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Everything posted by Peej

  1. Aw, come on Strato, just cos i'm from Africa doesn't make me Nigerian Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  2. Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  3. 0:12:0 What a great way to come back after two weekends off cos of visiting my parents and being sick, 12 tandem cams, some great passengers and i even managed to spend some time in the bar after jumping yesterday shooting the breeze with the old timers and telling stories, great way to end the weekend :) Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  4. Welcome to the forums and to the sport, congrats on your first jump too! I don't live in the USA so i can't talk about average price of gear rentals but as a new jumper my advice would be to spend your cash on jumps and not worry about buying gear for the first 40 or 50. Buy a helmet, goggles, and other peripheral gear before and ask around your DZ and check the classifieds and buy good second hand gear. Enjoy yourself! Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  5. Haha, thanks guys, had another guess-timate in the region of 200 GBP, which i around what i guessed at when he asked me what i thought. Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  6. Not that many, Cannes has been the one that's eluded me thus far. The best i've got there is a finalist, no metal. I've won Bronze, Silver and Gold at Loeries (The bronze and gold this year), gold at the NY festivals this year plus a few ad of the months here and there. This is the ad we won the Loeries for this year: Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  7. You gotta love well placed tactical ads
  8. Happy birthday bud Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  9. Hey everyone, I'm asking on this question on behalf of a friend of mine who wants to sell his PC 105 in order to upgrade to something in the HC line. It's probably five years old and has been used for jumping, although not much, i think he's used it more to film his kids around the house than anything else. It looks in great condition, no scratches etc. What do you think it's worth, ballpark? Many thanks PJ Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  10. Good luck to all of you guys competing, stay safe
  11. Yeah what we plan and what we do are not always the same. See how you feel, there's nothing saying you HAVE to do a tandem first either. Talk the th DZ's instructors and see what they recommend. Take it easy
  12. I have yet to see Lance, where does he appear? All i get are ads for Hummers and repeated ads for credit cards from South African banks Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  13. How did i miss this one? No matter, welcome to the forums Greg I see your profile says Durbs, are you jumping at skydive KZN or Maritzburg? And ja, the door fear does get better but even now when i haven't jumped in a while or am uncurrent by a week or two i get nervous in the plane, just relax Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  14. MY TI's nickname is Crazy Dave and another guy named Toggles at our DZ. Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  15. Welcome to the forums Mike! There's plenty of info for you here to decide on a DZ and a training method
  16. I'll just call you C cos i'm pressed for time Welcome to the forums and good luck on your first jump
  17. Peej

    Proud Dad

    Awesome, i hope i can do that one day
  18. You're not elderly you're "aged challenged" Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  19. CONGRATS LISA! Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  20. LOVE the look on the guy in the yellow vest's face Cool pic Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  21. Haha, nice! Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  22. I voted Windows but my next machine will be a mac for sure Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  23. When i had surgery on my arm last year i wrapped it in cling film, i thik you guys call saran wrap (?) when i wanted to shower Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky