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Everything posted by Peej

  1. I gfot that via email the other day too, awesome Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  2. Yeah it has been discussed a lot before, you're new here so can be forgiven for not searching. The search string you are looking for is "bandit jumps". Here are the results, lots of reading for you Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  3. Hey Brian! Welcome to the forums and congrats on your A
  4. On a hangover it's the BOMB
  5. David Hasslehoff stole mine, i was the original Knightrider. In all seriousness:no, but i do make sure that i shred andy and all cc slips/ official bank documents etc that i toss out. Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  6. OUCH SASKIA! Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  7. Peej

    Fido Movie

    Ian, I'm reviving your thread rather than starting a new one. Did you ever see Fido? I saw it on DVD a few weeks ago and LOVED it. One of the funniest, and dark/twisted flicks i have seen. Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  8. Looking at the pics, and knowing nothing about the project, i'd agree. I guess i was expecting something that looked a lot more high tech. Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  9. As an alrenative to rice you can also make mash potato and stir some basil pesto into it. It's awesome. Alternatively, ditch the basil pesto and chop up some coriander super fine and stir that into your mash, yum. Serve the mash and your tuna with some roasted veggies - mini corgettes, peppers, butternut, carrots. Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  10. I went through two bite swtiches before i "switched" to a tongue switch. Haven't looked back since. Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  11. And you make a good point re: low jump number jumpers flying camera. Your and my time in the sport and jump numbers are similar and i too have shot a fair bit of 4way both in competition and on fun jumps as well as shooting tandem video. I absolutely agree that with higher numbers and more time in the sport you do respond to things quicker and make better in air decisions as your awareness grows. The best example of this for me was a few hundred jumps ago, i went out on a tandem, shot the whole thing and only when i sat down to edit it did i notice my TI had no goggles on for the whole skydive. Yet i had been flying right in front of him the whole time. Somehow we boarded the plane minus goggles for the student so he handed his goggles to the passenger. I was so busy focusing on getting my video right and focusing on the student that i failed to notice that. Now with more experience i am so much more switched on and able to multi-task more than i ever could. Sorry if that gotwordy i was just trying to further illustrate your point and answer Kashton's question.
  12. Maybe in the same way that a Black/White T.V license is cheaper that a Colour one smartass Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  13. How does white get you cheaper rates? @Madhm go for silver dude, i know someone who has the white version and trust me silver is a more exciting call Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  14. Nope it was real You're right, the original whopper ad was entirely real, in fact it won major awards at the Cannes advertising festival just a month or so ago. (For the record: Cannes is the equivalent of the advertising Oscars) Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  15. Peej

    Norman Kent

    Or maybe you look like a terrorist? Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  16. Oh that's good Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  17. Just come up with a better games logo and all will be forgiven Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  18. You haven't found it yet? That bites! A friend of mine had a similar story a few years back, he had a riser strike and lost his helmet on a ws jump. A few weeks later some locals turned up at the dz with the helmet claiming it landed in their swimming pool. When we asked them where the camera was they claimed they'd thrown it away because it was "water damaged" from landing in the pool and wasn't salvageable. We still have our doubts about that part of their story. Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  19. That's what Tonto used to call an "events cascade" - a series of bad decisions that lead to an injury or worse. I'm glad you're ok dude and thanks for making that post, it sounds like you realise what you did wrong and how not to do it again. Focus on healing right now and try not to beat yourself up about it. And let's hope that others that read this forum can learn from it, like t always said "i'd rather be down here wishing i was up there than up there wishing i was down here". Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  20. That would be awesome Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  21. To tell you the truth i hadn't noticed Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  22. Peej

    Norman Kent

    Seconded, Norman is awesome! I had the honour of meeting and hanging out with him and our own SkymonkeyONE a few years back at the WFFC, good times! Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  23. I'm sure it will put a damper on a few people's weekend plans Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  24. I was stoked to see Natalie Du Toit carry the flag in for South Africa, that's truly somethig and proves that disability doesn't mean inability.
  25. Does it go all the way to the ground? I'd love to see that Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky