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Everything posted by RippedCord

  1. Couldn't resist: An album is a collection of works. A disc of vinyl is a record. AMDG
  2. Flyangel2 is a little hairier than I'd imagined. AMDG
  3. Original post deleted. I'm going to stay out of this topic as its overtones are clearly more political than anything else. AMDG
  4. RippedCord


    Of course, my favorite song to hear as I'm getting ready to head for the dropzone is Ted Nugent's "Free for All" which features the line: When in doubt, I'll whip it. AMDG
  5. RippedCord


    Other than Lynnard Skynnard? Most obvious and famous crash:
  6. RippedCord


    B-u-s-c-em-i - aka "Mr. Pink" in Resevoir Dogs. (he also wrote & starred in Trees Lounge.) Edited to add what I think was the best line in Con Air: Garland Greene: Define irony: a bunch of idiots dancing on a plane to a song made famous by a band that died in a plane crash." AMDG
  7. Bill on why drugs are illegal, after a "heroic" dose of psilocybin mushrooms: I laid in a field of green grass for four hours going "My God, I love everything." The heavens parted, God looked down and rained gifts of forgiveness onto my being healing me on every level: psychically, physically, emotionally. And I realized our true nature is spirit not body, that we are eternal beings, and God's love is unconditional and there's nothing we can ever do to change that. It is only our illusion that we are separate from God or that we are alone. In fact, the reality is that we are one with God and he loves us. I love Bill, unfortunately, one doesn't need drugs to have this spiritual experience and come to the same conclusion. AMDG
  8. RippedCord


    You need to pass them along to Valerie, here AMDG
  9. Spectre 230; Out the door: 225 lbs; 1000 ft -- from the altitude at which the audible in the ProTrack says to initiate my "wave-off" to the altitude my Pro-Track reads I am "in the saddle." I like to pull at 3500, so that I'd be at 2500 when I'd know something was wrong. (I have
  10. According to Wise Old Mr.Owl, thrrree! AMDG
  11. Fool me once; shame on you. Fool me twice; shame on me. AMDG
  12. What was the big secret that I let out of the bag? Mu...yep...they played RIGHT into your hands! AMDG
  13. edited by request... AMDG
  14. I wonder where the cliffhanger will be inserted. Read the 222 page draft of the script here or here AMDG
  15. Wow, you're so romantic. Just so you know, what i wrote is actually all true.'s what I'm hearin' don't feel much like dancin' Some man's gone, he's tried to run my life Don't know what he's askin' He tells me I'd better get in line Can't hear what he's sayin' When I grow up, I'm gonna make it mine These ain't dues I been payin' AMDG
  16. on each side? The front AND the back? Can't wait to meetcha!!! AMDG
  17. 39 SWM no children never married emotional black hole of need with intimacy fears iso compatible carbon-based life form -- preference given to spiritually centered individuals grounded by hefty bank accounts who don't need me to fill their empty lives with meaningful activities and ideas they couldn't possibly come up with on their own. If your best friend came up to you and said, "Listen man, you know we're best friends, right? Let's sign a contract that says we're best friends for life, and then if we ever decide not to be best friends, we go to court and you give me half your stuff." You'd be like, "That's retarded." wouldn't you? (>o|-< AMDG
  18. GREAT! Can we get together and not have sex? AMDG
  19. UKULELE ?!? Lori "Ukulele" Thomas--OK, I like the way that rolls out... AMDG
  20. How many of you have had to cutaway because of line twists? Was it because the canopy was elliptical or "high performance?" I've always (in the 75+ days I've been doing this) thought that line twists were no big deal. The following quote from 'happythoughts' in the How do you get to thousands of jumps with no cutaways? thread really surprised me. AMDG
  21. If you look carefully, outlined in the folds of the TP, is a figure of the Blessed Virgin Mother weeping for all the seed spilled upon the ground in front of computers around the world. Santa Maria! AMDG