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Everything posted by gerryfuss

  1. I liked the picture of you swooping (at least thats what I think you were doing) that you had a few months ago now. You could always post the pumpkin head jump photo, thats a good one too.
  2. Have a good one Omri! I thought you were older than 19 though. Smoke a nice "CIGAR" (yeah cigar) and enjoy yourself.
  3. Roughly, if you can estimate, what would you charge to repair a few small holes (smaller then a regular sized pen say 1/2 the size) in a main canopy?
  4. I just finished watching a concert featuring a string quartet. Mandatory school thing. Now I have to write a report on it. 2/3 of it sucked, as in bored the hell out of me, the other 1/3 was o.k. What a great way to spend friday night. Wait? it's not even 10pm yet.... , I'm gonna hit the town! Tonight can be salvaged yet!
  5. Wish I was there too! Wait till you start freefalling , then you'll be like "Static what? "
  6. The key is to realize that your dreaming while dreaming. Not everyone can do this, but if you can it's possible to take control. I had a dream that I was in freefall and noticed that I didn't have any gear on. I realized I was dreaming and took over by making myself fly. I leveled out and landed just like a plane would. Only in our dreams though.......
  7. gerryfuss

    Guess where

    only 10 loads a day. where is it? It looks pretty nice. I wanna go too!
  8. I have nothing against anyone here but these threads really don't make any sense. Your last one was just as bad. If you want to talk to a few specific people that have any idea what your talking about then just pm them. What is the point of posting this letter that your buddy james wrote? If this was about a DZ being sued by a skydiver but you can't say specifics then wow, look how I just accomplished talking about a subject without going into details. My point is that your messages are so vague you can't really make anything out of them. I think others feel the same way.
  9. Hey Yardie, is the next shot gonna be of your legs?
  10. I attended RCC College of Technolgy and recieved a diploma in Electronics. Worked a few years in the field and am now attending Brock University majoring in Mathematics. Brock is less than a half hour from my home DZ so that kinda works out.
  11. yes, yes I do. (Note: my last name fuss (pronounced foose) is german and means "foot" so maybe thats the reason..."
  12. 1) By the time I was 10 I had already had to have stiches in my head 5 separate times, guess I was accident prone. 2) At 17 I had nowhere good to snowboard around my house so I decided to build a ramp on the roof of my parents house. That was actually fun.
  13. Likes free drugs from tha doctor "Drugs?, yes please!"
  14. I only have 50 jumps (49 last year) and have not jumped since mid October. I'm the opposite I guess, I can't wait to get back in the air. Hopefully within the next couple of weeks that will happen. Maybe you do just need a break. How long have you been jumping and have you ever had a break in that time? You may regret selling your gear in the future but you should do whatever you think you must. Hope you get the passion back.
  15. gerryfuss


    This is kinda depressing but a close friend of mines father commited suicide yesterday. Not looking for vibes, really more what to say, I'm speechless. I feel really bad for her. She had just moved in with her father about two months ago. I really don't know what to say here.......
  16. Doesn't your money have on it "In GOD WE TRUST". should that be removed as well. Where do you draw the line? If the guy is an athiest than what does he care if they use the word "god" , he doesn't believe in it. This reminds me of when I was in highschool the jehova's witness kids would always go out into the hall during the national anthem. Because the word "god" appears in the canadian national anthem? Jehova is what they call god so can't they pretend they say jehova there? . BTW the anthem was playing in the hallway as well. the worst part about it was they didn't really want to leave the classroom but thats what they were instructed to do by their parents. This little girl probably doesn't care if she pledges to the flag, but her father seems to want to start somthing by using his daughter as a pawn in this. my thoughts anyways.
  17. She has some purdy feet! h'yuk!
  18. I quit watching my bank account grow and started watching it dig a nice size hole.
  19. You seem to get excited quite easily, whoud ya like this big shiney nickel?
  20. then when people ask about vicki you can say "She's GRRRREAT!!!!!!!"
  21. Hope your "free sample" doesn't fall under some new test drug. Oh wow, your ears just fell off...
  22. You run for miss America and I'm sure you will get plenty of votes. How many other Miss America contestants have been active skydivers? I wonder if any at all........ Can I get that puppy now?
  23. I think our profile says very little about who we really are (well most peoples) and hopefully this thread will tell us things that a persons profile will not.