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Everything posted by Vertifly

  1. One word: VIDEO. Get videos. Of yourself, others, boogie-videos, competition video, etc., etc. Analyze what the pro (and very experienced) freeflyers are doing. You would be surprised how much you can learn on the ground by maticulously watching video. Keep a watch on everything from foot-movement - to - eye-contact. My best freefly jumps are when I've had a week off from jumping and I have gone through videos to find stuff to test out in the air. Most importantly, don't get discouraged. This sport takes time to get good at. Lots of time. We all have the "growing pain" period. Honestly, at bigger DZ's it can be even more discouraging - trust me. Too many clicks and agendas to help you get the information that you need. Best of luck and let us know how it works out.
  2. Heh. Yeah, sure does. As a freeflyer it has never really been a necessity. Only reason that I went for it was the coaches rating. Feels good to hold though, considering that I could have qualified for it in 1997. Better late than never.
  3. D-27236 After 7 years and about 1500 of my own yumps & pack-jobs, I finally got my D. At the very same moment as my coaches rating too. Kudos to MochaSkyChick too! Didn't mean to take your MOJO, but I wanted to seize to opportunity.
  4. uh ok. We should do "POST AN ORGAN..." next.
  5. Vertifly

    Which pic?

    Cool. You sure know your body shapes!
  6. Clicky on Eddy's routine with Mr.T: Enjoy!!
  7. Be a POP_TART. That is what I'm doing this year.
  8. Of course I would. I really don't see how jump numbers (or lack-there-of) corelates to packing experience. Apples and Oranges to me.
  9. You could put a down payment on a house with that and a little bit more. Rent the house out for a $400 month profit. Use that $400 per month for jumps. Good luck!
  10. Vertifly

    Which pic?

    Maybe it's just me, but there is something timeless about a silhouette. Did Matty Wright take those pics? Tell that dude Dave (X-Keys) says hello.
  11. Whoah Skybytch! Can you elaborate? - that sounds intense.
  12. It doesn't sound that far fetched. Although, they probably make it very high to cover their butts in a court room. KnowhatImean?
  13. I'm at work and don't mind at all. My boss seems to like you too.
  14. That's true. Great job dude! I remember doing my first head-down attempt on a visit to Z-Hills. It was a solo. The memorable sensation was similar to falling inside of an encapsulating bubble of air; that is, compared to belly-flying. Following those freefly jumps, I went home, made X-Keys my home DZ, and made mega-jumps so that I could get good at freefly. Wooohooo! You're right there, keep up the flying!
  15. Wow! That is an interesting perspective to grow up in.
  16. Weeble Wobbles Legos Star Wars action figures Matchbox Big Wheel Hungry Hungry Hippos Concentration A Huffy One of those rockets, when you fill them up with water and add pressure they shoot about 100 feet VIC-20, Commadore 64, then a MAC 128k (no hard drive).
  17. Uh....yeah...I was joking. The camera wasn't level and that dude was kinda low. heheh
  18. "My religion is best described as...When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad." -Abraham Lincoln I think Abe had a pretty good handle on things. I went to Catholic school for 12 years. My mother is an ex-nun and my uncle is a former priest. The whole family is formerly linked in some way. Through the years of influence, I've determined one unconditional truth about "faith" and "religion". Joint faith in religion is the best product anyone ever came up with. 1) You have to renew your subscription every week. 2) It isn't a physical commodity so there is little overhead and there isn't a better profit margin on the planet. And 3) The warranty on collaborative faith expires the moment you are gone from the earth - at the very same time it is suppose to pay off. Interesting. This, of course, is a very derogatory way of looking at it. But does it seem coincidental? Like I said, my religion is best described as... When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. I just hope that I get to freefly and swoop in the afterlife (should one exist).
  19. Whoah! Someone ought-to take a large leveling-tool to that DZ before someone gets hurt.
  20. A gentlemen named Doug urbany, at Crosskeys, swooped a Hawk last week. If you look at the video in regular speed, the hawk appears to hit the lines and do a barrel roll downward. In slow motion, it looks like he barrel rolls just to avoid the lines. I still wonder if he hit it though. The real action didn't start until he landed saying, "DUDE, DID YOU SEE ME SWOOP THAT HAWK?!!!!" LOL Your funny Doug.
  21. Can't say that I like it when: 1) ...I don't receive a return call back!, 2) ...the driver in front of me leaves the blinker running, 3) car is on "E", 4)'s been a month since I've been to the gym! 5) ...people give me attititude for no apparent reason. uUUUUUUUUGGGHHGHGHG!!!!! oh, and 6) ...someone accuses me of lying when I am totally telling the truth.
  22. Just curious if anyone on the forum is going to be Freeflying at nationals this year? If the comp gets done quickly, perhaps we can set up a few loads and get some pics? Feel free to send me an email. See you there?