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Everything posted by Botellines

  1. If you are a pilot, you should know how odd is to have survivors on a mid-air collision. Let alone all of them.
  2. Can you guarantee 100% that your gun is not going to be misused? I don´t mean misused by you, i mean misused by your family, by your teenage kids, by a relative that happens to come for a visit. Can you guarantee that you will never ever loose your gun or it will never be stolen? How much can you bet on it, economical responsability? criminial responsability if indeed your gun is misused by someone? I don´t care wether you have guns or not, i am just happy there is an ocean between my people and whoever has the chance to misuse your gun.
  3. Does it aply to Iraq as well, or only on those ocasions when it is most convenient.
  4. The thing is that wether your life is at risk or not is based on perceptions, not facts. You don´t have the facts, your attacker does. If someone points a gun at you and demands all your money, the only thing you can be sure is that you are about to loose your money. As a matter of fact, if you just handle your money you will probably be safer than if you attack the attacker. Unless you are a gang member or something like that it is very unlikely that anyone will want to kill you just because. So almsot always it will not be your life what is at risk, but your money. I doubt anyone wouldn´t kill if they are really fearing for their lifes. There is not that many sheeps out there. Many though will prefer to hand out their money and their ego than further risking their lives with a confrotation with someone armed. And i agree, life weights more than ego and the money will be handed back by the insurance. There is some exceptions. Being a guy my chances of being raped are slim, but i fully support the use of lethal force against a rapist, and if i was a woman, i would surely use it although maybe not centermass. Just my 0,2 €
  5. Mike, I also have a very nice medical insurance paid by my company, but you will agree with me that insurance benefits is not something that it is offered in all companies or even to all the employees in the same company. For those is the social healthcare. Just for the record i have both Social and Insurance medical health and i cannot honesly say which is better (or worse). They both give pretty much the same return fo your money although tipically the disadvantages of one of them is the advantages of the other and viceversa.
  6. I don´t think that morals should play a significant role at this point. If it is part of your job, then just do it the best you can. Morals should have been important before commiting yourself to a particular profession, not after. To be honest with you, i don´t know because it is not my field. I would say that all of them that are legal. I believe that some choices (specially that hard ones like getting an abortion) should be taken by the own person affected, not by the government, not by the church and not by the doctor. Besides, what would happen if you refer a patient to another doctor and the other doctor refers the patient back to you, or to other doctor that is not willing to attend the person? It can/will get to a point that the patient is not receiving the apropiate care. Not good.
  7. If you have such a strong feelings about an issue, then maybe you should choose a profession that match your beliefs. If my religion didn´t allow me to work on Saturdays, then i should choose to work in an office Monday to Friday and refuse to do overtime on Saturdays. It wouldn´t make any sense to become a pilot and refuse to fly on Saturdays, and i don´t think it is acceptable to refer the passangers to another airline even if it is a couple of fingers away. If you are not willing or able to perform your job to the full extent of what it is legal (not what you think is right or wrong) then maybe you should reconsider you career. (Of course i am talking about a general you, not a personal you)
  8. I don´t know why some people think the issue is the form of art that representations where delivered, and not the representation itself. The issue here is if the girl consented to, the family consented to, if the girl was not made felt unconfortable, if she was aware that her schoolmates may end up seeing her naked and all those things that may affect the well being of the child. Wether it is a picture or a painting or a sculpture is irrelevant. What about if she had her breast and her private parts covered with her hands? It may not offend you then but she still would have had to pose naked in front of a stranger. So if it was okay with the model and no harm was done, then i think it is alright. Just for the record, i personally do not like those pictures that much because I hate any kind of so called art that involves provoking the audience. And using a 12 years old girl model is surely going to provoke many people. It is like getting cheap publicity. Just my opinion.
  9. Nope. it's a Spanish/Catalan thing No it is not. Cataluña was not playing (among other things because it is not a country, just a region of a country.
  10. Zep, out of my country!!!! OK Zep, i feel bad. You can stay.
  11. I will be there, even if it is only as an excuse to drink beer (not a big soccer fun) I think you got the score right although in the wrong order. In any case, it will be fun, even without bleeding noses. Hell, if we didn´t start a fight with the italians how are we going to pick on the germans. For those who didn´t see the Italy - Spain match there was over 45 faults over the entire game; one every couple of minutes. So everybody have fun and see you here on sunday for a little "rubbing it in your face" session.
  12. It means that you parents decided to have a good time 9 months before being on the U.S. Nothing to be proud of, and nothing to be ashamed of. Do you think that you are better than me because you are from the U.S and i am from Spain?
  13. John, you are blind. Project Echelon has been around in your country for a long time. Maybe you thing it is cool that your government spies on other countries citizens, but guess what? chances are that they were spying on you as well. Maybe you think you are loosing freedom if your government requires you have a national ID, but you already have it in the form of passport, driving license, etc. Furthermore, you are quite happy to provide them anytime you use your credit card to avoid fraud. Don´t you think that what, where, when you buy is being datamined? The U.S is the only country that can deny you boarding a plane based on unknown data collected without permision about you, data that, by the way, will not even let you check to see if it is true. Don´t you think that takes away a lot of freedom? With the wiretapping the U.S government not only can listen to your private conversations, but also can locate you anywhere through your cell phone. And if you are not careful, without judicial supervision. Recently, the U.S has made mandatory that other countries share information about citizens traveling to the U.S so it can be datamined. Scary. Yes, you have guns, but don´t get it wrong, when it comes to loosing rights, the home of the free and land of the brave leads the way, with Europe following suite, i will grant you that. Thanks for watching my backyard, but someone is taking your TV while you are not looking.
  14. Yep, he should have signed it. I'll agree with you on that. But I do take issue with your statement that he brings dishonor to all Americans...unless, of course, you have been given some special power that lets you speak for all Americans. Actually it only brings dishonor to the americans that voted him. Which democratically, usually they are the majority.
  15. I think it is an excelent idea because we all know that one gun is a problem but two is the solution. Why stopping at that? Janitors, bus drivers and honor students should get a gun each as well. Of course the principal (due to his responsability) should get no less than a bazooka. In the other hand, if instead of guns to the teachers we give them tazers, they would have the ideal tool to motivate the lazier students. Is there anything you wouldn´t solve with a gun?
  16. I see you are still having problems with that "taking everything literally" issue. Asperger sindrome is a bitch. I suggest you to take a look at the syndrome F84.5 of DSM-IV. You may see yourself well represented and it can give you a couple of tips so you will not make a fool of yourself on a daily basis. In the other hand, how funny that you among everybody happens to join a thread about mentally retarded people being used in bombings. Just in case if someone with beard who talks funny give you a backpack, just say no.
  17. Lmao. You, the advocate of "running fast" when shit happens (case in point your stance about gun ownership), is the one who wants to take care of the execution. If you are doubting about wether i am brave enough or not to defend myself or take revenge when need it, let me remind you that i am not the one hiding behind a keyboard insulting people who happens to disagree with you. I told you once that i will take you seriously when you have the balls to acuse me face to face of beeing a pedophile. I see that you are still in the process of growing a pair, so please, come back when you do.
  18. Enlighten us and i will share my list of who i think are the seven in the other poll.
  19. Hey, seven people think that the U.S soldiers who raped and killed a 14 years old girl are courageous american heroes in another thread. Go figure. (They may even be the same seven) Heck, I´ll bet if they raped and killed an entire school full of toddlers, these seven voters would nominated them for a shiny award. Do any of you seven have the guts to come forth and explain your position? You can start by explaining how raping and killing innocent Muslim families brings democracy to a country. I'm betting that not a damned one of you has the guts to speak up.
  20. If i think someone deserves death i will be the one delivering it right away and i will face the consecuences. I will not advocate an state sponsored murder that will deliver justice 20 years down the road and is quite likely to execute the wrong person for the wrong reasons. But it is just me and many of the european bleeding heart pussies. In case you didn´t get it before, the debate is not wether someone deserves the capital punishment or not, the debate is if we want to support a system that doesn´t have a 0% chance to always execute the right person. Obviously the "compasionate conservatives" do not care much about executing an inocent person by mistake. Just to stay on topic, do you think that a fit punishment for those rapist (the U.S soldiers) would be a couple of minutes sitting in "Old Sparky"?
  21. So far the only one convicted has gotten 90 years and not elegible for parole before 20 years. So it means that within 20 years he can be on the streets again. Not exactly Texas-Stile justice.