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Everything posted by Vertifly

  1. OH commmmonnnnnn! You new what the majority vote was going to be.
  2. Vertifly

    New Face

    I believe that falls under "health-consciousnes". heheh Nice try my friend.
  3. Vertifly

    New Face

    I'm not much for religious debates. Not much of a believer in congregational homage toward a god or The God - or whatever is considered to be "correct" in your eyes. However, I will admit to the disbelief that it is unfair for a group of human beings to restrict the physical appearence, diet, sleep, work, leisure, sexuality, time, or whatever...etc. Everyone is different. It should be up to the individual how to live ones life. As it should be up to the that same individual to be disciplined, moral and ethical, considerate, generous, integral, health-conscious, etc. As for posting a religious message on this forum (by a 2nd time post-er)...yes, that is a bit arrogant. Very few people here need to be imposed upon concerning your beliefs. Frankly, I doubt many of us would look favorably upon the unsolicited knowledge of your religion. Remember, often times, being descrete is a spiritual value as well. Since I've read your imposition... Here, you can read mine: "I do good then I feel good. I do bad then I feel bad." -A.L. Why does it have to be more detailed than that???
  4. No, I don't believe that we did sign any release forms. In fact, our team was told that we could have the tape of our jumps when the judging was finished. But, than again, I wasn't concerned about "rights" to my footage at the time. In truth, I wouldn't ask for compensation but it is kinda rude to just use people like that.
  5. If we are going to take this seriously, I think that we should have category voting. Creativity, artistic, sexy, etc.
  6. I'm getting this impression also. Was it ice crystals, some kind of strange phenomynon, or skydivers???? Help us out..this is confusing info.
  7. Ok, your on. I won't be in Cali any time soon either, but I'll keep it in mind.
  8. Vertifly

    Puckered up?

    Don't laugh... This happened to me once in North Carolina. I didn't shit a diamond, but I made my way to the nearest sand bar faster than you can say Jaws. ...and YES, it turned out to be a dolphin.
  9. THAT IS FRIGGIN ....AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Yeah, so far the 40's have it. It seems like most of the people under 20-degrees just say, "screw it" and jump in any temperature. Too bad there isn't a way to do a poll on just the people responding to this thread; then we could also find out how many jumps everyone has. I would argue that during my first 3 or 4 years jumping I would have jumped in any temp. Now-a-days, it's 60 or above. ...consistently, at that; and I live in New Jersey. This narrows my season down to about 7 or 8 months. Keeping psychologically 'current' with many more jumps is easier to do than for those with very few. This is also a competing factor toward peoples preference. Anyone care to argue my point or elaborate???
  11. Hey Tim. If you come to Crosskeys, we should have a race. Me on my back and you on your belly. You in?
  12. Oh please enlighten us, Quade. I don't remember saying it was 80 out. ???
  13. Then it's definitely time to jump out!!!! Cold or NOT, SSsssssssssssseeeeeya!
  14. Do one for the guys/gals at Crosskeys.
  15. This should prove to be interesting. Your geography probably makes a huge difference too, but try not to think of that.
  16. Gee, that is pretty bad. I once was severely reprimanded for just carrying an M-16 (while it was unloaded and in my trunk) just off of Marine base to fill up my gas tank. Seems to me that a land mine on a commercial airline (not to mention the publicity that it caused) is a more serious issue.
  17. hmmm...lemme think about that for a minute... . . . . . NO QUESTION! OK! SEE YOU THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PARTY PARTY PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. On their back or stomach? I think it makes a difference. However, those who are used to tracking on their back will cover way more distance than on their belly.