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Everything posted by RippedCord

  1. Go to school. Get your education. THEN spend time on your hobbies. There's too much going on right now and you have the whole summer to start jumping again. -just my 2 cents. AMDG
  2. I haven't ridden a motorcycle in traffic since I was 19, and then, rarely on the highway. I definitely feel safer in the plane with two chutes on my back and two highly trained people jumping out with me, than I think I might at 80 mph in LA traffic. But hey...sometimes perception is everything. Use it or lose it. (OK, so I ripped off that perception thing from Jonathan Bach's "Illusions." ) AMDG
  3. No, not according to Beer Rule 7 "If more than one first is accomplished on a single jump, only one case of beer is required." See: here or here AMDG
  4. [major excitement] Oh man! I can't wait to lose that "Wee Willy Winkie" feeling! [/major excitement] AMDG
  5. Will do. (Will our jump really take the whole day?--that's gonna be a loooong fall.
  6. LAX to Perris Total Distance: 86.49 miles Total Estimated Time: 1 hour, 27 minutes Mapquest AMDG
  7. Also: Try this slideshow link on Pro-packing AMDG
  8. I took the class, jumped my pack job and did two more pack jobs that day. After that, I ordered a video and watched it--couldn't figure out what the heck the guy was doing on the video. Spaghetti and plastic! I had no confidence. Someone packed my chute for me on the two weekends I jumped subsequent to that. I took a second packing class (from the other school at my DZ) three weeks after my first one. Things were much clearer this time; but I was also now packing a 7-cell canopy. Also, once I realized that the outside lines attach to the canopy in TWO(!) places (the stablizer and the canopy itself), things were much clearer. As there is another DZ with a third school close by. I'm thinking about going over there for a third class--couldn't hurt, right? It takes me 30-40 minutes to pack a Spectre 230 7-cell and most of the helpful comments I got last time were along the lines of "aren't you done yet?" Its great to know there's someone out there that was (& is?) just as frustrated as me! AMDG
  9. Oh! THAT Michele, the big-boobied dominatrix from Vegas who tours with a 'girlfriend' named Cora? No, I've never met her. (My gosh, at $450 an hour, who can afford to?....sheesh!) AMDG
  10. The Poop Report: Your Source for Poop AMDG
  11. Kallend's post in Talk Back under "Getting to Perris --not a POPs member (yet) AMDG
  12. One forum; one language. I work for an international company based in Germany. There is ONE official language--it is English. AMDG
  13. PLR -- Parachute Landing Roll I agree, I think this would go a long way in achieving a subtle shift in perception, and therefore execution. AMDG
  14. RippedCord


    Can you attach a pic of one o' these monsters? AMDG
  15. But in the meantime, let's make up our own. I'll begin and you guys add the next sentence or two. Once upon a time, in a land, not so very far away, lived a little red headed girl whose eyes looked up at the sky with a passion heretofore unknown amongst the boys and girls with which she grew up and ran and played... AMDG
  16. And the warmest wishes today go to Perris DZ's Kathy Skeie (aka 'keskeie') who celebrates another year of life on the planet. HAVE A GREAT, GREAT DAY, AND AN EVEN BETTER YEAR! AMDG
  17. "Ohh, that's it Mr. Giraffe, get all the marmalade." AMDG
  18. I always refer to this condition by the now somewhat antiquated term of "broken needle disease." AMDG
  19. Whoa-ho, "Fun and hijinx." Say no more, Squire! (Does anybody else end up with a chorus of "Lady Skydiver" to the tune of Gary Pucket's "Lady Willpower" running around in their head whenever they hear Cora's handle?
  20. Just because this account makes me smile... ^bump^ AMDG
  21. Keith Sarah - middle name/current street Rainbow Misty Mountain - First pet/childhood street AMDG