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Everything posted by jeiber

  1. Do you or anybody have an exploded view of a Nikon D50? Hmmm. Maybe I can buy one with the extended warranty, and if I screw it up, well, you know.... I just wonder how the switch works, since you push it half way to focus, and then all the way for shutter release. J Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  2. When I was about six years old, I remember fishing with worms and a bobber at the bank of a lake. I caught a bunch of little fish with my Zebco fishing rod. My dad's friend was an avid fisherman, and had all sorts of nice equipment, and was casting way out into the far reaches of the lake, looking for that trophy bass. At the end of the day, I had caught a bunch of small fish, and Mr. Urban had caught only one average size fish. I was jumping with joy, bragging to my dad about how I caught the most fish. Here I am, 25 years later, again a novice among people that almost seem immortal under canopy. Unfortunately I'm not as naive as I was then. 'Winning' against someone who clearly has more experience and better equipment, doesn't bring the same joy as it did 25 years ago. We're clearly in two different classes, even though we're on the same lake. Maybe it isn't that great of an analogy, but forget about equipment. Forget about money. I want to compete with people of similar ability, on a level playing field. The CPC is a swoop competition, not a swoop camp. I go to swoop camps to learn and practice, I go to swoop competitions to apply that knowledge and win! You asked! Jeff ps- I'll be competing in the CPC this coming year. Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  3. Network Engineer for BellSouth... .CCIE. I'm professional at work, but catch me outside of work, and professional is probably the last word you'd use to describe me.... work hard, play hard. J Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  4. Heh heh... Yeah, there's an instructor in the delta course I'd love to cross paths with now that I'm out. I can only hope it's the same guy you paid back! J Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  5. Paltka awaits! :) Hogflop boogie in a couple weeks! Jeff Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  6. Loading a Velo 111 at 2.43 (with no weights) is certainly fun to think about, even if it is a long way off!
  7. The canopies are very similar, but which is 'better' depends on what you're looking for. I owned a Sabre2 190 (1.4) for ~300 jumps, and put a couple jumps on a demo Pilot 170 (1.6) not too long ago. The two significant differences I noticed are the openings and performance. One typically comes at the cost of another, and this is no exception. The Pilot 170 opened smoothly and on heading, whereas the Sabre2 190 tends to open off heading and/or in a dive. The Sabre2 190 was a little more responsive on toggles compared to the Pilot 170. I didn't try riser turns on the Pilot, so I can't compare those. I thought the Pilot 170 landed great. As good as my Sabre2 190. One last comment about the Sabre2 - it's marketed as an 'all around' canopy, but under higher wing loadings (like you're into), it's performance increases dramatically. I don't know your skill level, so let me just say that if you haven't already gone to a canopy course, I would strongly recommend you do so. Swooping a Sabre2 loaded at 1.4 made me a record holder - the hospital record for number of x-rays in one sitting.... Good luck, have fun, and be careful!! Jeff Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  8. Wow, you lasted longer as a world record holder than (I'm told) you do in bed! I'm definitely interested Mark. Let me know cost, etc. I can't commit 100% until closer to that time though... depends on work and 'responsible' stuff I have to do once in a while.... I'm definitely interested though! January, huh? Man, that pond is going to be cold! Hmmm, Polar Bear Club? Jeff Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  9. jeiber

    Fellatio Rules

    Good God woman! You really need to ask?! Here's a hint- Swallow is the best, and spit is the worst, I'll leave you to figure out where 'gurgle' falls. And to answer your next question, yes, gurgle and swallow is better than just swallow. Gurgle and spit is better than just spit! J ps- Don't forget - NO TEETH!!! Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  10. Peace through superior firepower! from Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  11. The yellow stays quicker for bird corner in the bees!!! Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  12. jeiber

    Fellatio Rules

    As was suggested earlier, a quick knee to the side (very important) of her head will likely correct the problem.... Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  13. jeiber

    Fellatio Rules

    I swear every friggin' time I get raked by teeth; and girls don't understand why I'd rather just give than receive. It's just not worth it... if they can't do it right, I'd rather them not do it at all. A few years ago, I actually had a girl intentionally use her teeth, and then said, 'what? you don't like that?'. Idiot... On a positive note, when you ladies do it right, it's a beautiful thing! Especially when there's nothing to clean up!
  14. Maybe you're sexually frustrated... go rub one out and see if that helps. Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  15. Count me in. Can't promise to make every meet, but I'll make as many as possible. J Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  16. Like the picture of the girl through the window. Kinda neat. Check out your 'rear curtain flash' - you can get some REALLY cool shots that way. Here's kind of a neat picture. Don't remember how long I left the shutter open for though... Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  17. I think Kelly was suggesting that the WFFC be restricted to people with at least 50 jumps. She knows there were people there with less than 50 jumps, right Kel? Jeff Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  18. I think everyone who knows me will tell you I'm a really nice guy. Unfortunately some people catastrophically mistake kindness for weakness. I've got a few more pretty good stories, but I don't want to monopolize my own thread, I want to hear more of other people's stories first!
  19. Damn, that would have been great on video! Ok, one more story (it's like confession, I feel better after getting it off my chest!). I rented a guy a room in my house for a couple weeks. He turned out to be a total loser, and owed lots of people money. He ate all my food, drank all my beer, and then left, shorting me money. He came back later to get his motorcycle, and surprise, the garage door was locked! He wasn't happy when I told him it was now collateral. A month went by, and I hadn't heard from him... One night I was standing in the garage, looking at his bike leaking oil on my garage floor, and I noticed the gas cap didn't lock. I opened it up, raised my beer in a toast, and poured a little in the tank.... took a drink, then poured the rest (half bottle) into the tank. A few weeks later as I'm getting ready for work, he shows up at my door with money in hand. I smiled and walked back in the house. Then I heard it start - I was a little disappointed until he got to the end of the street and I heard it sputter and stall. He started it again, went about 10 feet, sputter and stall. I started laughing as I got in the shower. 20 minutes later, I see him across the lake, struggling with the bike. Trying to start it, going 10 - 20 feet as it sputtered and stammered, then stalled. He had about 20 miles to go, 10 feet at a time! Jeff Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  20. Holy crap, that's awesome! I had no idea toilet bowl cleaner was that corrosive - I'll have to keep that in mind. That may prove to be useful information in the future.... Jeff Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  21. Ok, spinning off from the 'revenge' thread, how about some good revenge stories?
  22. Yup, but sometimes you need to give the karmatic debt collector an address! Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  23. Yeah, that's my biggest gripe... I was really looking forward to the DC-3. I was pretty disappointed in the (lack of) advertised exotic aircraft as well. Don't get me wrong, it was great getting to jump tailgate's all day with almost no waiting. The King Air, Casas, Skyvans, and Otters were all great aircraft. Small DZ's give out more than a plastic cup and sticker for their boogies. How about at least a glass mug, or something memorable??? Enough of my bitching though, overall, it was a TON of fun! Some of the memories I'm reflecting on, that make me smile as I sit in my office at work: My Rodriguez Brother Initiation... all I can say is wow... not only will I never forget my fathers' names, I'll never forget Karee as well! Thanks Bolas and Pyke, you guys rock! The golf carts. I'm amazed at the abuse those things can take. For some reason I don't think they were designed to hold 11 people, but they were up to task! 4am, racing around, 'docking' and 'turning points' under the heavy influence of alcohol. How about the guy who drove his brand new car (still had the sticker in the window) into the swoop pond? I think it was his car... who knows. After all, someone stole one of the security golf carts and wrecked it! The nakedness! Skinny dipping in the swoop pond, chicks with latex paint tops, Fast Eddie's t-shirt give away and motorcycle ride through the party tent (his passenger was naked). That tan girl with dark hair - wow! Don't know who she was, but wow! Kelly wasn't too shabby either! As I said, I don't have previous conventions to compare it to, but I had a great time. It was great meeting all the .com'ers there as well! I can't even begin to mention everyone, but you guys were all great folks to party with and a ton of fun! Looking forward to it next year! Jeff Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  24. I mostly agree with this and most of the other posts that advise moving on and don't waste another minute thinking about it. Karma will eventually catch up with wrong doers. However... sometimes Karma just needs a little nudge to get the snowball rolling into an avalanche. Jeff Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  25. It depends on where those lips were prior to kissing... Jeff Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!