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Everything posted by mcrocker

  1. e-mail recalling is not even close to being standard SMTP. I would assume the recall did not work and the client received 2 messages from you, one with the oops, the other with your wish to recall.
  2. I don't think it would be reasonable for the mother to blame the chain of command in this case. You have to look at the big picture. The military may use a soldier/group of soldiers as a 'sacrificial lamb' in order to draw enemy attention/fire so that another group can accomplish the mission. The sacrificial lamb group may be all killed but they may have saved the other group more deaths. Or, accomplishing the mission objective may have saved many more lives. It is a hard decision to make, one I would not want to be in a position to do. Sacrificing 10 lives to save 100? All of the soldier are doing their duty, serving their country. A job that doesn't get enough respect
  3. How'd you figure that out? Did you finally invent a tool to read someone's mind? If you actually pay attention to ANY rally that has happened in the past several YEARS you'll know that things get heated. You'll know that if you go to a Rally supporting 'the other guy' you will feel the wrath of the rally supporters. This father, went to the rally knowing full well that he was going to stir up shit. That in itself is not a problem. His problem is he goes, brings his kids and then hides behind them. His thought process was probably 'Nobody will hurt my little girl'. No, Obviously I haven't invented a magic tool to know his thoughts, don't be rediculous. This my opionion. It would be the same if it was a Bush rally and a Kerry sign. Where should she have been? In the free speech zone down the road? So you suggest that a 3 year old, who cannot read is excersizing HER free speech by holding a sign? Really? HER free speech? The child should have been home or playing with friends. Hire a baby sitter if you have to, don't drag them to a rally when you know it could turn ugly. You blame the father because the Kerry supporters acted badly? How on EARTH did you get there? He should have known better. How many recent rallys have had an issue between supporters? How many times has a person been dragged down for holding the incorrect sign? I can think of 3 or 4 off the top of my head. All in the recent past, ALL had major news coverage. Yes, the Kerry supporters should have acted like adults. The Father should have known what would have happened and should have protected his family. That is the job of a parent. One would expect adults to act like adults, no matter what their political affiliation or leanings. Are you suggesting that the father should have known that the Kerry supporters were going to act badly? Yes, he should have known. He also shouldn't be exploiting his children to support his cause. Leave them at home and get the biggest sign to show your support. Don't give a sign to your kid and then hide behind them Actually it is a bunch of electrons, forming bits stored on a server somewhere on the Internet. It is aslo my opinion, you may THINK it is crap, in that case I think you are wrong -Matt
  4. I don't want Kerry in the Whitehouse either but you need to differentiant between the man and his supporters. What was her father doing bringing her to a pro Kerry rally with a Bush/Cheney sign? He was too chicken to hold the sign himself so he made his daughter hold it. She would have been happy holding ANY sign. The supporters were wrong to rip it up but the she shouldn't have been there in the first place. I blame the father, with your logic I shouldn't support a person (Bush) whos followers would wilfully put their daughters into a situation where they are likely to get hurt.
  5. If you know of a rich skydiver that wants to pay me to host the site I would be more than happy to take their money. People are rich because they are smart with their money. $5k/month for something that generates $0 revenue isn't being smart with their money. I don't mind the $300/month or so, it gets lost in the shuffle of our network. SDM on a normal day fills up our excess bandwidth. When it spins out of control is when I have a problem.
  6. Ah, but grasshopper, Equinix and HE Direct are not true Tier1. I also own a datacenter and I have to pay for the loops to bring the bandwidth into me. I actually pay somewhere around $60/mb but the DS-3 loops from Boston and NY bring the price up to $100/mb. $100/mb is also guaranteed bandwidth to the 'net it isn't overcommitted bandwidth like HE & Equinix. My T1 customers and other colo customers cost me $10/mb because I can over commit, they never use it all. SDM was actually using 50mbps on the network.
  7. Hey everyone, has been pumping 50mbps out through my network for the past 3 hours. I took the rate-limiting off the network a couple weeks ago and it has been running smooth until now. I just put the 3mbps rate-limit back into effect on the switch port. Your movie viewing will be affected. I don't have the time to check into the server to see what is going on. I'll look into it on Friday. For now, if you are having trouble getting your favorite movie it is probably because a couple hundred of your closest friends are doing the same thing I've attached the graph of the last 24 hours in usage. Green is data from the SDM server going to the Internet. 5.2MB/s = 41.6mbps roughly a full DS-3, (28 T1s, 30 times faster than a DSL line). The switch is reporting higher numbers (50mbps) 50mbps = $5000/month for me , 3mbps = $300/month. Donations are accepted (paypal to [email protected])
  8. Congratulations! You've successfully defended the White House Final Score 263551
  9. YEP! Our Hurricane Season is from July till November, but last year we got a storm in December. So it might last loger this year. We get hurricanes every year, if not, Tropical Storms for sure! Yes, it sucks!, but what can we do?... Daaamn, that is going to be one hell of a long spot. You could probably call for a cut over Cuba and make it back. Hold on to something solid and good luck!
  10. I nominate PeacefulJeffrey. PJ always makes me laugh with his 'kill everyone that thinks differently' rants
  11. That would be MSG VSG sounds like an STD, I think I'll call her Ms. Sky Girl is that acceptable? Seeing as I have never met you and all...
  12. mcrocker


    Sure you do. Go up on your roof, wait for a big gust and pull your reserve. See where you land
  13. Can you make one big enough to jump out of? Now, THAT! would be impressive
  14. I live in Hatfield which is 1 town north of the 'Peoples Republic of Northampton' My son swims in the JFK pool. Northampton is the home of Smith College, you will not find a more liberal spot on the planet, unless of course you cross the river and go to the 'Peoples Republic of Amherst' home of UMASS, Amerst College, Hampshire College. The region is FULL of feel good intelectuals that are systematically dumbing down our children. Some other WONDERFUL things they have done include. Scoreless sports, everyone makes the little league team. There are NO outs, NO strikes, NO SCORE. Everyone bats. The innings end when everyone has skipped around the bases. Letterless grading, You don't get A,B,C,D,F in school you get a number score 1-6 which is 'does the task all the time' or 'rarely performs the task'. No challenges to the students. I moved to Hatfield which is a small, right wing farmer town which has a real school system. GRRRRR
  15. I doubt it. I'd vote for McCain between those 3. And know a lot of other people who are voting for Kerry who would as well. I think he'd win in a landslide. I agree, I almost hope Kerry wins this election so McCain can run in '08. I haven't followed much of his voting record but he seems to be a straight shooter/honest kinda guy. If Bush wins then it will be Cheney in '08. Cheney can't win an election, maybe the Republicans will give McCain the nod then.
  16. I always thought Texas would be 'center'
  17. In a true capatlistic society the goverment should not dictate who we can do business with. The market should decide. Personally, I try to avoid buying items from China. It is extremely hard to do so. I am willing to pay more to buy it locally if I can. The Goverment should inform their citizens on the good, the bad and the ugly and let the citizens decide. I know that is a utopian outlook on things and will never work, it is nice to dream sometimes. China makes a large chunk of its GNP from the US. If we ban trade with China it may just break their economy and quite possibly their goverment. The cold war broke the USSR economy & government, maybe a Trade war with China will do the same. It might take 10-20 years and the human conditions in China will suffer during that time but in the long run it might bring reform and a better life for the next generation. If you read Tom Clancy you'll know that a trade war with China will incite WW III. The US will win in dramtic fashion of course....
  18. Yes it would HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA And coming from MA I have the RIGHT to laugh at Kennedy. Friggen 'US Royalty' my ass.
  19. So in this instance a state or federal firearm ID could have helped. Assuming of course that the buyer who was using a welfare ID would not qualify for an official firearm ID in the first place. Isn't selling a gun to a criminal a crime? Didn't the welfare dude sell to a criminal? Doesn't that mean he committed a crime and he is now a criminal? So, he shouldn't have been able to purchase the gun in the first place. If there was some method of tracking purchases there would be potential for his ID to be rejected. I don't own a gun, not because I'm against owning guns, I just don't need one. I was under the impression that I would need to get a firearm ID here in Massachusetts before I could purchase/own a gun. Is my MA drivers license enough?
  20. It seems stupid to me that a welfare card is enough ID to purchase a firearm. You should at least need to have a FID or other 'I am able to purchase firearm ID' before you can purchase (from a legal gun shop). Gun shop sales should be randomly audited to make sure they are following the rules. Gun manufactures should require a 'code of ethics' to be followed before distributing guns to a gun retailer. Everyone is out to make a quick buck.
  21. Yep, and my mom would rake the soap on the back of my front teeth when she pulled it out. Nothing like getting soap packed in behind your teeth. MMMMmmmmmm *bubble* I think the hot sauce would be better
  22. I'm a Catholic male. I was an Alterboy, Catholic school K-6, come from a very religious family. My statements are not against the Catholic religion, just the Catholic church. I choose to keep my faith but do it with open eyes. Have you ever wondered why the church keeps pushing 'Blind faith'? They want you to do without thinking, they want you to beleive without exploring the other possibilties. Are they afraid of what you may find? I dunno. I don't attend church any more because I am disgusted with the actions of the church. I do try to follow my faith closely without being hypocritical (sometime hard, I'm not perfect either).
  23. Catholicism is influenced by money and power. It is a fairly well respected fact that the Bible was assembled with a chosen subset of available gospels. The assembly was put together in order to apease and control the people of other faiths. The church aligned its holidays around existing pagan holidays, not because that was Gods will but because it would be easier to control/convert the pagan worshipers. Catholicism swept through europe on the back of armies. People converted or were killed/burned at the stake. The Vatican put forth one of the worst genocides in history when it clean Europe of the heathens. All in the name of God. All for money and control of kingdoms. How many people did the Crusades kill? History is written by the winners.
  24. You have to beleive in the religion in order to beleive in original sin. If you don't buy into the Catholic religion as defined by the Vatican you don't need to concern yourself with eternal punishment. It's all just a roulette game. When the numbers come up, hopefully you bet on the right one. Personally, I'm betting on green. That is if you even believe there is a heaven and hell to go to when you die. You could just beleive in dirt and worms and be done with it. Original sin is also easy to get out of, just get baptised and/or confirmed (Again if you beleive in the religion). I agree, most current religions are all about power. The catholic religion gains its power through guilt over your soul. Starting from birth. I have 2 month old daughter. I get asked DAILY by my family when I'm going to baptise her. 'IF she were to die tomorrow she would go to hell!'. I'm like 'Why? Because she had a blow out and messed her car seat????' The biggest problem is my daughter is a result of my 2nd marriage. I never got an annulment (that is another joke, you can pay your way out of marriage). So, my daughter is a bastard child (as defined by the church) so she is screwed either way. I'll just stand over here and try to avoid the lightning heading your way