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    South Africa

Everything posted by Erroll

  1. The brits have been aound a lot longer than us savage yanks. So i can neither confirm or deny what your saying. Stiff upper lip old boy god save the queen etc. However based on the movie clockwork orange, the mods and rockers? unforgettable soccer games. and your claim for 100 % success blows the basic theory of the bell curve out of the water. To be 100% your either a very big dude, or are very selective on who you let into your castle Whats the secrete to your 100 % success rate? Pre screened, nobility, secrete hand shake, Rolls royces, tux's, & evening gowns only? I don't doubt what your saying I'm just trying to find the secrete to your success. I'm made a major o shit this time. Feel free to PM me your secrete. Trust me I won't tell a soul even my wife and I've never caught myself talking in my sleep. R.I.P. He let ME stay with him and his lovely wife And you didn't secrete anything over her.
  2. I may be wrong but I thought aspect ratio was related to chord vs span of the canopy and not height vs width of the cells. Can someone confirm? One of us is severely misunderstanding the situation! You and Wendy are both correct. Aspect ratio is the ratio between any two dimensions, eg. width and height. This can apply to wings, cells and even TV screens.
  3. The original poster does not have his country in his profile, but I won't be surprised if he is from SA. Frommel is an Afrikaans word which, in a skydiving context, means pretty much the same as funnel.
  4. I just walked by the TV and saw the end of a Sanlam ad which looked like it featured Chris doing a tandem. Did I see right? Is he famous now?
  5. Surely even the most determined of conspiracy theorists could not be so stupid as to believe that the American President, the CIA, the military, the US goverment would claim to have killed Bin Laden and then risk him releasing one of his tapes showing him holding today's copy of the New York Times.
  6. I don't know if it is related, but the groupon is now all the way down here. A banner ad here on 70% off a skydive ???
  7. Whatever these objectives are will proove to be unattainable without 'boots on the ground'. This appears to be just another attempt at regime change, which shows all the signs of back firing yet again.
  8. Well, at least you acknowledge where the problem lies.
  9. If he saw Ron's well written and respectful letter, and he saw your post, which one do you think will influence him the most?
  10. You may also want to do some research into exactly what happened to Australia's native countrymen.
  11. And if the bad guy who woke you has a bunch of garlic around his neck, what's good is the bat going to be??? Happy Christmas.
  12. Santa Claus. If there was no God, there would be no need for atheists.
  13. You could do that. You could also ask if they have any 'sense of humour' or perhaps some 'tongue in cheek' in stock.
  14. Perhaps there is more to this than meets the eye?
  15. I have just returned from a glorious holiday on the island of Zanzibar. I suspect I have stumbled across some evidence that some here would like to be surpressed, but in the interests of fair play I have decided to share this revelation...... It is true.
  16. i know of artillery that has a radius of 25km; and they dont even need to look, it's that accurate! The South African developed self propelled G6 howitzer and its towed brother, the G5, can reach 30km easily. (I doubt that North Korea has any, but the G5s have certainly been 'deployed' in Iraq.)
  17. It has been a long time, but put a cammo paint job on that plane and it looks almost exactly like the spotter planes we (SA) used during the SWA/Angola bush war.
  18. I rest my case. As you should Indeed. No more evidence required.