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Everything posted by Spiderbaby

  1. Actually, we've had three full on fuc*king blizzards in 3 weeks and these kids are still jumping. I care as well. I'm usually the token, "group chicken", so that makes it even more engaging. If I'm gonna chicken out in front of a whole new group of kids this summer, I need to know how bad I'm gonna get flamed. edit: for super-baked spelling "It takes a big man to cry, it takes an even bigger man to make that big man cry"
  2. Seems like he belongs in the club to me. 150 skydives is not too few, and real BASE gear might be impossible to find in his area(although APEX ships worldwide, heh heh). I'm actually super impressed with this guys motivation, and he's got Cutie McEyecandy at the exit point with him as well, just like a real flicker. Mr. thirdworld BASE newbie has a fanclub now, me. "It takes a big man to cry, it takes an even bigger man to make that big man cry"
  3. Same thing goes for "Grain Elevators" people, and you know who I'm talkin to! "It takes a big man to cry, it takes an even bigger man to make that big man cry"
  4. Yeah man, that's a sweet humerus or two, or three ya got there.... "It takes a big man to cry, it takes an even bigger man to make that big man cry"
  5. BACON, BACON, BACON!!!!!!!!!! Only a cop jumps a filthy damned Falcon 175... "It takes a big man to cry, it takes an even bigger man to make that big man cry"
  6. Hmmm...No info, no previous posts....I smell bacon! "It takes a big man to cry, it takes an even bigger man to make that big man cry"
  7. Spiderbaby

    BASE family

    Joy, Thanks again for all you do and being a Texan while doing it. Gaper, let's Sin in your town real soon in the new year. Wait'll you see what I bought. "It takes a big man to cry, it takes an even bigger man to make that big man cry"
  8. Have them fused in a straight out tracking position. That would be wicked. "It takes a big man to cry, it takes an even bigger man to make that big man cry"
  9. Spiderbaby


    Since you been gone, Ray Losli topped your Britney picture. You're gonna have to really bring it next time! Welcome back... "It takes a big man to cry, it takes an even bigger man to make that big man cry"
  10. PM Sent. --------"It takes a big man to cry, but it takes an even bigger man to make that big man cry"---------- "It takes a big man to cry, it takes an even bigger man to make that big man cry"
  11. I don't know of a faster growing "2nd sport" amongst climbers. BASE jumping has traditionally had more than a few BASE/Climbers floating around. But it seems to be gaining in popularity by leaps and bounds, pun intended. My biggest early BASE inspiration came from a Rock and Ice Magazine feature that was written by Randy Leavitt (BASE 30something?). Isn't hanggliding allowed in the Parks with some type of permit. This would seem to be a conflict of interests as well. Alot of angles to think about. ---"It takes a big man to cry, but it takes an even bigger man to make that big man cry"--- "It takes a big man to cry, it takes an even bigger man to make that big man cry"
  12. That's what it should say on your tombstone MH, "He was good for 4 days of dirty old lady viewing". That's what I want it to say on MY tombstone though. You scooped me again.... "It takes a big man to cry, it takes an even bigger man to make that big man cry"
  13. Dammit MH, I wanted that picture under MY name, you sneaky shit!!!! Hommie and Losli win the posts of the month award. "It takes a big man to cry, it takes an even bigger man to make that big man cry"
  14. Oooooohhh BURN! Tim is so busted! Have you been padding your BASE #s with whatever this "Moon Tower" object is. I heard only 5 M.T. jumps add to your total #s!......Oh F*ck it, I can't flame if I don't know what your talking about..... "It takes a big man to cry, it takes an even bigger man to make that big man cry"
  15. Dammit Stokes!, enough of your positive posts with clear examples of canopy flight characteristics and site history relevant to this topic. There was some sweet sh*tslinging going on for a while and someone was gonna get whacked for sure. "It takes a big man to cry, it takes an even bigger man to make that big man cry"
  16. Spiderbaby


    Ya don't know any locals and ya don't have a rig, just a rental car.....If someone actually shows up at the airport with a packed rig and takes you to one of their sites, they would technically be considered a saint! By my standards anyways... "It takes a big man to cry, it takes an even bigger man to make that big man cry"
  17. Obviously my choice is Tommy Aiello. But, if you could have anyone moderate this forum/board, who would it be? "It takes a big man to cry, it takes an even bigger man to make that big man cry"
  18. Oooooohh! MikePelkey, way to come strong with the Sir Edmund Hillary. That guy's one of my heros. "It takes a big man to cry, it takes an even bigger man to make that big man cry"
  19. "Parachutes are like women, If you show em too much attention, they'll fu*k you over every time" Earl Redfern "It takes a big man to cry, it takes an even bigger man to make that big man cry"
  20. "Tom, how big is your pendulator?" I might be new to this thread, but that seems like something between Tom and his lady. I'm going out on a limb and saying i think mostwanted was wasted when he typed those words... "It takes a big man to cry, it takes an even bigger man to make that big man cry"
  21. 37 yrs. old 10 yrs. B.A.S.E. 300+ flix (mostly Moab) "It takes a big man to cry, it takes an even bigger man to make that big man cry"
  22. Yeah, Hank was totally the stud in that movie! He wasn't as funny as Jimmy, but what a hunk!!!!!!I'm gettin 5 copies and 3 T-shirts. "It takes a big man to cry, it takes an even bigger man to make that big man cry"
  23. Spiderbaby

    Gear Checks

    Hooky Baby, THERE IS NO "A TEAM"! Although, now that there is an actually recognized "B Team" here in our State. I wan't in!!!! I don't like being left out of anything as you know. It's like politics, fuck the Left Wing and Right Wing, join us in the middle, it's better here. PLEASE come visit us though, we will show you such subterminal delights and hospitality!!! Love, love, Hanky!! "It takes a big man to cry, it takes an even bigger man to make that big man cry"
  24. Nicknitro 71, I would love to see you be the one to make every jumper pop thier packjob at the exit point and point out EXACTLY what kind of canopy they are jumping, and then repack it to your satisfaction. If you have ever been to a bridge day,(or any other gathering/boogie) you know how frustrating B.A.S.E. jumpers can be when questioned about what thier doin and what they got goin on inside the container. Bridge Day is 6 hours. GoFast Games are 3 full days. Please don't confuse the two. NOT trying to sound elitist at all, just saying that B.A.S.E. events are still young and we are all learning. Massive LOVE to the NEW.R.G. Please put on the best show possible, we all benefit from good judgement. Hanky!!!! "It takes a big man to cry, it takes an even bigger man to make that big man cry"
  25. Yeah, I had a front row seat at the landing area, and trying to sink a Trathalon 135 into this particular landing area, off of this particular object was the problem, along with a sail slider and whatever P/C. Regardless, heal fast Robin and buy some damn B.A.S.E. gear. Hank "It takes a big man to cry, it takes an even bigger man to make that big man cry"