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Everything posted by Botellines

  1. Wow, you are as full of anger as usual, i thought that sometime away from SC would make you take things easier. I guess not. I tend to believe more someone who makes an educated guess and admit he is not 100% sure rather than someone who yells and wave arms claiming he is right. By the way, you are wrong. You can join the U.S military without a High School diploma. Hopefully the US Inmigration department will be a suitable reference for you to admit your mistake (if not they may get upset and deport you back to Venezuela...) As a matter of fact, the link above shows how the recuitment standard has been lowered. Go figure, now you can even join the U.S military if you are a non U.S citizen who comes from a country who shows hostility towards the U.S. Oh those wonderful waivers... Regarding the IQ matter at hand, considering that you don´t need a High School diploma to join the military and that you DO need a high school diploma to joing college and that IQ is correlated to academical achievement, it is safe to asume than on average College students probably have a higuer IQ score than people who are not required to have a HS diploma (ie military). I say "on average" because of course there are exceptions, Bush was in college and i do not consider him specially bright. Truth to be told it seems he didn´t spend much time in the military either.
  2. Anyway, apparently capital punishment is never issued to any 70 year old or older according to Iraqui law. SH is 69 and will be 70 around April next year, so there is still another punch line in the story for the U.S when that Iraqui law gets abolished specially for SH.
  3. It is Jesus Christ, He was in a toast then a dog ate the toast and 20 hours later the dog sat on his bottom right after taking a dump. Jesus Christ held to a thread of butt hair ala Tarzan. He is now probably waiting for Virgin Mary to show up. (The dog also ate chocolote!!!)
  4. Aples and oranges, It is not the same to use usernames/passwords than biometric information. Here i am botellines and in other forum, i may be Mr Guiness. With Biometric information I am one and the same everywhere, and in case that someone crosses databases (and the government does not guarantee that it is not being done) i certainly don´t want Company A to know what i do with company B and C. Practical example. I don´t want my health insurance company to know how many beers i buy a wek because they could rise my insurance. And if i were to use biometric information in the liquor store and in the insurance company, they would only have to cross databases.
  5. Gabacho is pejorative spanish slang for "french" Queen Isabel I "la catolica" was certainly spanish.
  6. When i was a Junior in High School (Colorado) I slept with those girls who knew that Madrid was Capital of Spain and considered good friends those that knew that Spain was in Europe. That year was basicly monogamous and didn´t have many friends. However i must admit that it wasn´t a huge high school, just a tad over 200 students.
  7. Sorry mate, i am a bit lost, this forth neighbour is NK or the U.S? If it is NK i wouldn´t trust him anymore than i would trust the first neighbour who went on a shooting rampage with his gun in Hiroshima strret and nagasaki avenue. Just a thought
  8. Not only that, the porn doesn´t necesarily have to be in a JPG picture, it could go compressed in a zip with a password, the file could be encripted, etc... As a matter of fact, how do you know it is porn? an image can contain data (ie another pic) embedded inside. Sort of like taking one bit out of every pixel and use it to hold other data. The picture could be something disney and hold child porn inside only viewable with some software. There is no practical way to monitor websites for ilegal contain, let alone P2P networks.
  9. Why do you say that China and Russia gets shy with N.K.? I think it is the U.S who is getting shy. What is this shit of sanctions, diplomacy and UN? Where is the old good preemptive strike? Ah sorry, i forgot, N.K. actually DOES have WMD. My bad.
  10. And how do you know they were going to terrorize citizens and not the U.S army? there lies the diference beetwen a terrorist and an insurgent. Some people likes to put them in the same basket...
  11. It doesn´t work that way, In Spain the government spends part of the tax payers money to promote art, culture, sport, etc. and eveybody is happy with it. Now, if someone doesn´t want the government to meddle with their bussiness (and they rarely do) they only have to reject their money, and since thre is no law about skinnines there will not be any problem. huge assess and beer guts are not any more dangerous than bulimia or anorexia. They are precisely doing what you want, taking preventive measures by promoting a healthy standard among a group of people than unfortunately are role models for others. I just wouldnt use the BMI indicator to assess a person overall health.
  12. A lot of imaginaton you got there. First of all, it is not a law, The government is just putting some pressure. Although i am not 100% positive i am fairly sure that the government puts money towards that event, se he has some rights. Second, do you think it is a bad idea? it is akin to control the comercials of some dangerous substances like tobacco and alcohol, and most governments do it one way or another.
  13. Under which law jurisdiction should the U.S Contractors be tried? They're not afghan citizens, and they were captured as "illegal combatants", i.e., guys who were shooting at afghan troops in Afghanistan. Shoot at afghan troops, and suffer the consequences.
  14. Maybe he is trying to avoid that the testing of such weapons become an incentive to use them, like what happened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Besides, for your "enemies" you don´t need non-lethal weapons, I think that this weapons wouldn´t be used only on enemies, me thinks.
  15. well, the Geneva Convention protections would not apply to members of Al Quaeda, regardless. Neither would apply to american mercenaries, errr contractors. I am sure you wouldn´t like for any to be captured and forced to stand in "uncomfortable positions"
  16. That is handy, that way the collateral damage will be Zero because everybody somehow is helping the terrorists. After all, who would want to live in the same country than a terrorist like al zarqawi. Now that i think of it, by your definition the 9/11 was a legal target because they were part of the american effort... Interesting. Edited to add that the guy who got his head off was also a valid target because if i remember correctly his job was to fix helicopters... Edited again to add that those 4 guys whose budies were hanged and burned were also valid targets because they were contractors helping the U.S. Army.
  17. I really do not think it is a culture clash, i admit that potentially could be a culture and religious clash. See, i think that in order to have any kind of clash the basic premise is that you have to somehow live together in the same region, and it doesn´t happen at the moment. Muslims are upset, angry and mad not because their religion tells them we are infidels (if so Christians and Jews are as just as bad) but because they feel used. The western societies have use them to fight their proxy wars, used them for their oil and as a tool for their political interests. Let´s not forget that it was the EEUU who sold Saddam the WMD to kill other muslims with them. The good thing is that their military is not that great and it will never be any better than the "western army" so you only have to tighten your borders and there will not be any type of clash. After all, we are not talking about Mexico or Canada, muslim countryes are at least an ocean away. Lastly i would like to point out that in the city of Toledo in Spain for several hundred years Christian, Jews and Muslims lived together in peace and harmony, so i think that the clash we are living now if we can call it that way is provoked by people that has a lot to gain.
  18. And the United States of America and other western countries want you to believe that it is a culture clash and somehow unavoidable. It is always good to have an enemy so the government can manipulate the masses thru fear. Ever read 1984?
  19. I hope it wasn´t the old Nokia 5210 or the Alcatel One-Touch-Easy. Those things were BIG.
  20. The most addictive one is tobacco (even more than heroin) and the most damaging by itself is alcohol by far. Yet those are the legal ones.
  21. Ohh, and i can google up some statistics that proves how the U.S has a huge rate of assaults and roberies that end up with the victim dead. But that is the nature of internet, we can prove whatever point we want to make getting the statistics that better prove our points. I think you are incorrectly assuming that your statistics are somehow better than mines. Well John, you got me there. I was just thinking that most normal people don´t upset the rest so much that they want to kill him. I truly don´t know if it is paranoia what you have, or really you have upset people so much that someone wants you dead. I don´t want to add paranoia, but i will tell you something. If someone wants to kill you, you are as good as dead, no even your will save you. See John, someone crazy enough to want to kill another person and face the consequences doesn´t have to play fair, thay can shoot you from behind when you are not aware, or do a drive by like the gangs, etc, etc. Believe me, insure your property, be reasonably nice to people and you will be okay. Funny thing is that the gunless victim in your example, survived. A gun is not that useful for the victim, because the attacker will always have the initiative, and if the atacker has already drawn the gun or the knife it is much safer to comply than to resist. Possible exception is if you see it coming (but you can avoid it then more often than not by fleeing) and rapes. However considering that a very high proportion of rapes happen while the woman is intoxicated, incapacitated or done by a person known to the victim, i see chances that the victim´s gun can be used against the own victim. I will concede that the person who can better use a gun in a crime is someone who is not the victim but happens to be armed and near. However, that brings other issues like people not trained/current trying to help and making things worse, or just plain gun nuts who want his 15 minutes of glory. I am willing to admit that a gun can be useful sometimes, but to me, the disadvantages of an armed society far outweight the benefits. You seem to think that the gun is the solution to any problem society faces.
  22. Certainly, although they may not reconsider their actions as you may have liked. Some of them may decide to take an honest job, and some of them may decide to shoot you before they rob you so you can not shoot back. On an average you would have less crime but deadlier and i am not sure that is what i would like if i get the short stick. I am quite happy with a society that has few guns but allow you to insure your belongings so when you get robbed it is just a small dent in the ego.
  23. So the real bussiness is not how much they charge for implanting the microchip, but how much they are going to charge for accessing the database. And to who they are going to sell that permission.
  24. Are you sure about that? Let me rephrase the question. What percentage of Mother's are genetic females? Okay, i guess that then i would say that roughly 100%