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Everything posted by RippedCord

  1. And "fun." You forgot "fun." The website clearly indicates that "fun" will be included.
  2. I'm editing this because this was supposed to be a PM to Michele and I had too many frappacinos and posted the potential list we discussed at Starbucks on TalkBack, instead of sending it to her. Read Michele's post below for a coherent communication... :::headslap!::: D'oh! (ouch :::rubbing boo-boo:::) Jan 17 10-way speed meet @ Elsinore AMDG
  3. I couldn't agree more! Victory is mine! AMDG
  4. Homeowners or renters insurance. You don't need to have it written into the policy as all your possessions are insured for the named perils anywhere in the world up to the stated limits in the policy; your rig will fall well within those limits. However, with large ticket items, it is always good to have receipts and/or video of your posessions to make the claims process go more smoothly should you need to file a claim. Generally, when you are filling out the application, it asks if you own any especially valuable items and what they're worth--but this language isn't binding. AMDG
  5. ...and it was great! In fact, I'm signed up to go again for the April session. Also, the dates of June 23-27 and August 18-22 were recently added. AMDG
  6. At the 10-way speed meet in Elsinore this Saturday (Jan 17), "Part 55 rules will be in effect in regards to grips and separation." What are Part 55 rules? Where do they come from? AMDG
  7. must be a secret: no grip no show part 55 rules??? AMDG
  8. but does she jump? Does she speak English? AMDG
  9. There is a 10 Way Speed Meet being held at Elsinore on Saturday Jan 17. The website presupposes alot of knowledge about competitions, and I have some questions: 1. According to the website "Part 55 rules will be in effect in regards to grips and separation." What in the world are "Part 55 rules?" 2. What's a No-Show No-Grip exit? 3. Round One mentions a "3rd point." Are there any rules with regard to what formations must be formed at each point, or can the team decide that a grip release and re-grip in a standard round formatio with no movement is a point all in itself? Has anyone done this before? What are my chances of getting on a team if I just show up on Saturday morning? AMDG
  10. ...which is to say, you've stopped dating altogether? AMDG
  11. I placed an order on Dec 7 and still have nothing. What's an average turnaround time for these people? AMDG
  12. Did they expire? And did anyone ever take you up on this offer? AMDG
  13. She's still got her cherry! Her lips had a glistening saliva-like sheen, And the "beard" wasn't there; she was shaved fully clean! AMDG
  14. I just got my "B" license and am ready to jump from the helicopter on the 17th and 18th! (Assuming that the Dr. says its OK to jump 8 days after my laser eye surgery this Friday. :::crossing fingers, knocking wood, knocking three times on the ceiling:::) AMDG
  15. Unfortunately, that yes-combination wasn't an option. It would've had to've been "No, moderators can do whatever they want." or "Yes, they had no business blocking the door." In each case the remainder of the sentence contradicts the original affirmation or negation to the question. AMDG
  16. Well, skydiving definitely involves the occupancy or use of an aircraft. It is excluded. If your agent tells you differently, get that in writing so that when you get sued you can pass the suit's damages onto his Errors & Omissions liability carrier if your claim is denied by your homeowners carrier. AMDG
  17. Is this one of those questions that Kirk proposed to Nomad in "The Changeling?" If one answers "yes, moderators should be allowed to do anything they want" then that conflicts with the rest of sentence which would discourage moderators having unlimited rights on the airplane. Likewise, answering "no, moderaters should not be allowed to do anything they want" conflicts with the rest of the sentence which would give them free reign. My brain hurts and I am torn between the freedom of the individual versus the good of the many. AMDG
  18. From the clicky: Please understand that if you use the link below there may be photos that show partial nudity Ahh, the good memories of partial nudity! Or was that the partial memories of nudity?? AMDG
  19. Section II of any of the basic ISO policies provides Personal Liability coverage: "If a claim is made or a suit is brought against an 'insured' for damages because of 'bodily injury' or 'property damage' caused by an 'occurrence' to which this coverage applies, we will pay up to our limit of liabilty for the damages for which an 'insured' is legally liable." Now, that is the insuring clause which is very broad and is followed by a set of exclusions (as opposed to Section I which covers only certain named perils). One of the standard exclusions is "aircraft liability." And the policy will read "This policy does not cover 'aircraft liability.'" You then need to go to the definitions section which says this is liability for 'bodily injury' or 'property damage' arising out of the "Maintenance, occupancy, operation, use, loading or unloading of such vehicle or craft by any person." OK...that's personal liability from a usual homeowners form. The poll above actually addresses "excess liability" which usually refers to an umbrella coverage over one's personal auto and homeowner's liabilty coverages, and you'd need to check that policy to see if it "drops down" to cover liability from occurrences excluded by the primary policies.
  20. #2 Pull Safe: (pull at a safe altitude) #3 Pull Stable: (pull in a stable body position) #4 Land Safely AMDG
  21. What was the resolve on this story? AMDG
  22. How long has your other been your other half? AMDG