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Everything posted by mcrocker

  1. mcrocker

    Eloy Landings

    My Home DZ is about 130' MSL so Eloy is quite a bit higher. I never really paid attention to it until I was coming in for a landing. Everything was normal for me (Spectre 170 loaded 1.1:1) but a bit faster. In other words I came in with a bit more forward speed than I'm used to. Was kinda fun actually, got a bit more surf. One time I did over shoot the landing area and had to pop my flare to clear the telephone pole guard rail. I crashed and burned on the gravel road . Thankfully I had leather palmed gloves on that took most of the damage. Of course, I only had 100 jumps at the time so it could all have been in my head
  2. Section from the above URL In this connection, it is a criminal offense to make negative comments about the King or other members of the royal family. Thais hold the King in the highest regard, and it is a serious crime to make critical or defamatory comments about him. This particular crime, dubbed “lese majeste”, is punishable by a prison sentence of three to fifteen years. Purposely tearing or destroying Thai bank notes, which carry an image of the King, may be considered such an offense. So, I guess pissing on the palace steps is out of the question.
  3. On a Linksys you can pick one internal machine to be the DMZ machine. The DMZ machine gets all inbound traffic directed to it, basically putting it directly on the 'net. You'll want to protect the DMZ machine.
  4. I can host the collection on one of my servers. How much was the normal bandwidth usage? I can handle 20 or so mbps on my network without too much difficultly. Let me know where I can get a copy of the collection and I'll put up a mirror.
  5. The rule at our DZ is you can appeal the beer rule. Appealing the rule will cost you a case of beer (court fees) and you will most likely lose your case (pun intended)
  6. My name is Matt and I'm an owner/operator/chief cook and bottle washer/network geek/unix geek/mail geek/* geek of a regional ISP in Western Mass. Soon to be expanding into a telephone company so I can make prank phone calls from my own phone switch. MWHAHAAHAHAHAHA
  7. Michele, Some questions come to mind... How long is the contract? Are you buying 1 year or month to month. What is the possibility that you could list a house from your existing zipcode, sell it and have the money to buy a new zipcode? What is the possibility that another realtor will lock up that zipcode before you can? What happens after 5pm if you don't buy the zipcode? Does the website have another realtor lined up? What type of marketing does the website do to generate the leads? What is their commitment to continue that marketing after you sign up? What happens if they don't make their committed lead generation? Are the leads you are getting from your existing zipcode qualified? Are they really leads or just people having fun on the web? If you don't sign up for the new zipcode and another realtor does, how much business would you lose? Could you go in with another Realtor and split the leads? I think that if there is an immediate threat that you will be locked out of the zipcode you should put it on credit. Try to get a 0 interest for the first 6 month type of card. You should be able to list/sell 1 house in that amount of time to pay off the debt. I hate personal debt. I worked very hard 3 yeard ago to eliminate my CC debt ($15k or so). I'm buying a house next month so it was all worth it. Debt for a business is another matter. Sometimes you just can't do without it. I have some REALLY big loans hanging over my head for my company. Keeps me up at night sometimes but it has to be done in order to continue growing.
  8. Yep. Own, operate an ISP and CLEC (, installing OC-48 SONET (Cisco ONS 15454) ring in the area and buying a 4/5 switch (Lucent iGEN probably) early next year for voice. Network is mostly in LATA 126 (Western MA). Lots of geeks skydive
  9. OC-n stuff is not made up of DS-3's OC-3 = 3 x STS1, STS1 = DS-3 + SONET wrapper. That is why an OC-3 is 155mbps and a DS-3 is 45mbps. 45 * 3 !- 155. The difference is in the STS wrappers. Hate to be the BIGGER geek
  10. I think that is 2/3 of a bazillion t1's. OC-192 = 192 STS1 = 10.5 Gb/s or 28*192 Ds1's OC-48 = 48 STS1 = 2.5Gb/s or 28*48 DS1's OC-12 = 12 STS1 = 622 Mb/s or 28 * 12 DS1's OC-3 = 3 STS1 = 155 Mb/s or 28 * 3 DS1's STS1 = 1 DS3 + SONET wrapper = 51 Mb/s DS3 = 28 DS1 = 45 Mb/s DS1 = 24 DS0 = 1.544 Mb/s DS0 = 64 kbps = 1 Voice grade circuit, 8k 8bit samples/second OC = Optical Carrier (light over fiber) DS = Digital Signal (electric over copper) I've been reading the FCC 1/MA DTE #17 tariff too much lately
  11. mcrocker

    Hot or Not?

    Gotta love a girl that likes to slide down a pole
  12. Don't forget ignoring the screams of 'GO!!! The Light is ON GO GO GO!! GOOOOOOOO!!!!!! GO!!!! COME ON!!! GOOOOOOO!!!!' from the front of the plane.
  13. Hrmmm. As a kid... 1) standing on curb near my house waiting for cars to drive by so I can huck a fist full of rocks at them.... Not realizing that a shiny new trans-am was being driven by the football team.... Not realizing that it is summer time and the windows would be down.... Not realizing that a fist full of rocks hitting the football dude in the face would really piss him off. standing around in the same spot 1 minute later when the dude comes back and proceeds to chase me and my buddies through the woods. Good thing I knew the woods like the back of my hand. As a teenager.... 2) Riding my buddies hair trigger 3 wheeler down his driveway. At the end I see a car coming down the street. I tried to turn around but the hair-trigger throttle proceeded to wheely me infront of the car (near miss) and into a telephone pole. I got to see what my elbow joint looks like without the use of an X-ray As an adult .... 3) Forgetting to flare under a student canopy...Crashing in, ripping the tendons in my calf... In front of an 80 way dirt dive 4) Target fixation landing in the peas... Flaring waay to late ... Missing the peas and crashing into some VERY hard ground... .Breaking my tail bone .... One week before my 10 day bicycling ride around the south island of New Zealand. OUCH!
  14. My AFF instructor did something similar but tucked the thumb in to close the loop. It was 'Your flying like a chicken with its head cut off, You've signed the waiver (3 fingers up look like a W), your fucked (drop two fingers)' She also kicked me out of the door on my graduation dive. I was taking too long and she didn't want to go around with her AFF level 1 student.
  15. I normally say 'There is waaay too much duct tape on that plane to classify as 'perfectly good''
  16. Dude, launching a 4-way off a 182 by climbing out backwards and sitting in the 'crotch' is awesome. Climbing way out on the strut and geeking the tandems is awesome. Don't get me wrong, I love the big planes (Skyvan is probably my favorite) but the c182 & c206 are still wicked fun to jump out of. It is soo great to see the tandems eyes get REAL big when you roll the door up on a 206 or 'bump' the door open on a 182. They can't get far enough away from the open door. I feel sorry for the fun jumps you'll miss by never jumping a poor old cessna.
  17. Yes, Press charges, drop them later if it ever turns into a real issue. Make her accountable for her actions, My bet is no one has ever held her accountable before and she just might learn something. Just my $0.02
  18. Let me guess. On no wind days you start your flare and pop up then crash and burn... If so, slow down and smooth out your flare. Start it a bit higher and feel the canopy plane out as you slowly pull down on the toggles. Practice, practice, practice.
  19. I wonder if these nations ever heard of LINUX I prefer AIX and SUN to Linux any day - but I fully support and endorse the GNU! But, they are not fullproof - go back and look up the MAJOR security flaw they found in sendmail earlier this year - it was so major that they were not allowed to release the flaw until they had the fix ready. Last I looked sendmail was not GNU. Who runs sendmail anyway it is a heaping, steaming pile-o-shit. Run qmail or many of the other, safer alternatives. I handle 2 Million message/day on my qmail servers, and that is after I drop more than 1M SPAM/day. All running happily on Linux :p
  20. Of course you're right. It wasn't exactly intended to "make sense" so much as make a point: Society benefits from stable families. Despite some people's opinion that only fertile, childbearing families are important, society benefits from stable childless families as well. And it also benefits from stable adopting families. Overall, stable family groups of all shapes are better for society than rapidly shifting ones. Right... But... marriage != monogomy != stable family != safe society promisuous != unstable family != unsafe society I agree that same sex marriages are a good thing but your logic is broken and your validation of gay marriage is broken because of it. It is like saying 'guns kill people, so, remove guns and we will have no more murders' or 'promiscuous behavior kills society, so, let everyone marry and we will have a great society' Same sex marriages should be legal because the Government shouldn't have a right to tell people who they can spend their life with. The Government should be concerned with people, wether they are male, female, white, black, purple it doesn't matter and as such should not govern marriages with an arbitrary ruling of male + female = marriage.
  21. All though I do support same sex marriages I do not beleive that the lack of said marriages = prpmiscuous gays. In fact, I could care less wether someone is promiscuous or not. Does it really matter if they are gay or straight? I have known straight married people that are promisuous and I know gay unmarried people that are in committed relationships. This poll makes no sense
  22. Ageed, Buy a Mac-in-trash. I'm the very happy owner of a 15" PB. I converted (aka seen the light) in Feburary and haven't looked back. Go ahead, buy one I promise you, it is a good thing (tm) Can I get an Amen!?
  23. You kneel on the grommets and pull the top/roll of the canopy up to your chin. You then roll the canopy down the length of your body. Fold the roll over the grommets after you get off of it and stuff it in the bag. It ends up like a psycho pack but you have a small S-curve at the grommets to get them into the center of the bag. This is how I pack. I tried the Pyscho pack and it got a bit out of control so I repacked it my normal way. The two pack jobs look almost identical.
  24. mcrocker

    top 50 things

    1,4,5,6,7,10,14,15,17,27,39 WTF is with 22? Bathing an Elephant? is that a fetish or something ???
  25. Use the Internet my friend. Read up on the 5 C's of diamons (Cut, Color, Clarity, Carat, Cost). Know your stuff before you walk into a jewler so you aren't sold any crap. Shop around, Try some auctions, you can ussually get some good vintage stuff on auctions. That is if you don't mind if the diamond is old... well, ALL diamonds are OLD technically so it really isn't a big deal. You can always reset the stone in a new modern setting. I was lucky, A guy I know, knows someone that is a diamond wholesaler. I bought my engagement ring for what the jewelry stores buy it for. I didn't save any $$ but I did get a bigger ring for the price of a smaller one. Remember, don't break the bank now, you can always upgrade the ring for a 10,15,25 year anniversary gift. Good Luck!