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Everything posted by Botellines

  1. Probably so for i was speaking that no terrorist attack has occured since the last one. There hasn´t been a terrorist attack in the U.S since the last one in the U.S. There hasn´t beem any bombing in Spain since the last bombing in Spain, and so on. I say this because is very naive to think that terrorism is decreasing only because there hasn´t been yet another one. I don´t know how many years it took them to prepare 9/11, but i assure you that you have another terrorist attack on the way, like we do, like british do. I thought you were speaking about Europe. In any case your theory is bogus because appeasement or not we are all getting terrorists attacks. My type will wait till seing the fire before taking action against who started the fire. Your type will be the one who starts the fire. Good luck if you want reliable partners if you are only going to offer for a reason faulty intelligence or fundamentalist neo-con points of view. You will have to resort to bribes and threats like you did last time. Blutarsky 2008. No Prisoners!
  2. Not in the USA. Which is what matters the most to me. There have been far fewer attacks here since President Bush responded to 9/11. Actually not in anywhere else either, since there has not been any terrorist attack since the last one. I like your logic. Do you realize that besides the U.S the only 2 countries attacked by AQ yet has been those who didn´t show appeasement at all? Thank you, but Europe is fine how it is. When we need someone to go to war we will give you guys a call. Or better yet, we will give you faulty intelligence reports
  3. Don´t get me started on this... I think there is way too many people that still think not only that they are winning but also that it is winnable. After all, the chances you get killed in a terrorist attack are slim at best, and if you can make a buck or two with this war... What the hell... Frankly, my dear, i don´t care. I have gotten to a point that i do not care how many U.S or terrorist lives are wasted. I feel very sorry though for those innocents caught in the crossfire. Those are the only ones that did not ask to be in that position. As soon as the U.S can pull out the troops without getting its ego too hurt (that is very important to them). I would say at next election, and they will blame the subsequent chaos in Irak to the inhability of the Iraq citizens to defend themselves. No, but i am afraid that some people will forget the lesson very soon and this very same thing will happen again shortly. By the way, you have written 2 or 3 posts without pissing anyone off, congratulations...
  4. Have you read the whole article instead of just the headlines. I will highlite some parts for you. the Basque leader will not have to go to jail for the moment as sentences of under two years are suspended in Spain. Not totally true but close. However, the Supreme Court is to consider an appeal of a sentence of 15 months handed down to Otegi in May 2004 by the Basque court, which convicted him of defending terrorism by praising dead members of the armed pro-independence group ETA and their cause during a funeral ceremony. If it is not your first sentences the sentences under two years may not be suspended. Seems like we have a really nice guy. A former Basque parliament deputy, Otegi is leader of the political party Batasuna, which was outlawed in 2003 on the basis that it formed part of ETA, an organization that has killed more than 800 people since 1968 in a campaign for Basque independence. Oh, Batasuna.... Such a nice people. They are the ones that when ETA put a car bomb and all spain went marching honoring the fallen, the were marching in opposite direction honoring the ETA terrorists in Prison. This Otegui has a funny way to make friends. Otegi served three years of a six-year sentence handed down in 1989 for his role in an ETA kidnapping. Kidnapping is a no-no in any democracy. He was also indicted earlier this year on charges of being a top member of ETA and is out on bail awaiting trial. No trial date has been set. Being a top member of a terrorist organization is not nice and can get you in trouble. Now seriously, there is many people that want to see him in jail, the thing is that in Basque country he is quite popular and have bought a great deal of judges so it is not easy to put him in jail. That is what this charade is for. No one in Spain gets in trouble for slendering our Monarchy, but you would have to be very stupid to do it on TV. If you want to bash Spain, go for it, I will lend you a hand, it is better to bash us for not being hard enough with people like Otegui, that for not respecting freedom of speech. I am actually as big fun of the monarchy as i am of Bush. It is just that our Monarchy doesn´t get anyone killed, and you have to at least give them credit for it.
  5. Yeah, but maybe, just maybe, some other countries will not want to lower their standard of living so you guys can secure yours. And what will you do? call them terrorists and start a war? An intelligent, honest government would put all the reources so that the country´s standard of living is not based solely on a single depleting resource. But what can you expect when some individuals in the government has so much money to make...
  6. Had you asked me who are the good guys i would have answered no one. The terrorists are bad, i think to that we can agree... But fighting the bad guys doesn´t make you the good guys automatically. In the simple world the war mongers would love to be, that could be the case, but in this complex gray world (as oppose to black and white), I will side with the innocent Iraqui civilians who are fed up with Al-Quaeda and U.S alike. Yep, that is what happens when you start thinking on your own instead of taking for granted everything you are told. It will go away.
  7. Sorry, i wasn´t speaking about the "It-is-their-fault-because-they-hate-freedom" kind of responsability. I would like to think you know what i am talking about...
  8. You make it sound like it is all wrong to be that way. Fair enough, i agree with those who think that you have to fix what you break. However, i have my concerns that the U.S is more interested in getting its way (whatever that is) rather than fixing things in Irak. Sort of, sure, i will fix this but first i will get my way, In any case most Bush supporters want to shift attention from the how we got here to the what do we do now. It is time to take make whoever is responsible for this mess take responsability.
  9. So you are teling us that Bush has no ties to the oil industry, and therefore there is no potential (to say the least) conflict of interests. Please, correct me if i am wrong.
  10. That is what happens when you bring common sense to SC Don´t you see a conflict of interest? (Does that term makes sense in English?) I mean, it is like putting the wolf in charge of the lambs, how is he going to do a good job and be fair when he has a great deal to win by not doing his job properly.
  11. That the war is about oil doesn´t necesarilt means it is so you will get cheaper gas. Have you ever thought that it could very well be quite the opposite? As far as i know, the oil companies are doing pretty well despite (or due to) this mess. It is just you, the average citizen, who is getting screwed at the gas station. The fact that Bush has ties to the oil industry (hell, i think he even owns an oil company Arbusto or something like that) points out to a huge conflict of interests. But hey, what could i possibly know, i am just a Bush and US basher.
  12. Wrong, we did not give him WMDs saying, "hey he'll kill thousands of his own people with these. Lets do it!" We gave him WMDs saying, "good, he can stop Iran with these." So your definition of good or bad is based upon who your enemies are at a given time, not by their action. Maybe the U.S should have been more clear to SH about what those WMD were to be used for. Or maybe you guys should have just used them on Iran directly... Oh no no no. I forgot that the U.S has the moral high ground and would never used AGAIN WMD. Better to let others do the dirty job and keep pretending you are the good guys. When will the U.S take some responsability for its actions?
  13. Do you realize that the U.S is judging him for the deeds that you guys expected him to do by selling him WMD. How hipocritical!!!!
  14. Bullshit, You guys sold him WMD and expected him to use it against your enemies. Who are you trying to fool?
  15. Botellines


    You are assuming he cares. Not everybody is as caring as you seem to be. Except maybe a handful of people in DZ who also cares about the 10.000+ inocent civilians killed when trying to stablish a military presence on the region. I don´t thinl the problem is that he is a dickhead. He is a dickhead, mind you. But i think that the problem is a major conflict of interests. There is too many people high in the chain of command that has a lot to gain with this war. So I ask you, do you think it is okay to invade a sovereign country just to stablish a military presence on the region? Would it be okay if Europe decided to invade the U.S to stablish a military presence on America? It is because the fearful U.S citizenship are so easily pushed around by the government with threats. I was in atocha train station everyday at the time the bombs went off, i was lucky that day i fell asleep. Another terrorist group exploded a bomb car in the very same street a live (50 meters away from my house) and i didn´t support war against any country. So knock it off with 9/11, you lost all simpathy from the world. We don´t apreciate knee jerk reaction that affect the whole world. My philophy is to treat people like you would like to be treated, and it seems to be working so far. I was tempted to go by the "I will do it because i can" philosophy, and the "i can do it because i am good no matter what, you cannot do it because you are evil no matter what" But i realized that there was too many people with those philosophis and decided to be a bit diferent.
  16. Botellines


    But we all know that for propaganda purposes it sounds better to say those kids gave their lives. Like if they were heroes, giving their life to save someone else´s life, instead of giving their life for killing who happens to be at the moment an ex-US ally.
  17. I do. Being a president ia a very rewarding job. It gives you many things like. -Money -Power -The posibility to do good things for your country. -Write history, etc, etc. You only have to be a bit honest to be a good president. Few of them are, and not only in the U.S.A. There is seldom times a win-win solutions. But there should never be a loose-loose solution, and IMO Bush is getting way too many of those. Maybe we should speak of a win-loose-loose situation winning some corporations and loosing republicans and democrats alike. In any case it is always posible to reach a compromise. A president should not be a president for one party or the other, he should be president for the whole country. This is not football match.
  18. It is like when you (general you) have to undergo a cavity search at the airport. With that definition you could take that you are being anally raped with a pair of gloves by a big dude in a uniform. Not personal experience, mind you, although my friend is still traumatized I will go with the definition that if it involves someone genitalia in contact with someone else´s bare skin is sex.
  19. You only need one reason to go to war. But you have to make damn sure that it is an excelent reason. The fact that all of the sudden, there is many reason to go to war with one country and they change their relative importance with time to accomodate someone´s agenda, points out that all those reason where taken into consideration after the decision to go to war was taken. It only takes a bit of critical thinking to suspect foul play.
  20. Yes, but the right to choose is not about getting abortions, it is about the mother´s right to take a decision regarding her own body. As it has been pointed out many women are pro choice but would never get an abortion. They just don´t pretend to know what is best for other people.
  21. I am actually botellines, i think you hit the wrong reply button. I think that what you actually want to say is that it is not worthy to discuss subjects with people who doesn´t agree with you because they do not agree with you. I mean, how dangerous is that, you may even end up reconsidering old beliefs. It is true that we don´t enjoy the company of AMERICANS when it is you guys who capitalize your nationality. I have a problem when you say you are AMERICAN, but not if you say you are American, or Canadian, or Spanish or Whatever. As a matter of fact, we cannot care less where you come from as long as you are a decent person. If you capitalize your nationality and say things like Europe should be grateful to the US for WW2, the U.S is the most generous country in the world or the only true democracy or the land of the free we are going to laugh at you. I don´t need to be a hero or be praised by anyone, i have no need to win or to loose or to demonstrate anything. I don´t need to fight battles that don´t need to be fought. My soul is neither timid nor cold. I only want to love the people i care, and take care of the people i love. And pretty much all of us in Europe want the very same thing. The moment that you understand this, you will have a wonderful time in Europe and you will be welcomed in any country you step on. Of that, i promise.
  22. Mine was an example as well, you ignored the second paragraph, the one about the increased waste and fossil fuel consumption that an increase in population would bring. Why? I am sure at least one of them works if they can afford 16 childs. We are not comparing good parents to bad parents, lets compare good parents to good parents... If you have four kids, you can dedicate so much time to those four kids. If you had 12 more kids you could only dedicate a forth of that time to the original four. I just don´t see the point in having more kids than you can dedicate your time to. It is not just a matter of feeding.
  23. That you don´t feel it doesn´t mean it is not negative. I mean, input from guys like Juanesky is not representative at all of international feeling about the U.S. Yeah, i think you got it right this time. What exactly do you think we fear? War, That Bush doesn´t visit Europe anymore. Regarding the middle east, i will concede that some countries fear you guys (warm fuzzy feeling icon here) but only those that has no WMD, and those countries are decreasing in number very fast. Probably that is because Bush has proven that the U.S will not get involved in a war unless it is going to be easy to win, and that exclude countries with WMD. We europeans fear that, that many countries will get WMD just to make sure that you guys do not take the easiest pick and try to take their resources. Countries that may end up misplacing some nukes and... When will the U.S. war supporters stop making stupid excuses and accept that all the Iraqui population want is to be left alone. Isn´t diplomacy and the U.S an oximoron since the last war the U.S started? Oh yeah, "Mission acomplished", we forgot to say that so it wouldn´t be a failure. And after seeing how succesful the U.S is in Iraq, we will sit, watch, and talk about it some more until things become clear or God stops talking to us. Whatever comes first. The rest of your post is way too simplistic to comment.
  24. Would you allow every single person in the world to fit in the state of texas and have over 1200 square feet each? I doubt it (minuteman project). It is not ONLY about resources or physical space, It is important as well how much waste the population produce that is not easily recicled, the increased consuption of fossil fuels, politics, economy, etc etc etc. In other order of things i wonder how much quality time do each of those kids get with their parents compared with thir assigned "buddy".
  25. It is not too much of an inacurate stereotype, considering that it is a broad generalization. Here in spain when we see British men (or German for that matter) it is because they are on holiday, and it is true that many spend most of the time partying and drinking. What the heck i spend most of the time during holidays partying and drinking too. Probably the stereotype comes because spain is a very popular place to spend holidays and therefore it is full of british and germans having a good time.