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Everything posted by flyingferret

  1. If only you knew how perfect your post is following mine -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  2. No...they just made a new standard because it is worse. Actually, define better. It is definitely better performing. But for right now the price is still abit high to switch mobos and vid cards. In a year, it will be the defacto standard I suspect. -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  3. Mmmm....I like this subject. I am a bit of a hamburger connaisseur. There is a variety of good hamburgers in my mind, all good for different reasons. All different styles from gourmet to burger joint...they all have their special attractions. If you are ever in DFW, ask, because I know where to get them On the Dallas note: Bailey 1st and 10 sport bar has awesome burgers, more on the greasy side and great cottage fries. On the Fort Worth side, there is a little place called Cypress Cafe that has a bit more gourmet stuff, offering sprouts and avocado, but equally juicy/greasy. Their mushroom swiss is literally dripping off. Then regarding the earlier Chicago post: A Stilton burger at a place called Goose Island right by Wrigley field. It has a burger totally encased in peppercorns, topped with stilton cheese, roasted garlic cloves, and spicy mustard on a black russian bun. At Fuddruckers, my fav is a triple cheese (swiss, chedder, american) burger with diced pink onions, tomato, leaf lettuce, mayo, and mustard. Typically, I dont really like cheeseburgers, but the triple combination is good. If I am grilling my own, I make two thin hamburgers 'halves', wide and flat...then put hot pepper jack cheese in the middle, then join the halves and mold into a patty. In addition to that my patty mix includes :85% lean (anything leaner and it is too dry, one egg for bonding, very finely diced bell peppers and onions, a bit or worchestire sauce, a bit of bbq sauce, and old bay seasoning. It is the perfect moist mix. These are then topped with onions, tomatos, lettuce, and mayo and mustard. In my mind, ketchup rarely belongs on my burger. I will eat a whopper with it already on there, but I never add it. I like mayo, mustard, or 1000 island better. dang, now I am hungry. -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  4. Yeah, wait for it to turn almost black, then freeze it, then use it to make banana bread.....the best kind. -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  5. movie reference -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  6. Well you can thank automatic markup language in forums. The protocol needs to be MMS becase it is M$ Streaming. I cannot URL it I guess, so delete the http: or copy and paste this: mms:// -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  7. Linkage found here: mms:// -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  8. There was all kinds of speculation on a loccl radio station because they thought one of them was Jenna Jameson. They called Burger King, and the ad agency, the Cowboys, etc, etc. Personally, I have not seen the ad. -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  9. Meh, Dave has all the boxset anyway. -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  10. Hard core. Back in December we jumped in Texas with snow on the ground and 9 degrees on the ground. Have no idea how cold it was up there, plus wind. I made one jump and stopped. It was cold to the point that I was worried about emergency procedures if I had to. Won't do it again. Live to jump another day. -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  11. Good call it might be SSL session control on the server side....are you running NAT? -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  12. Pillaging at 170 KB -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  13. Very weird, because that button is pure html a href code -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  14. Yeah, seen pics of it. It is actually built from balsa wood, but very convincingly. -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  15. Yeah, you know...the link of a link of a link. Actually on this one: Was searching for RC stuff for previous thread, followed a link to the jet powered sail plane, then in the photo gallery on that site, saw some girls with a "Remove before flight" tank top. Googled for that, among other places, it took me to cafe press. Once there I also checked the geek category. See? On the good side, Dave and I end up googling stuff for loved ones in like under 60 seconds, and instincitvely know what strings will carry weight -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  16. hehehe -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  17. Thanks for the confirmation....I ended up finding that out several posts up, after I had posted the thread. Still rather intriguing, and pretty incredible piloting. How accurate are the physics models? And they be modified to that degree that the piloting is easier? -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  18. The really weird part is the auto focus on the camcorder...when the plane drifts, why would a sim video do that? But it is confirmed AFP is Aerofly Pro, hence the title of the video and thread. -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  19. Damn it here I co answering my own questions: It is fake, kinda.... It is in the aerofly simulator, but there is a pilot actually flying it, and it is based on totally legit physics for that that make it real? -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  20. Maybe: -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  21. I kind of collect cool r/c videos, like the huge b-52, and its sad crash. This was forwarded to me today...and wow! Amazing...but is it real? It almost seems too good. Anyone know? -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  22. That is great...I am loving stuff like this, you hear it more often these days. I still think the turning point was years ago when a V8 commercial listed a wanna be computer geek as a list of attiributes for a women needing energ from V8. Of course most of us here are pretty diverse, including at least geek and skydiving, so perhaps that is the difference. But I love that realization for those who get it, that all those 'dorky' things we used to to were sponsored by the same intellect that now makes us do that desirable stuff. The perspective is funny. Had my gf and I met any earlier than last year, we probably wouldn't have been dating, as I was closer to the geek/anal end of the spectrum and she was closer to the other end. In the end it is all about variety. Of course that is a biased opinion since I skydive, scuba, ride a harley, do photography, am a geek, and read sensitivity books But the geek part sure is useful these days...perhaps we are the next version of the hot rod mechanic? -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  23. Amazing if you really think about it. -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  24. So, you are advocating disapointing individuals to please the masses? -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  25. ANyone seen that Sony Vaio ad for the involving video conferencing from home? hehehe -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.