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    South Africa

Everything posted by Erroll

  1. Just exactly how old are you?. Intellectually, I mean.
  2. Oh, I'm not so sure about that!
  3. I'm pretty sure that the Chute Shop (South Africa) made a canopy called the Peregrine in the early '90s, but I suspect that is not what you wanted to know!
  4. Erroll


    As in "Some of my best friends are Black"? I have just returned from a four week trip to the US (bass fishing on Lake Okeechobee, FL) and I can tell you without fear of contradiction, racism is alive and well in the USA. And I assure you, I know racism when I see it! Did I mention any 'specific' race? You're generalizing and I sense an insinuation I'm racist by your statement. If that's the case, you don't know me or how I feel. Sadly, racism is alive and well here and not just in the South but that doesn't mean everyone is. You don't seem to have your eyes open all the way. Chuck I freely admit to generalising - because that was my general impression. The purpose of my post was not to accuse anyone - it was merely to point out to you and Dave that racism is very real and very prevalent.
  5. Erroll


    As in "Some of my best friends are Black"? I have just returned from a four week trip to the US (bass fishing on Lake Okeechobee, FL) and I can tell you without fear of contradiction, racism is alive and well in the USA. And I assure you, I know racism when I see it!
  6. As a matter of idle curiosity, did they teach spelling and grammar at your Uni?
  7. You want to narrow that down a tad? After all, there aren't that many casinos in Africa....
  8. The reports are saying frozen H2O. I'll believe it when I see 'Arrowhead' set up a bottling plant there! Wouldn't that be outsourcing?
  9. You have probably noticed that fewer and fewer people are asking your opinion as time goes on. It is, after all, the year 2012.
  10. From CNN: The finals of the first Wingsuit Flying World Championship is held in Zhangjiajie, China
  11. Chinese women also don't like the sun.
  12. [reply...seceded.... Freudian slip?
  13. Winsor said nothing about 'choosing'. I suspect you used that word very deliberately.
  14. Thank you for the nice sentiments, Lori. As for Phelps, I'm over him! He is a brilliant young swimmer with a bright future ahead of him and I will follow his career with interest. A bit of irony regarding this whole issue:- To my knowledge three of the four South Africans in that relay team are on sholarships...... IN THE US of A! Phelps is now the most decorated Olympian of all time. Well done. Well done also to Le Clos. He is still only twenty - watch out for him in 2016!
  15. At the risk of sounding disparaging, do you not think that there are indeed a lot of folk whose votes do get influenced by these silly polls, whether it is through ignorance or something else?
  16. As long as you have your legs amputated first.
  17. [reply Once the devices get good enough to guarantee a win, then will all athletes be allowed to use various pieces of equipment to keep up? Only the ones who are prepared to have their legs amputated.
  18. 30%, apparently...... Clearly the CAS disagreed: Really. The Commission for Arbitration in Sport has an agenda. You are going to have to do better than that. 'Blade runner' Pistorius handed dream double Olympic ticket
  19. Erroll

    tko - mike tyson

    No more goodbyes?
  20. Erroll


    Two-in-one:- Helicopter-cat
  21. It has been said that it is better to have 'a line over' than 'a nut under'...
  22. From Sky News : I find this mildly amusing.