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    South Africa

Everything posted by Erroll

  1. I haven't learned much, as yet, about the major competitors. I see where Australia and S. Africa are major players in the cricket world....along with maybe Pakistan and India, right? Below is a list of countries with 'test status', in current ranking order (taken from Cricinfo):- ICC Test Championship Team Matches Points Rating England 37 4634 125 South Africa 28 3277 117 India 46 5111 111 Australia 42 4655 111 Pakistan 31 3081 99 Sri Lanka 35 3426 98 West Indies 30 2654 88 New Zealand 24 1998 83 Bangladesh 18 76 4 Zimbabwe is currently unranked. There are several other countries with cricket teams, such as the Netherlands, Kenya, Afghanistan, but they have not achieved test status and only play in One Day Internationals.
  2. Hmmmm.... That is one thing nobody can accuse him of yet.
  3. At least they are easier to spot than white or blue ones, eh?
  4. Well, that would explain my polka-dot sock from earlier. Although the postings style is familiar to someone else - alas, I can't put my finger on it.
  5. I bet you are a polka-dot sock, except I can't place who for?
  6. Don't be too hard on Lawrence. I heard his guide dog died on Thursday.
  7. And again in 1971, around Thanksgiving?
  8. Well, there's your problem!
  9. You may want to rephrase that....
  10. You folks give yourselves way too much credit. Out of the 10000 pages you would struggle to fill even one page with factual and useful information.
  11. That is something else that confuses us non-Americans. Just how much can be attributed to the President in office, given your system of the House and the Senate. The President has some executive powers, some veto powers, but at the end of the day surely it is Congress which makes the decisions? Indeed.
  12. From my somewhat removed and distant (but interested) perspective, the above is exactly what I have been witnessing in this forum for many years. The one side would rather see America fail when the other side is in power, than to do anything to help America succeed. The schadenfreude mentality is pervasive, although I notice it more so from the Reps than the Dems.
  13. Is that Bill Booth on the left of the picture? Didn't he start out in the early seventies? Coincidence?
  15. This is exactly where the difference lies. At that altitude one has no perception of depth, as opposed to standing on a high ledge, ladder or roof. It presents a completely different sensation to the mind.
  16. My son and I recently did a tandem to celebrate his 21st. Our jumpsuits had 'straps' sewn on above and below the knees. This made lifting the legs very easy. If your tandem pax don't wear jumpsuits however....
  17. Perhaps make some clothes using the Emperor's cloths?
  18. From your first post: From your second post: Really? After seeing the rousing standing ovation Ms Giffords received from both sides of the aisle, I'd suggest that your classless post will not get much support.
  19. Looks like what I know as a Harvard. The SA Air Force used to use them as primary trainers in the old days.
  20. The brits have been aound a lot longer than us savage yanks. So i can neither confirm or deny what your saying. Stiff upper lip old boy god save the queen etc. However based on the movie clockwork orange, the mods and rockers? unforgettable soccer games. and your claim for 100 % success blows the basic theory of the bell curve out of the water. To be 100% your either a very big dude, or are very selective on who you let into your castle Whats the secrete to your 100 % success rate? Pre screened, nobility, secrete hand shake, Rolls royces, tux's, & evening gowns only? I don't doubt what your saying I'm just trying to find the secrete to your success. I'm made a major o shit this time. Feel free to PM me your secrete. Trust me I won't tell a soul even my wife and I've never caught myself talking in my sleep. R.I.P. He let ME stay with him and his lovely wife And you didn't secrete anything over her.
  21. I may be wrong but I thought aspect ratio was related to chord vs span of the canopy and not height vs width of the cells. Can someone confirm? One of us is severely misunderstanding the situation! You and Wendy are both correct. Aspect ratio is the ratio between any two dimensions, eg. width and height. This can apply to wings, cells and even TV screens.
  22. The original poster does not have his country in his profile, but I won't be surprised if he is from SA. Frommel is an Afrikaans word which, in a skydiving context, means pretty much the same as funnel.
  23. I just walked by the TV and saw the end of a Sanlam ad which looked like it featured Chris doing a tandem. Did I see right? Is he famous now?