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Everything posted by flyingferret

  1. Speed kills....but first it makes you thin. -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  2. The lovely thing about the internet is that everyone thinks there opinion is fact without any proof, particularly matters in which an objective answer is impossible. It is funny how wrapped up people get. The village showed some creativity, more than a lot of movies. Of course maybe it should not have been packaged as horror, but then all of M. Night's are. I dont really think it was 'horror' though, that would be cheesy half dressed chickes with chainsaws. It propped as drama with some scary stuff. And of course at a few moments most of us jumped a bit. Better than princess diaries right? Or the forgotten. -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  3. Yep. If your mouse will go over there, other windows will go over there too. If yo ureally wanted, you can set which desktop is defualt under the display settings, you could make your TV the 'desktop' -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  4. The worst I have seen was probably in the high desert of New Mexico, west of Albuquerque following a storm. I had every piece of clothing on I had, fleece, raingear, etc and it was freezing. Not sure what the actual temp was, i would estimate probably high 30s. Anyway, if I am riding around town or to work, and I know it will get warmer later, I will ride in almost any temp as long as there is no precip. If it is a long distance trip, there better be a something really good waiting. After enough time on the bike, I reached about where voluntray trips should be fun...there will always be another one. I feel justified to say this as I have ridden Sturgis and back, and I have ridden DFW to Oakland and back in 5 days and got the iron butt to show for it. Those are totally different rides than cruising around town. -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  5. Perhaps some discussion of the definition is in order. All of the studies that I have had balance free will with pre ordination. In the opposite, your choice was decided long before you made it by fate/God/whatever. So, perhaps you and I are using the words differently. But, what you appear to citing is the absence of cause and effect, that of course does not exist, nor could it possibly ever exist under our laws of physics. What cite are choices unrestricted by a foreign entity, and we have that. Forces may out on the outcome either way, but the choice is not restricted. IF it were, we would restrict crime, but restricting the decision no? -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  6. You are confusing the consequences of the choice with the ability to make it. We all have the ability to make the choices. The wise ones balance them against the results. But that is our choosing, again a free will choice. As Rush said: You can choose a ready guide in some celestial voice. If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice. You can choose from phantom fears and kindness that can kill; I will choose a path that's clear I will choose freewill. -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  7. You dont have to edit it, you can paste it in. And type ON TOP of the image. Then print it. Actually SkyMama, I hate to disagree with Dave, but you dont per say need Acrobat. You kind of do. The scanner is already saving in PDF it sounds like. BUT, even if you have acrobat you will have to set up an entry field everywhere you want to type. SO...unless you are typing them a lot, it really is not worth it. The only time it is when form will be used a lot and the company designs it in PDFs with fill in the blanks and distributes. For the record, when designed correctly like that, you can fill in the blanks with Reader, no purchase required. -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  8. This kind of equipment is serious and requires experience, much like downsizing too quickly. I am trying to save other people from serious injury. I do feel that the Icarus ad about openings as soft and landing in pillows probably applies here. But I do feel like proper tire maintanence would be essential, and it would probably forego carrying any t-bag luggage. -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  9. Fell free, I have permission to pass on. Would you mind let me know roughly where it is going? I think he would get a kick out of it. Thanks. -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  10. What PSI are you running the rear tire at? and what kind of walk are you getting in corners? I am quite curious about these specs. It seems like a large risk of losing the center of gravity altogether, by shifting it several feet higher. -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  11. Anyone have more info on this? Seems like the pilot is alright. What is the whtie thing he is playing with on the way down? It looks almost like a pilot chute. -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  12. Awesome, me too. She has been emailing me regarding tech stuff and IRCOMM2K. -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  13. Where are those pics? Looks like that stretch right by Tehachapi Pass. But then that might be like you saying to someone in Texas, it looks like the part with guys have windmills everywhere? -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  14. Well, in an amazing feat, my girlfriend out googled me and found me the toy I wanted. I am dazzled and impressed. So I thought I would share -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  15. Pretty cool, too...he is going the pilot route. Do they still call them 'naval' aviators? I know they don't like the whole navy reference? -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  16. Who said she was innocent I really thought it was a forward at first, but sounds like he thought it all up. I am sending it to dale next. -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  17. I am putting this in Bonfire, hopefully it inspires no debate and can stay here. This comes from a family member of my girlfriend, whos is at Quantico right now. As far as I know it is original and I have his permission to repost. I thought you some of you USMC guys out there might get a kick out of it. I've heard for a while that God loves Marines, that there is a special place in Heaven for Marines, and various other ways to say there is a special connection between God and Marines (I cite Full Metal Jacket here) and i realized something recently. something profound actually i walked across a familiar landing zone (LZ) yesterday it hit me, God doesn't just like Jarheads...God WAS a Jarhead. I can even tell you His rank and military occupational specialty, but i'll get to that later. You see, as i strolled around and looked across the LZ i realized that all of the snow had melted away except for one portion - the circuit course. This entire LZ, roughly 2 football fields or larger was green - except for the one portion where Marines have to lie, crawl, roll and generally get intimate with. My first inclination was to think God doesnt like Marines, He hates us. Thats when it occurred to me. God IS a Marine. In fact, he was enlisted. A Gunnery Sergeant to be exact. Doesn't it fit? - Gunny God. I can even go further to tell you He was an 8511 - Drill Instructor. Yep. See, i used to think (as i'm sure many of you do) that it rains because someone is grilling out, or because someone washed their car - in the last year i have learned that it rains, snows or becomes unseasonably searing because Marines have taken to the field for training. sometimes it does all 3 in one glorious moment - only by the hand of Gunny God is this possible. I know he was a Gunny cause those are the real wave makers in the Marine Corps. Gunnys love their Marines, but their Marines would never know it. Gunnys want their Marines to be the hardest, most well trained fightenest SOBs on the they need bad weather. This is why everytime i stepped into the field over the summer it was either 125 degrees, or monsooning. No in between. This is why Robert's company has been in the field "coincidentally" every time its snowed - or sleeted, or some other type of discomfortable weather pattern. Its cause God wants us well trained. Gunnys are the ones that push their Marines to take that next step 20 miles into a 25 mile forced march. You can even substitute phraseology - "I kept going for fear of Gunny Soandso" (sounds a lot like "For fear of God himself"). This is why all Marines have a God complex. Why do we think we're better, faster, stronger, smarter, better looking, and in every way shape and form invincible...because we are. Furthermore, what do Marines call themselves - Devildog, right? Spell that backward...God lived. Of course He did!! God was a Gunny, and Gunnys never die because they have to drill their Marines some more tomorrow. This is why Marines are the only branch with Gunnery Sergeants. Heck, we even have a Master Gunnery Sergeant. We are even the only ones to use "crossed" rifles to depict the rank! Gunny God doesnt want to share that with the other branches. This is why God knows all - ask anyone who has been through USMC boot camp or OCS...who somehow knows EVERYTHING that ever happened in your life - the Drill Insructor (DI). Who is never wrong - the DI. Who somehow, despite your best efforts to escape (consult Marine who tried to float across the Potomic at OCS) manages to be there every moment of every day - the DI does. Shoot, look at the Marine's Hymn (Hymn people, notsong - Hymn). "If the Army and the Navy Ever look on Heaven's scenes They will find the streets are guarded By UNITED STATES MARINES!" So i salute you Gunny God - or does He salute me since i'm commissioned?......nah. Either way, Semper Fi. -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  18. Yeah, what he said. I dont have time to read the whole thred, but PM me if you want. My best advice: Use Nero to burn them Use DVD-Rs; they have the best chances of playing in the most players. -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  19. Well, a few suggestions: If you are someone who learns by theory, read about how skis work, the arc, the flexing, etc, etc. I learn by theory and reading a lot made a huge difference me. When I got to the hill, I know what physics I was supposed to be putting in practice. If you learn by experience, then take a lesson! If you ski, get parabolic (shaped) skis! Although I doubt anyone still uses non shaped? Between skiing and boarding, is a hard call, I learned to ski really fast, on the 3rd day I was doing blues and easy blacks. A few years later, after 2 days on a board I just kept busting my ass, and longing to go places I used to go on skis. I fell a LOT more on a board than on skis. But is you are starting fresh and/or have experience with other edge sported like skateboarding or surfing, you might pick up boarding really fast, I could just never get the front edge. Exercise! Practice abs stuff, and this was a big help to me: Stand with your feet together, with a 1 or 2 liter bottle behind your heels. Turn and the waist and squat. Pick up the bottle, set it back down. Repeat in the other direction. This does a great job of using the muscles you use to rotate in skiing. -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  20. When I parted ways with my Ford Festiva after college it had 165,000 miles on it. Had a friend with one sitting at 212,000. Pretty good for a Kia-made-for-Ford rollerskate. It also fit perfectly on the sidewalks at school....I heard. -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  21. Umm..there are several things I am suuuuupossed to do this weekend, but this sounds a lot better than them. -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  22. You can make all the analogies you want about sprinklers, elephants, or blue cheese...bill is 100% legally accurate on this. This debate annoys the bejeebers out of me, and it has been had before. You can start by researching here I dont have time to go find all the links on something I have already researched. However, this is the summary: It has been legally challenged and sustained that the FCC regs treat 802.11 access points as broadcast devices and as such it is completely legal to listen to an open broadcast. Additionally, it has challenged by universities and also sustained that as devices regulated by the FCC, landlords do not have the legal right to control the placement of such devices by clients. This was raised by SMU and others, who wanted students in housing to use only a fee based school WAP, and not share their own ISP WAP. Additionally, it has been upheld that if you access illegal content on an open/shared connection, you are responsible, the connection owner is not liable for your actions. Accessing private data, cracking WEP keys, etc are all completely different issues, what we are discussing is simply access to the wireless network. Many people cannot seperate the issues. This issue is often misunderstood and with a little research you even find cases of police harrasment of people in public using open library WAPs. It is a typical case of uninformed technopeasant scare mongering. People don't understand the legalities and start talking. The regulations regarding radio devices are there for good reason, and this new technology does not change the need to keep radio unrestricted. If you do not want to share your AP, it is a 15 minute exercise to lock it down. Personally, I think it is borrowing a commodity, and I refrain from it unless I am traveling and in a pinch for a signal, and then I run several diagnostic utils the whole time I am connected. But as far as arguing about are beating a dead horse, and you don't even know the definition of horse. -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  23. Job: Customer Services Manager translation: I run a helpdesk for a transportation logisitics OEM. Typically we do business casual, dockers and polos. Fridays are hawaiian shirt days (seriously), you can wear jeans just about any day and be fine, as long as you don't do it the majority of the time. There are 4 biker here, and 2 skydivers, so it is pretty loose. When we have vendors or customers in, we usually wear logo-ed polos or button downs. -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  24. All your safety questions have been answered by people much more qualified than myself, but I will chime in with the fashion issues. Most young jumpers just don't like them. I am 25, and have a nice shiny wings rig with B-12s installed on an articulated harness. The first rig I bought used as a student had B-12s and I grew to like them. Easy to get in and out, especially in winter clothes. So, I ordered them on the new wings. For about 50 jumps I watched them like a hawk, being new gear and all. That being said, I am the only young freeflyer type I have ever seen wearing B-12s. -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  25. I just wanted to add my experience to this. After reading the thread, I checked my rig right after I got it back from a repack anyway. I jump a W-13 wings, with a PDR 176, and a hornet 170 main. The reserve pack is pretty dang tight at that volume and the Wings containers do have deep pocketed corners on the reserve, with a freebag whose shape is perpendicular to the reserve container. For these reasons, I was eager to find if the catch existed, because my reserve volume above such a catch would be very firm. Upon examining my rig, I did not find this condition at all. The left corner comes completely to a flush seam into the packtray. The right corner recedes a very slight bit, maybe 1/4", and gradually. Therefore, both my rigger and I think the possibility of anything catching is none existent. Whether this speak to the difference between cut in lateral (which I do not have) or simply rig variation, I have no idea. Just wanted to share that my wings does not exhibit this at all. -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.