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Everything posted by mcrocker

  1. Weird, The top of my right ear is stuck together and my left ear is normal. I have a little flat spot from the top to the back of my right ear. I also don't have any earlobes. They connect directly to my head. My nephew is the same way
  2. Me too, I have to keep a notepad by my bed to write down thoughts. My wife is asleep before her head hits the pillow and I toss and turn all night. If I have caffine anytime after noon I won't sleep at all. Some weird facts about me... 1) I had my eyes removed (literally) when I was 2 for an operation. When I look just right I can see the scars, my right eye looks ike a flower and my left eye looks all scraggly 2) I almost died when I was 1 from a rare disease (eating dirt in the backyard or, so they say). I was in a negative pressure room in Boston Childrens hospital. My parents had to get into full protective gear to see me. They kicked me out of the hospital saying I was too contagious and would infect the entire ward. 3) I fell when I was 2 1/2 and knocked out my front tooth. My adult tooth didn't come in until I lost the other at age 8. All my baby pictures have my smiling with a missing tooth. I was such a cutie
  3. Canada Mexico Barbados Saint Martin Anquilla Puerto Rico Australia New Zealand
  4. Ok... You need to be NAKED under the trench coat if you want to flash effectively
  5. SNNNNIIIFFFFFFFFFFFFFF MMMMMMmmm I love the smell of tofu in the morning... Nope, it just doesn't have the same ring to it... I'll be fine with soy powered airplanes so long as we still get to dump JetA on the bonfires!
  6. Mine is 90% red stuff and 10% grey goose. Hard as I try I can't sustain a greater than 10% vodka to blood solution. I do get plenty of Vitamin C from the limes though...
  7. My company. I have a pretty large amount of debt hanging over my head and need to have coverage to support that debt. I also need to have enough to keep the company running (pay for my replacement). I have 50 employees with families that I need to think about. I also have a wife and child so it is a pretty big deal, I don't want to leave them high and dry if I went in. I love skydiving but the risks are too great to ignore and not setup some form of backup protection (financial) for my family and the families of my employees. If I can't find an acceptable insurance policy I'll have to find a safer sport (i.e. one that is covered).
  8. I always thought an asteroid turned into a meteor as soon as it hit the earths atmosphere. Essentially they are the same thing, just depends where in space they happen to be at the time. Or, is that the difference between meteor and meteorite?
  9. 9/27 ?? that is my moms birthday, I guess I won't need to buy a gift now :) woohoo, more jump tickets!
  10. My SBLI life insurance policy is trying to charge me $5/1000/year. I'm required to have $1M in life insurance so my premium is +$5000/year for the 100 jumps I make a year that is $50/jump extra. Kinda makes it waaay too expensive to jump. I'm trying to see if they can cover me while I jump but for less than the $1M amount for regular coverage. At this point I'm grounded until I figure out how to get coverage for a resonable price :(. Fortunately it is still too friggen cold out so I'm not really missing any jumps.
  11. Your parents should have to pay off any loans unless they are cosigning guarantors on the loan. If the car loan is entirely in your name let loan owner repo the car. Your parents are only responsible for the loans they have actually signed on. You and your estate is responible for everything you signed for. Technically the loan holders could go after other assets in your estate but as my dad always says 'You can't get blood from a stone' If you don't have it, they don't get it.
  12. Yep, we call it 'Dope on a rope'. Make sure you use a static line (repelling rope) not a dynamic line (lead climbing rope). If the line breaks the stretch of the dynamic line will come up and 'bite' the guy under canopy.
  13. BBZZZZZTT! Wrong, My foot just kept on swinging around in a clockwise direction.... Maybe I'm just weird. I'll take stupid party tricks for $1000 please Alex...
  14. 1. Whats your name? Matthew Crocker 2. How old are you? 33 3. Why did you decide to start jumping out of airplanes? Friend of mine said 'Hey, lets do a tandem' when we were at lunch 4. Single or married? very happily married 5. Do you have kids? 1 son (8) and on daughter (-3 months) 6. What do you drive? '03 Dodge Durango 7. Have you ever done a kisspass? Yes 8. Where do you live? North Hatfield, MA 9. Do you have any pets? 1 Cat (Willow) 10. How many jumps do you have? 300 11. What color eyes do you have? Blue 12. What is your nationality? US 13. Have you ever dated someone you met off the internet? No 14. Favorite Movie? Lots, Band of Brotherhood 15. What do you do when you arent skydiving? SCUBA, Ski, geek 16. Have you ever BASE jumped? NO 17. If not... do you want to? NOPE 18. Do you have siblings? Yep, 2 19. Where do you want to travel to the most? African Safari and Teracotta warriors of China 20. What's your favorite color? Green 21. Where was the last place you flew to ( not skydiving )? Florida (Mickey world)
  15. It is also home of the Pink Mafia, some of the prettiest sky chickas on the planet. I go to Pensacola to visit the in-laws once a year, Maybe I should drive over to the Gold Coast sometime.
  16. Yes, all machines would need an IPSEC client to establish the VPN with the WAP. the WAP has a built in firewall which won't allow non-IPSEC traffic through it. With this setup, people could still hack into the wireless and eat up wireless bandwidth but they wouldn't be able to pass traffic through the WAP so they wouldn't be able to steal any Internet bandwidth. Wireless is insecure, there is really no way to make it secure so treat it like you would the Internet. Firewall it from your secure LAN and VPN over it. The SonicWall is just a WAP with integrated firewall. I think Cisco makes a similar product.
  17. 1) MAC addresses can be spoofed very easily 2) WEP/WPA is garbage 3) Sniffing the air (even with WEP/WPA turned on) with a stumbler will give you the SSID in a matter of seconds, even with the broadcast turned off. I stumbled the wireless net in Eloy while I was there and found all the info I needed to break in. I paid the $$ for a weeks worth of access because it was cheap enough and I'm an honest guy. Doing 1,2 & 3 above is like locking your screen door to your house. It won't stop someone from coming in, but it will guarantee they did it deliberately which might be good if you have to go to court. If you want true wireless security by a SonicWall WAP. It setups a VPN over the wireless network, you'll need to IPSEC VPN into your LAN. Anyone can get one the wireless but all of the traffic on it will be IPSEC encrypted and they won't be able to get through the WAP/Firewall.
  18. It may be snowing like a mother f'er outside my window but I can still keep my knees in the breeze. The website is back up on a dedicated server. It should be pretty stable now! I'm getting 500kBps downloads off it now through my cable modem. Have fun, be safe! EDIT: If it isn't working for you, you'll need to wait for the DNS servers to update (shouldn't take more than a couple hours) so you'll see the new site.
  19. Yep, 22Gigs total, I had an old server lying around. 22 gigs of RAID5 SCSI storage. I can add an IDE drive to it when we need more space.
  20. I have copied the data over to a new server, 12 Gigs takes a while, even at 100mbps. I need to play with the server a bit tonight but hopefully I'll have the site up and running in a couple hours. Dave will have to redirect the domain to a new IP when everything is happy. There is only 9 Gigs available on this server so if people want more space someone will have to send me a hard drive.... If the server runs out of space this time the site will crash but it won't take down my paying customers :). Bandwidth shouldn't be an issue, I have an OC-3 (155mbps) on order. If it turns into a major drain on the network I can rate-limit the server. will have a home on my network, I would like to setup a username/password registration requirement for uploads and some moderating system to reclassify/delete movies. Ths site is Daves and I don't want to make changes to it unless it is ok with him. I certainly don't want to hijack his site
  21. I'm working on it. I had to shut the site down because the uploads filled up a drive on the server and wiped out some other software. I'm working on a dedicated machine for the site and hope to have it up and running later this week.
  22. G.O.D. = Guaranteed Overnight Delivery, I see their trucks all the time
  23. I geek, therefore I am Actually, Internet security and IP routing is pretty much what I do all day. I'm always working to protect my network from the 'evil doers' On linux to start SSHD you'll need to run (as root) /etc/rc.d/init.d/sshd start To make it start on boot you need to ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/sshd /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S95sshd ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/sshd /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S95sshd This is for Redhat and other Redhat derivatives. It is probably already there. type '/etc/rc.d/init.d/sshd status' to find out if it is running already Then if you have a Linksys or other NAT device you need to enable port forwarding for inbound SSH connections (TCP port 22) so when you connect to the public IP of your NAT device it will forward to your linux box. Make sure you have all of the patches applied, there were some remote root exploits on OpenSSH a couple months back. Life expentancy of an unprotected host is about 15 minutes in the wild right now.
  24. If its yellow, let it mellow If its brown, flush it down. Peace love and harmony dude.... save the environment here.... have a shroom
  25. If you have Linux or Mac OS X running at home you already have an SSH server. For windows a quick google search turned up If you can't get the SSH tunnel to connect because the ISA server is blocking everything try running the server on port 443 which is the Secure web port. I doubt they are proxying secure web traffic so it should go through.