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Everything posted by mcrocker

  1. Thanks! LOL! Enjoy your daughter.
  2. And she will start dating..... when?? You are in SOOOO much trouble..... have you purchased your shotgun yet...... DAD... BWAHAHAHAHA She won't be allowed to date until she is 42 years old so I have some time before I need to buy the sawed off. When you have a son you only need to worry about one little prick. When you have a daughter you have to worry about ALL of the little pricks.
  3. Thanks :) I'm 33 so you aren't *that* old We already have a son who 'is on my team' all the time. Daddy's little girl will be mine as well. All 3 of us against mom :) mwahahahahahah
  4. I second Coffee Heath Bar Crunch, I have an almost empty container in the freezer and a couple dead ones in the trash MMMMMMMmmmmm.
  5. Yep, My mail server is catching about 5 Mydooms/minute right now. Get an ISP that virus scans ALL mail and you won't have to deal with it on your end.
  6. Well.. She will be in June, my Wife and I just found out the bun in the oven is of the femaie variety. Time to paint the nursery in pretty colors
  7. E-mail is sent using the SMTP protocol. SMTP is a 'human readable' protocol and operates on TCP port 25. If you connect to a mail server on port 25 you can forge mail all you want. SMTP is broken down into 3 parts, Envelope, Header and Body (the message). The envelope consists of SMTP commands, The Header consists of headers (duh) which contain things like Date, From, Subject, To ... Mail servers deliver mail based on the ENVELOPE ONLY. Headers are used by your mail client to make things look pretty. Bare minimum envelope is: HELO MAIL FROM: [email protected] RCPT TO: [email protected] DATA . QUIT Some common headers are: From: To: Subject: Date: Headers ALWAYS start with a CAPITAL letter and end with a COLON. You CANNOT have spaces in a header. Take a look at some of your existing mail to see the other headers or check out the RFC The body ends with a . (period) on a line by itself followed by a return So, if you connect to my mail server you can forge mail to me... Try this... matthewcrocker$ telnet 25 Trying Connected to Escape character is '^]'. 220 ESMTP HELO 250 MAIL FROM: [email protected] 250 ok RCPT TO: [email protected] 250 ok DATA 354 go ahead From: Dubya To: Uber-Dude Date: 01/01/01 Subject: Forged Mail This is a forged mail message.. WOOHOOO!!!! . 250 ok 1075170626 qp 23569 quit 221 Connection closed by foreign host.
  8. not even in the least. you take FULL responsibility when you get a pack job...period. blues, arlo then why should the person who loaned the rig to her friend be in any way financially responsible if there is a mal? I know I'd feel bad...but that shouldn't make me financially responsible. (like the tire analogy...if I loan my car to someone and it gets a flat and they wreck should still be up to them to fix my car) It depends, If the flat was because the tires were crap then it isn't their fault. If the accident was because the brakes failed because they haven't been replaced in 200k miles it isn't their fault. If you borrow something you should return it in the same or better condition, that is the way I was raised. If I borrow a rig, I either trust the existing pack job or I repack it before the jump. Either way I'm responsible for the result good or bad The only time I borrowed a rig I had a horseshoe (canopy/lines wrapped around my foot). I chopped, landed the reserve with main still tangled in D-Bag on my foot. I lost the freebag, and handles. I felt REALLY bad about it, I paid for the freebag, new handles, new reserve repack, main inspection (incase any lines were damaged) and about $100 extra for the inconvience of being without a rig for a week while the handles/freebag were ordered. I still feel like shit about it. If I lost her main I would have bought her a new one (of her choice) even if I had to sell my gear to finance it.
  9. In my newbie's absolutely the responsibility of the chopper (borrowing friend). If I loan my car to someone and they wreck it...who should have to pay for repairs? Friend was flying it...friend was responsible for it. Friend did the right thing to chop, but friend became responsible for that canopy the second she took posession of it. Just like friend would be responsible for her own safety and gear checks and everything... I agree fully but ... 1) I wouldn't want to lose a friend because I made them pay for my canopy. 2) I wouldn't approach said friend, I would expect friend to come to me with a 'payment' plan 3) I sure as hell wouldn't want friend to think 'Oh, shit, if I chop this I gotta buy it. I wonder if I can land this line over' and go in. Nothing is assumed, set the guidelines before you loan your gear.
  10. It is hard to explain but this is how I turn in RW. I don't so much turn with my feet as I do with my knee and lower calf,foot & booties. I take my knee and turn it out and 'swing' it around in the direction I want to turn in (from the top down, clockwise is left knee, ccw is right knee). I also raise the other leg slightly. This has the effect of catching more air on my inner knee, and lower leg and deflecting it a bit sideways. The result is I turn in the direction my knee is pointing. My arms are in the mantis position which looks like (from the elbows to the hands) /''\. To turn I lower the arm on the same side as the knee. So a left turn (counter clockwise from the top) is right knee and right arm. My arms look like /' ,/ Both of them are deflecting air to the right, forcing my upper body to go left (ccw). To side slide I do the same thing but use the opposite arm. To slide left I point my left knee (point knee in the direction you want it to go) and lower my right arm. To slide right I point my right knee and lower my left arm. I practiced this in the Orlando tunnel for a pretty long time with the help of Boxman and the tunnel staff. It was very unstable at first and I found myself having to think 'hrrm, I want to turn left so that is right knee and right arm...' After a while it comes as second nature and just happens automatically. If you hold it for a couple seconds you can really get ripping. After you get the turning part down you can start working on stopping your turn where you give a left turn input to start it. Go to neutral and then a right turn input to stop it. Buy the Skydive U. video it has a great example of this type of turning.
  11. My vote is for VanillaSkyGirl, dark hair and a great smile. Of the two I like the 'smiling' one the best.
  12. If it is flying stable you don't cut something like this away. You don't know if the reserve deployed through the lines/risers of the main. If you cut the main away you may cause a main/reserve entanglement.
  13. mcrocker

    Red Rover Code

    "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." "Houston, we have a problem." "How YOU doin'?" "Where is the bathroom?" "I'll be back!" "If found, please return to NASA" What other quotes came out fo the moon missions?
  14. I wouldn't have taken the head off the axe. Castration by a rusty axe sounds about right. I would clean the axe off in gasoline first and clean the resulting wound with salt and steel wool. All the while cramming smelling salts up his nose so he can endure the pain.
  15. He's using DC++ constantly which is what's sucking the bandwidth. The gateway isn't clever enough to share the bandwidth so maybe routing all the traffic through an actual pc is the way to go. Gus Get a real firewall. Something like a low end sonic wall, you'll be able to do some QoS on it to limit the amount of bandwidth being eaten by other protocols. The problem is probably that DC++ is eating up all of your upstream bandwidth which can have a very bad effect on your download speeds. You can also do content filtering on the sonic wall, that will really piss of the pr0n surfers
  16. Go to your local pet store, they should have something to scare the cat away. Something like 'big dog piss' or equally nasty stuff Whatever you do, do NOT stare directly into the kittens eyes. Kitten are evil, staring into their eyes will turn you into a bumbling cat lover.
  17. Just make sure you don't go jumping with that backpack, hacky or not, it won't save your life
  18. Do ya think I'll get shot when they see my laptop, GPS setup I have in my car? Street level detail of the whole US. We're gonna have to rewrite the 'you could be a redneck...' list with 'you could be a terrorist....'
  19. Check the HEADERS and you'll see something like Blah blah blah or some other crap, but there's a K in the beginning HTML is not valid ANYWHERE in a SMTP header. Are you sure you don't mean body (the part of the message you normally see) Changing your domain will work for a while until you use your e-mail and get back on the lists. Your SPAM load will start to pick up. We drop over 1 MILLION connections/day just from black lists and delete almost 1M more from spamassassin scoring. The only sure fire 100% guaranteed way to eliminate spam forever is Install it on a server near you
  20. Does that one work? Remember to tell him that water makes things look 20% bigge
  21. I was going to but I read this link first
  22. Hrm, I wonder how much 100 feet of this stuff spread all over the DZ would cost. Would 100 feet be enough to safely stop a terminal skydiver?
  23. LODERUNNER, 'nough said. That was an AWESOME game