was chased by tattooed Guatemalan rapists.
  6. If Kallend is right, and I'm always on the fence wanting that, just who are the decent law abiding Indianans who sold them the guns? In fairness, you have pointed out that scofflaws don't care about laws.
  7. I'm not following your logic. What do you mean "clinging to it? I mean clinging to it as a justification for what they consider to be an irreparable situation; for the creation of more guns for sale to anyone tall enough to put money on the counter or a pocket big enough to put it in; for the inability to deprive anyone of their made out of whole cloth constitutional right. I could go on for pages. They regularly use the term "automatic" as if all the black military looking guns operate in that manner. All they know is that it looks like a military gun therefore it's desirable. FIFY. That is the point in a nutshell and that is why that dumb turd Kyle Rittenhouse was out at night playing vigilante. You seem to keep wanting to demonize me. At this point you should realize that I'm middle of the road on all this stuff. You state, ",,,, until folks like you get on board with the idea we have a problem with guns...." Middle of the road? Maybe on the road you live on but not on my road. All positions that include arguing nothing can be done owing to the immutability of the second amendment, the cost of collection and smelting, the happiness of law abiding citizens, or the thrills of a local culture that deludes itself into believing that shooting wild pigs from a "rotary platform" with "scary black" semi-automatic guns as if they were "mercs" was a sport for citizens not a job for government. And let's not kid ourselves, were fully automatic scary black guns legal to buy and use for that or any other purpose more than a few of your friends would own them. I'd argue that my position is much more middle of most folks road. I own guns and did a lot of different sorts hunting over the years. I quit because slob hunters who couldn't shoot were wounding and killing animals they mis-identified, or were too lazy to find, not the guns. Now that I don't hunt I am giving my guns to responsible hunters not selling them to anyone. All will go except an HMR-17, a Beretta semi-auto 12 gauge my dad gave me (the only semi auto I've even owned for hunting) and a Beretta 1301 tactical I have for home defense. I think at one time here, I offered some nice ones in trade for an AR-15 that I would turn in and got no takers. So I do know my guns and calibers and the difference between semi and full auto. I am comfortable with regulation that might result in overreach, the absolute banning of concealed carry without hard to achieve reasons, and open carry. As I see zero need for hunting North American game with a semi-automatic rifle I see no need for that as a justification for owning AR-15 style weapons. To me those are middle of the road positions that aren't going to materially harm society or individuals.
  8. Interesting observation. I've been assuming silhouette targets weren't being used. It'll be interesting to learn if the gun range folks really do use them.
  9. Until the “law abiding citizen “ trope is finally understood by the gun nuts that use it we will never have a solution. Why? Well if serious gun laws were exacted those law abiding citizens like BillE would hide their guns in opposition.
  10. To be fair, they really think that being gay or trans or Mexican is a choice you made after being exposed to woke librarians.
  11. I didn't say alter or dump it, that's not on offer. I suggested that folks like yourself need to stop clinging to it. Honestly, when you write "Scary Black" I consider you and others unserious. Bad enough that it has racist undertones, but it also denies a simple truth: some guns could be banned without overturning the 2nd but even that won't happen until folks like you get on board with the idea we have a problem with guns in America and are personally willing to sacrifice military style weapons as a first measure. That includes giving yours up before it's a law.
  12. Autofill, without it there is only fat thumb syndrome I guess.
  13. I am so sorry Mrs. Smith that your 5 year old daughter was torn apart by gunfire at last weeks school massacre. I just hope you can take solace in knowing that the NRA deluded maniac who killed her was using a simple firearm, not a "scary" gun as the left wing media wants you to believe. So in that sense it's somehow less bad, I think. Anyway, God Bless you and yours. Well, the yours you still have left, that is.
  14. It is not a good question. Good questions have answers yet to be known. Here, the answer is obvious: seriously enforce the ones we have and make more. Well, an A#1 place to start is to stop selling so many new and used ones to any one who wants one and on the thinnest pretext. Tax the living crap out of ammo, make registration laws with real teeth, and quit freakin' extolling the virtue of gun ownership and all of the stupid open and hidden carry laws and, finally, convince people like you that there is a way that does not include throwing your hands in the air or clinging sadly to an old and moribund constitutional amendment.
  15. No, I asked you, thank you. So this open border with Mexico problem, do you think it might partly be due to the indelicate manner in which we adjusted the border? You know how water levels between containers, yes? I don't know, but I'll guess Mexico would be happy to help with border control a little farther north than most folks in Texas would think is right. Might also explain why California is less tight assed about it than say Mifflin County, PA.
  16. So then we totally went in the wrong direction with AAD's and RSL's? Fortunately for me I'm still in the biz and can fix it now that I have data.
  17. It's systemic racism as opposed to the systematic denial of timelines or social injustices, for example. BTW how's that border hysteria going?
  18. Or this gem of a calm conservative lady:
  19. So a submissive, more traditional lady who just happens to know how to build a branches hut in the woods?
  20. Are you raising her to be a Tradwife or something, well, more liberal?
  21. But it does not lead to a reliance on the past to feel comfort or a desire for authority figures to hold your hand and make you feel safe and with social value by harming others.
  22. Because they are less imaginative and that is a consistent finding, according to Haidt, across societies. Go figure.
  23. Good for you, a PBS show. Jonathon Haidt gave a TED talk in 2008 that sounded smart and ended with the claim that enlightened liberals could by means of moral humility find common ground with conservatives. Well, that didn't age well. He was talking some light lifting with understanding Bush conservatives, of course, not MAGA. I did like this prescient slide he posted at the beginning of his talk though: