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Everything posted by Vertifly

  1. he's on the NJ Devils so... "Hockey"
  2. Personally, I don't really car how bad someone fucks with me. I will NEVER cheat on anyone again. Been there, done that, paid for it with my deepest emotions. Instead, the second that I feel the urge of attraction toward someone else, I bring it up. That's right, I will tell them right to there face that I am getting physically attracted to other women now (in a way that I am tempted to talk to them). And I tell them that, to me, that means that there is a problem that needs to be fixed or the relation is going to have to end. ...of course, I say all of this with a great deal of charm.
  3. Back when I was about 19 years old. I get asked to come back and sit in the troopers car. This actually happened. The cop was taking a long time checking out my history. So I sat patiently. Then opened up my stupid mouth: Me: "Bosses, Cops, and Shopping carts" Cop: "What???" Me: "Bosses, Cops, and Shopping carts. I have the worst luck with all of them." Cop: "I don't understand. What happens? can't find the shopping carts?" Me: "No, the wheel always wobbles and automatically pushes itself to the left." Cop: I don't think that he liked being compared to a shopping cart; however, that was my point to him exactly. His stopping me, at the time, mattered just about the same amount as a broken shopping cart. He got the point, but I got the ticket. Honestly, looking back, it was worth the extra hundred bucks and some license points to say that.
  4. Fear of Poverty - Peniaphobia Jealousy- Zelophobia Religion - Theophobia and... Bullets- Ballistophobia, but only when they reach a really fast velocity. So I guess it would be called: "tachoballistophobia"
  5. Allen, are you expecting me to deny that? ???????????? Never. ...oh wait, I thought you wrote, "Dave loves p@$$y" heheh
  6. I just thought that I would know WOMEN a little better by now. Instead, I can't find anyone to help me on the subject and I am much more confused than ever before. (..just kidding, I got it down - LOL)
  7. Vertifly


    That is kinda funny. But I just don't see how tickling it is going to do anything for me. ...hold on a minute... . . . . . . . . . . nope. no good. any other brilliant ideas...
  8. That's true. It should have been edited. The story starts of as a seemingly racist abduction. True...true.. ps. Hey Kelly, missing that "HOT" avatar of yours. Wasup?
  9. Ooooooooooooh! Yeaaaaahh....ahhhhhhh, I'mmm gonna have to go ahead and disagree with that idea. Yeah,...I've got a date with a cup of hot chocolate and a 3-hour movie... Ummmmkaaay...
  10. YOU JUST GOTTA LOVE ADRIAN! His fallrate, immediately after cutting away from the balloon, is quite slow. Watch closely. He isn't accelerating quickly. The ram-air near him has to dive down a bit to get relative, but I would imagine that their fallrates were quite similar. Now all we need is a way to flare and then we could put together an Olympic Crew Team. Any takers????
  11. Vertifly

    Masturbating, now that I think of it, YEAH. Nevermind, you couldn't possibly be sexually repressed. Forget I ever mentioned it. heh
  12. Dude, not to be rude, but re-read your post back to yourself. And I hope that you change your mind. whoah.
  13. This is going to be an interesting thread. Thought I'd pop in before it gets locked.
  14. Vertifly


    Whoopsie. Edited for content and appropriateness. It still has got to be one of them.
  15. Vertifly


    Please tell me that you are either sexually repressed, have men lined up outside your door, or just plain, A Liar. No offense, but it has to be at least one of them. I mean, your screen name is 'Roys Play Thing' for crying out loud. Sheesh.
  16. By the age of pic - I don't think that they were prosecuting for such things like that back then. Haven't you heard, wrongful doings of this nature started as a result of the 70's. (I think that I heard that somewhere once). LOL
  17. I'd say that if the guy thought he was stepping out onto a porch, he's PROBABLY innocent. But let's face it. We jump out of planes people; that's right, AERO-PLANES. In fact, these planes are flying in the air, VERY HIGH IN THE AIR for that matter. Sheeeeesh!
  18. It looks as though the URL is down right now.
  20. ooh, have mercy. you're messing with the mans brain-smarts here.
  21. Go ahead.... Make My Day!!!!!!
  22. Party Mix - Great for Team Training Worthless Eye Candy - Just That Clouds Edge - Great Movie to understand the level of the skygods out there (four years ago). Good soundtrack. Peurto Rico Boogie - A nice, short, film from the PR-Boogie. Great music and nice slow motion sequences. Millenium 1 - No comment Millenium 2 - Lots of great early stuff with lots of commercials Crosswind - BEST edited footage I've ever seen. I think that this movie is worth it just to see the last seen of a 14-way speed-start with OLAV toying the formation. Chronicle 1, 2, 3 - The Classics. Where we all started from.
  23. Well there's: Choke my Chicken Hide my Salami Squeeze my Weezle Drain my Dragon