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Everything posted by mcrocker

  1. And this is final proof that only TM's fart in the plane!
  2. mcrocker

    Blonde Joke

    A blonde walks into a library.. She approaches the librarian as says [Blonde] I'd like a Big Mac, Large Fry and a Coke [Librarian] Um, Ma'am, this is a library... [Blonde] Oh, sorry, I'd like a Big Mac, Large Fry and a Coke Ba-dum-bum
  3. If I remember right the lunar lander used a spring to initially release it from its base. It floated up several feet before the booster ignited to take it to the orbiting module. The booster was pretty focused and the base that was left behind may have shielded the foot print. I don't know if it is still there but count me as first in line to go take a look! You buy my jump ticket and I'll let you know what I find when I get there....
  4. Tons of stuff you can do 1) screw up his office chair (raise or lower it) then put a thick bead of grease/ink on the levers 2) put a thick bead of grease on the bottom edge of his windshield wipers. Turn the wipers on if you can. Get front row seats when he starts his car 3) Put a open can of tuna fish in his engine compartment/car heater.
  5. 1. Do they have a 4th of July in England? -Yes, it isn't a holiday but it is on the calendar 2. How many birthdays does the average man have? -One, the day he is born, everything else is a celebration of his birthday, not his actual birthday. 3. Some months have 31 days; how many have 28? - 6 and all of the months have 28 days, some have more but they all have at least 28 4. A woman gives a beggar 50 cents; the woman is the beggar's sister, but the beggar is not the woman's brother. How come? - The beggar is a woman and her sister. 5. Why can't a man living in the USA be buried in Canada? - He is still alive 6. How many outs are there in an inning? - 6 outs, 3 per side 7. Is it legal for a man in California to marry his widow's sister? Why? - No, if he has a widow he is already dead, can't marry while dead. 8. Two men play five games of checkers. Each man wins the same number of games. There are no ties. Explain this. - They aren't playing against each other 9. Divide 30 by 1/2 and add 10. What is the answer? - 70. 30 / 1 / 2 + 10 = 3 * 2 + 10 = 70 10. A man builds a house rectangular in shape. All sides have southern exposure. A big bear walks by, what color is the bear? Why? -- Uh, no idea 11. If there are 3 apples and you take away 2, how many do you have? - 2 12. I have two U.S. coins totaling 55 cents. One is not a nickel. What are the coins? -- .50 + .05. One isn't a nickel but the other one is... 13. If you have only one match and you walked into a room where there was an oil burner, a kerosene lamp, and a wood burning stove, which one would you light first? -- Uh... 14. How far can a dog run into the woods? 15. A doctor gives you three pills telling you to take one every half hour. How long would the pills last? - 1 hour, 1 when you get them, 1 30 minutes later, 1 30 minutes later, total of 1 hour 16. A farmer has 17 sheep, and all but 9 die. How many are left? - 9 17. How many animals of each sex did Moses take on the ark? 1 of each sex 18. A clerk in the butcher shop is 5' 10" tall. What does he weigh? - meat 19. How many two cent stamps are there in a dozen? - 12 20. What was the President's name in 1950? Truman? ??
  6. Nah, Offensive would be if you asked 1). Ziplock bag 2). Blooming Flower 3). Busted Ravioli I can't take credit for the questions, they are from the WAAF Mantown search. Gotta love that station, one of the DJs is a jumper
  7. mcrocker

    find your dz

    Airborne Adventures, Northampton MA 7B2 Close up of the DZ The white car is my truck (I think), the plane is a C206. I have a log book entry showing my jumps on April 1, 2001 when the sat went over.
  8. Identify your self to the staff, show your Tandem, AFF/I credentials and become the tandem master for the other people on the show. Act like you drew straws and this is how the producers wanted to do it. If you aren't a TM, AFF/I let your AFF instructors know, see if you can borrow/rent a real canopy and just scream 'You'll never take me alive coppers!' then charge out the door.
  9. Watching my 2 week old duaghter sleep. She is so amazing, I can stare at her for hours. Yes, she already has me wrapped around her little finger, and I love every minute of it :)
  10. Everytime I throw my laptop backpack over my shoulder I check to see if I can reach the hacky. It isn't there of course but I still check.
  11. Can't be an even number of judges, they would never be able to decide and will always end in a deadlock. I scored 10/11 I missed the number of amendments.
  12. I'm showing 354KB/s which is about 2.8mbps so it looks like the rate-limiting is working :) Cool, I'll leave it at 3 for now which should be enough for normal traffic. -Matt
  13. Heya, I just increased the bandwidth for SDM.COM from 1mbps to 3mbps. It currently isn't getting enough traffic to test out the rate-limiting. Can everyone go download some big new, cool, whiz-bang movie? I'll know from this side if the bandwidth is actually being locked at 3megs. Oh, and donations for bandwidth are greatly accepted (paypal to [email protected]) Thanks, and have some fun
  14. .16 is not compatible with .11 They both use the same ISM frequencies but do not interoperate.
  15. Thanks Brian, I do think you owe beer because you are the first to donate to I recently renegotiated my contract with Verio and went from 15mbps to a full DS-3 (45 mbps). My cost went from $152/mbps to $100/mbps. I have had the site locked into a 1mpbs but I'll bump it up tonight to 3mbps. Everyone should feel the speed boost. $35 pays for 3 days of bandwidth usage on the site. Thanks again Brian, it is appreciated. -Matt
  16. Gave ya a 10. What is his link so I can give him a 1?
  17. Bah, A leatherman and a stick of gum is all you'll ever need.... I once ran my car on a stick of gum (used the wrapper to replace a blown fuse).
  18. Yes, with a male jumper taking video it would qualify. The video would of course need to be uploaded to so it can judged for authenticity
  19. Thanks for all of the kind words. I own an ISP so I have some bandwidth 'just lying around' Normally the site does 3-5mbps. I pay about $150/mbps for my upstream bandwidth so the site normally costs me $450-750/month. It isn't a direct out of my pocket expense, the $$ gets lost in the balance sheet. The problem this week was the direct linking caused the bandwidth to jump to a sustained 30mbps ($4500/month !). The result was it peaked one of my upstreams causing our BGP peering session to drop. For those that don't know what BGP peering is I can tell you it is BAD when it drops. I'm currently rate limiting the site down to 3mbps (which it is filling 100%) so I can control my costs. More importantly I can control my service levels to my paying customers
  20. Damn, you're spoiled. We have 1, can we borrow some of yours (clean please)
  21. My first 5 tandems (no idea why I did 5 but that is another story) were with Schlefee (sp?) I funny german with different hair every day. He was cool, made me feel nervous and spun the crap out of me under canopy. I loved it. Sad to say, he died a couple years back in a BASE accident . He was an influence on me, as was everyone at my home DZ.
  22. *while in the plane* Me: Hey, how are you doing? TM: Not so good, I'm kinda upset. Me: You still taking those anti-depressants? TM: Nah, I stopped taking them a couple days ago... This normally gets the students all bug eyed.
  23. Hips and shoulders have the most effect on your exit. arms and legs don't really do much. If you can make sure that your hips and shoulders are square with each other and perpendicular to the line of flight you should be ok. Get the core of your body flying in the wind and arch. Really throw it out there, jump off the plane with force, fly your body the second you leave the plane. I bet you can't jump off the plane hard enough. I lot of people right off AFF tend to fly like plywood or a rag doll. You need to be somewhere in the middle. You need to be rigid, yet flexible. Fly the wind, don't let it fly you. wax on, wax off. you can do it grasshopper.
  24. Damn, My GI Joe skydiving action figure has a bigger canopy! I wonder if he did a 270 hook from 13k feet an swooped in at 100+ MPH
  25. Mine is 'INTRNT' because I'm an Internet geek My Brother is 'EMAIL' because I took the INTRNT one