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    Cypres 2

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    Skydive the Point West Point, VA
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  1. So often people take the time to complain or bitch, especially on dropzone.com, about a certain product company or person. I think the same effort should be put forth to commend someone. Today I received my custom freefly pants from Julio with Liquid Sky. They are Perfectly brilliant. Unbelievable quality, perfect fit and way cooler then I could have possibly hoped for. The custom design was again brilliant and exactly what I wanted. Julio went above and beyond my expectations both in quality and more importantly customer service. Julio's pants truly show a real love of the sport. And get this!....from the time we completed specs on my custom design to the time they reached my front door was exactly 4 days THAT"S RIGHT FOUR DAYS...not four months like with my last freefly pants......Liquid sky is a true anomaly in today's greed driven "you're lucky to be getting our product at all" business mentality. A true asset to the sport of SKYDIVING......... MAKE YOUR NEXT CHOICE YOUR BEST CHOICE.....LIQUID SKY ~Tattoo Tom ............................... "Any fool can learn for his own mistakes, a wise man learns from anothers." Mark Twain
  2. What in the world is that supossed to mean.....that's why I hate posting questions on this site ....most of you guys make me feel stupid for asking a simple question ...how are you supposed to learn if you do not ask....sorry I was not born with a cypress up my ass......but racial slurs should not be allowed on this site.....anyway thanks for nothin' ............................... "Any fool can learn for his own mistakes, a wise man learns from anothers." Mark Twain
  3. I'm building a rig and have decided on a 190 main based on my exit weight and experience. Trouble is there are so many options as to which 190 to buy. I have only jumped a Sabre 2 and a Triathlon and I like the 9 cell better but there are many other 9 cells available. I'm not sure, due to my in-experience, which would be the right choice for me. And quite honestly I don't know the difference between a Diablo and a Stilletto. At this point in my skydiving career I am ready to get an education on the pros and cons of the various 190 canopies available today. I would like to make an informed, wise purchase rather then just grabbing the best deal out there. Would anybody be interested in giving me a quick synopsis of how to make the RIGHT choice. Thanks ~Tattoo Tom ............................... "Any fool can learn for his own mistakes, a wise man learns from anothers." Mark Twain
  4. Can anyone tell me about Flexon containers...how good are they do they hold up well...there is a used one for sale on ebay and I'm thinking of bidding on it.....Thanks in advance ~Tattoo Tom ............................... "Any fool can learn for his own mistakes, a wise man learns from anothers." Mark Twain
  5. Would like as much as information as possible about night jumps.....thanks in advance for all replies........please explain them in great detail as if I were a two-year old.......Thanks Tattoo Tom ............................... "Any fool can learn for his own mistakes, a wise man learns from anothers." Mark Twain
  6. Hi, I was just wondering what would be a good choice for a container for someone just off of student status with a strong desire to pursue freeflying. Thanks Tom ............................... "Any fool can learn for his own mistakes, a wise man learns from anothers." Mark Twain
  7. I took alot of you what you guys had to say to heart and I just told my rig that I was going to learn to pack it regardless of what it thought....then I realized that my canopy was not an animated being and that I should probably stop talking to it and just pack it..............Tattoo Tom ............................... "Any fool can learn for his own mistakes, a wise man learns from anothers." Mark Twain
  8. Hi I am one pack job away from my A-License but I am totally incapable of grasping the whole concept for some reason.....I have been shown countless times by many at my DZ including my instuctors and even one of the senior riggers I understand the conceprt while watching "them "pack...and I have gotten as far as stowing my brakes and walking the lines...but that's where my brain seems to loose it capacity for reason I feel like I'm holding and looking at a jumbled mass of nylon....The owner of the DZ allowed me to borrow a student rig and I brought it home along with the "pack like a pro Video but alas I am still confused......There is a "big boogie" this weekend and I was hoping to have my A-license for the fun....my skydiving skills and canopy skills are fine I have been told by my instuctors and coaches that I am doing quite well....and have everything on my card signed off except packing .....they have all been very patient with me But I ca'nt put it off anymore I must learn to pack!!! ..... this not being able to pack mode I'm in is really upsetting me as you can imagine ...ANY ADVISE?.....Thanks Tom ............................... "Any fool can learn for his own mistakes, a wise man learns from anothers." Mark Twain
  9. Hi All, Stupid question :.....what would be a good first jumpsuit ...? Does it matter WHAT I get......it being summer and all those Student suits are getting just a little funky and I want to buy my own but not sure what I should get....Please help ............................... "Any fool can learn for his own mistakes, a wise man learns from anothers." Mark Twain
  10. hi what is a good size reserve for my first rig?....my instuctor told me what container and main I would want to get ,but he did'nt tell me what size reserve.....i weigh 170lbs...and he told me to get a 170 main......can you help or will i need to ask him? ............................... "Any fool can learn for his own mistakes, a wise man learns from anothers." Mark Twain
  11. Could someone please explain the term "corking".....please forgive my ignorance ............................... "Any fool can learn for his own mistakes, a wise man learns from anothers." Mark Twain
  12. any opinions????? ............................... "Any fool can learn for his own mistakes, a wise man learns from anothers." Mark Twain
  13. ............................... "Any fool can learn for his own mistakes, a wise man learns from anothers." Mark Twain
  14. good luck ............................... "Any fool can learn for his own mistakes, a wise man learns from anothers." Mark Twain
  15. MIDNIGHT COWBOY or Behind the green door.............maybe deep throat ............................... "Any fool can learn for his own mistakes, a wise man learns from anothers." Mark Twain