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Everything posted by flyingferret

  1. agreed. I stay out of Speaker's Corner doctor told me to -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  2. Well, you are talking morals and I was talking communication. I will leave too much debate for Speakers Corner. But a moral contruct instills values, as does a family unit. I am not arguing about which values, just saying it adds a group definition to the perceived world. Many of the current generation to not share this. I have many 'friends' that I grew up with that got more of an idea about life situations from 90210 and Friends than they did from their parents. My point is simply that, regardless of repression, there was more interpersonal exchange when my grandmother grew up. Was it limited to certain topics, perhaps. But these days are there any more topics? Or rather have some topics taken the place of others, perhaps we have traded openness for depth? These are of course statement about generalities....soemthing which as a group of skydivers on the internet is probably a not 'us'. My grandmother grew up during the depression, and had very little. Her hunger for self-education and prosperity, even at 86 years old still amazes me. She has seen hard times, and is very cogniscent of the role in relationships and work ethic to grow beyond those. Quite honestly, most of my generation has no idea what that is like. My grandmother as the 60 and 70s passed was by NO means a repressed woman and still is not, being a rather adamant California Democrat. However,her value of family never disappeared. Some repression is good, repression of selfishness can be good. Repression of immediate desires for long term goals can be good. In general, I think the current generation has put a block label on it and said "You will not control me, everything is good, nothing is wrong, for that is judging" And then we are surprised that marriages fail because people can't communicate, kids have interpersonal problems in school, and people act like flaming morons on the internet? -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  3. No, no, go blue. Blue is cool -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  4. Part of is our society I think. Our communication sucks a lot of the time. Think about it, due to IM, the net, etc....I was in a meeting the other day, with at least 2/3 of the occupants doing something outside the meeting while we all sat in the same room. We send messages very well...and very quick. But do we really communicate? I would hazard a guess that people like your grandmother and mine, and a lot more figured out by 20 than my friends and I did. Or I guess you could argue the flip side that they were just more repressed. But I am going for the former. -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  5. Because being 'good' in bed is the result to a formula that has nothing to do with test driving and everything to do with desire. Sorry, I just hate that being quoted as a reason these days. I am not trying to harp on pre-marital sex or anything, I am just saying that if you are marrying for the right reasons, are they good in bed should be about last on the list. If the rest lines up, the sex will be good, even great with some communication. Personally, never engaged, never married. I am only doing it once and it will be right before I take that step. Will it ever be guaranteed? No. I think you think that, that is the beginning of a dangerous road to the end. But it is a nice feeling to know that you can depend on another person so much that nothing would change their love for you and their ability to give you a chance to explain a misunderstanding. What you do with it from is the part that requires love and honesty. -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  6. I dont have Manage Add-ons in IE or my other browser (Maxthon, an IE front end so I can still access IE settings). But, that is synonomous with my laptop. There has to be a difference, but I dont know what. Put I can say that all activeX controls are enabled or prompt, even more lax since added to the trusted domains. -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  7. Well, this is rather rare, typically I answer computer questions, but I am lost on this one. Maybe someone has some ideas. My home computer will not display shockwave applets. I am not at home right now, but will try any suggestions tonight. My laptop works just fine, and typically the config is pretty close to my home PC. Here is what happens, upon trying to view a shockwave object, Collapse game for example , I just get the dreaded unloaded little x gif. I have: Installed the latest shockwave player Checked security settings for scripting, etc, as I think it is jscript that calls the object. Even added to my trusted sites Turned off popup blocker, even tried with IE instead of usual browser. Reinstalled Windows Scripting host just in case I have searched the net All to no avail. The real kicker is that I do not know what is denying it, I do not get an error of any sort. To answer in advance: Norton AV is running No software firewall, windows or otherwise I am not running XP SP2, don't tell me I have to I have run spybot on the machine, although even if that killed something I reinstalled scripting host, and I run it on my laptop all the time with no problem. Any ideas? -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  8. I echo Wendy here, well....partially. I do not support the repeal of all helmet laws. I support the repeal with a few stipulations. Not because I think you don't have a right without stipulations, rather because I think it is a compromise and only fair to tax payers who are paying the bills whether they 'should' or not. I used to never ride without a helmet. Now I do at times. Honestly I like the feeling without a lot better, but it makes me nervous depending on the riding situation. Part of it is a risk you accept, just like skydiving. There are cases where if you go down, you are jacked, helmet or not, it will be BAD. I will not wear a full face. I am aware of the added face protection afforded by the chin piece, but it just kills the thrill. Much like full face skydiving helmets...I want to be connected to the wind or I wouldn't be in either sport. Edited: to add agreement with the above, which I meant to mention. I ride in Texas, I agree with the systems of exemptions and think it makes sense. The downside is enforcement. I dont have the exemption techinically, although I meet ALL criteria for qualifying, via insurance or instruction. But they will never pull you over to find out unless they have a BIG reason to do so. -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  9. Yeah, I guess you have a really good point I had failed to consider. It was his work in one way, and not another. That might be exactly what I needed to hear. -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  10. You rememeber a JM whose name starts with W and ends with e?
  11. Well, I never said I did not like Ran (if you were using you directly rather than general 3rd person). It was rather that after hearing a lot of "The best director of all time" stuff, I saw Ran as impressive but not that impressive. Perhaps that is n part, because we see it as the retelling a classic drama already known. Thanks for the feedback though, I think I will queue up Seven Samurai and Hidden Fortress. -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  12. Van is real. I dont have time to find the article right now...think it was a California newspaper. I think the guys wife or kid got the pedals mixed up. -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  13. The reviews? Yeah, I read them. I thought you actually wanted one. No? The reviews are funny....I guess.... -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  14. Yes, not a real green dress. But, as far as Kurosawa goes? -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  15. Me, I do not. PCmag was not impressed:,1759,1435175,00.asp -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  16. After having the netflix envelope on my desk for a year, literally, I watched Kurosawa's Ran: Masterworks Edition last night. I am impressed, yet not overly so. Kind of like Japanese Shakespearean drama. Yet, I do not know how Ran compares to say Yojimbo, Rashomon, or Seven Samurai. Any thoughts or suggestions from fans? -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  17. That is awesome. I swear...someone needs to put all this in a book someday. The frog stories, the hooker boogie, Airtwardos stories. This is great, and none of us young 'uns know about most of it. -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  18. Yeah, pretty hard to do for work though. We ran into it and advise several people that they needed to edit spam settings while we workd with AOL. Personally, I think it is semi jouvenile to use an AOL, YAHOO< ETC account for anything professional. But then again, I have heard some people say the same about your own domain name. Personally I give a lot more credence to someone who has a domain setup. -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  19. The problem with a Jack Russell is that could lose control of everything in your home. Next thing you know he will want to decide what is for dinner. Shortly after that, he will want to manage the money and pay bills. Then he is gonna decide when you can play naughty nooky with the spouse. Seriously, those dogs think they own the world. -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  20. Yeah....that always works. -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  21. Guys...he is sending to AOL. -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  22. Yeah, I got real addicted a few years ago, waited for every episode. Then the amateur team that made it got busy and they left it for 2 years. Then I just found episode 12 the other day. Maybe they will finish it now. -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  23. Ahhh...but can you do this? The mark of a true ninja: And have you seen Ninjai: the little ninja? If not here goes 2 hours of your life. WARNING, ultra violent cartoon ninja skills -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  24. Not a bad system at all. I was being a typical yank and lumping you all in the group of non-uspa 'other people in the world out there' -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.
  25. Yeah, but then again, we dont have to have 5000 jumps to fly something more ellipitical than my are different here. Regardless of jumps, I know these two and they are badass flyers, honest to talent, they will easily be on big ways in the future if they want to. -- All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.