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Everything posted by jeiber

  1. This is a debate in itself. I'm not going to defend bad intel, but I'm certainly not going to concede that since we didn't find weapons, they never existed. Jeff Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  2. Extremely. Spent some time out at McCall.... I guess I'll have to take your word for it. I just find it hard to believe that agencies are willing to risk assets on targets of questionable value. Not to mention the funding required for such missions... sheesh! Jeff Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  3. People used leaches as a cure all. I figure that means there were ignorant people using methods they didn't understand. In some situations, it worked, so they applied the methods to every situation. I would hope that, along with medicine, psychology has evolved from what is was in the dark ages. Jeff Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  4. Ok, I've researched it. Torture does work. Is it as effective as other methods? Not even close. Is it moral? That's debatable - I personally don't have an opinion on it yet. Does it work? Absolutely. From what I read, there are primarily three types of torture. Torture to punish - this is effective. Torture to obtain confession - this is extremely ineffective. Torture to obtain information - this is somewhat effective. Just out of curiousity, why the 'R' in SERE school? If torture is so ineffective, why does the military place such an emphasis on training soldiers to resist it? Don't you think the military has done more research on the subject (certainly more than a Google search) than anybody on this thread? I'm sure the CIA isn't wasting their time on something they view as ineffective. Jeff Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  5. Aristotle believed that someone under extreme duress is not responsible for his actions.
  6. It doesn't work??? How can you say that? Torture has been used for centuries to obtain information. If it didn't work, it wouldn't have stood the test of time... Jeff Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  7. Your trying to cross emotion with logic... The foundations of logical thinking are based on the concept of the 'sound mind'. This has been widely accepted back to the day of Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle, and it holds true now. My statement of 'good' and 'bad' is not hypocritical because it never changes. If, at some point in my life I am NOT of sound mind, such as when under extreme mental duress, I will likely have illogical thoughts. I guess you've never made a bad decision based on emotion? It doesn't make you a hypocrit, as long as you can acknowledge you made a mistake. I just don't care too much for 'rehabilitation' these days. Jeff Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  8. Huh? There's no hypocrisy there... it's extremely universal - universal to the extent of saying any possible contradictions (on my part) are based purely on emotion, not logic... for me to dismiss this is to say that I never act out of emotion. That it is, but only when used correctly! Yes, if we were analyzing the philosophy of justice from a utilitarian perspective, that's a good starting point. However, it doesn't answer, 'could you forgive somebody who murders your loved one?'. Oh, in regards to 'rehabilitation' - great idea, our previous sex offenders have now learned to kill their victims when they're done raping them... Jeff Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  9. Not my opinion at all, actually. I've made alot of broad assumptions regarding the circumstances of this crime. I'd rather debate the issue of forgiveness, rather than go over the exact details of this particular crime. My point is, I can only imagine the pain of losing something as loved as a child. Knowing that two boys drove an ice axe into his head, only because they didn't like the way he looked... well, you read my prevous post.... call it revenge, call it justice, call it what you like, but forgiveness will come after their bodies are cold. J Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  10. Nope. I'd probably be arguing against every moral and ethical value I have, in that situation. It doesn't change the fact that the world would still be a better place without him, though.... Jeff Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  11. You're assuming they care... Look at the KKK. Do they look like they want forgiveness for the pain and misery their organization has caused? This falls into the category of "I'm not sorry for what I've done, I'm sorry you caught me...". There are bad people out there who simply don't think the same way we do. The mechanism in their mind (conscience?) that signals 'right' and 'wrong' simply doesn't function. The world is a better place without those people... J Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  12. True, but it sure makes 'ya feel better. If they killed a loved one of mine, I guess I'd forgive them as I'm standing over their dead bodies... I have more faith in the justice handed out by a .357 than I do our legal system. Jeff Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  13. I heard this rumor that God loves everybody equally, and he'll grant forgiveness if you ask for it. There ya go! Everyone goes to heaven; all you have to do is ask!
  14. So tear gas and pepper spray are WMD's?!?! Ok, I'm filing a law suit against the Army. They made me breath CS tear gas, and it made me cough like hell, slobbering and snotting all over myself... I was definitely incapacitated. Tear gas is now a WMD!!!!! J Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  15. Ha!!! I thought I was the only one dumb enough to do something like that!!!! It really did feel soapy as it ate away my flesh! J Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  16. I know, but I was hoping he'd admit to that! Everything is ok in moderation! Well, ok, not everything... STD's aren't ok in moderation... Jeff Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  17. Great analogy... There's a huge difference between spending money on a high school status symbol vs. a reliable means of transportation to get you to work, or your kids to school.... J Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  18. He has! hardly... perhaps you should reinvestigate the definition of dignity... Hardly?!?! Why, because he doesn't just tell people what they want to hear, then follow a contradictory course of action? Because he chooses the 'hard right', rather than the 'easy wrong'? Because he doesn't just kiss butt, to win favor? You're right... a REAL man of honor would be cheating on his wife with an intern, lying to the nation, fueling an economic bubble for his own benefit, knowing well it would eventually collapse... but why should he care, he won't be in office. That's dignity and honor for you... the Samurai would be proud. As far as economic debt goes - most successful companies lose money for years, prior to their success. Personally, I'm glad I have a President that's willing to be criticized for spending, just to ensure the country's success in the future. That's known as selfless service. Not to be mistaken with the self serving Clinton's. Unfortunately, by the time the gains are realized, we'll have another leader, and he'll get credit. Everybody willl have forgotten who enacted the changes... Ironic how Clinton put FEMA under Homeland Security, and now his wife is slamming Bush for it being there. Once again, there's dignity for you... Jeff Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  19. I'm in awe over the hypocrisy of the media... It's ok for media tycoons to pay their journalists for controversial stories, even if they are twisted if not blatantly untrue. It's NOT ok for the military to pay journalists to show the many positive changes our presence is making in Iraq. God forbid, people may see that there is good being done over there... if the fighting were to stop, what would the media write about? Who wants to read about little Ahmed going to school to become a dentist? You have to see the irony here... the media is crying 'foul' over it's own typical behavior. Talk about the pot calling the kettle 'black'.... J Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  20. Key words: PURE and START Don't sparklers and many other fireworks (especially legal ones) contain WP? Why do we see children holding these sparklers that emit such deadly fumes? Jeff Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  21. I should have kept up with my own thread! Don't get me wrong, I'd bang her at 14 (or any other age) as well! She is pretty hot... I'm actually jealous of that kid! My issue isn't so much with the act itself - in some cultures and times, it was normal for people to actually be married at a much younger age than 14. Although I think it's morally wrong for the teacher to take advantage of her position, and betray the trust society has put in her as an educator, my disgust in the judicial system's (legal) double standard overshadows my opinion on morality. What does this say about our society? Have we learned nothing over the past half century of women's liberation? Obviously not. If I were a woman, I'd be shaking my head in disgust. This ruling clearly shows that even the judicial system expects less from women in terms of social responsibility, and accordingly, the punishment is not nearly as severe. Think she'll be back in court for a repeat offense? I don't think so... I'm betting that not only does walk free, but she profits from her notoriety (even though she can't publish a book). Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  22.,2933,176375,00.html Ok, it's been a rough day at work, and I take a break and see this crap... I have to ask, if it were a 24 year old male teacher having sex with a 14 year old female student, would he get off with no jail time? I think not. As if that's not bad enough, then I read, "To place an attractive young woman in that kind of hell hole is like putting a piece of raw meat in with the lions." Sorry, but I'm pissed off beyond words... I'm getting a beer. Nobody screw with me... Jeff Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  23. Yeah, already looked into that... let me know if anybody wants to buy some sperm! Humans, the human body, or any human body parts are not permitted on eBay. Items that contain human hair (such as lockets) as well as skulls and skeletons that are used for medical purposes may be listed on eBay. eBay does not permit the sale of Native American skulls, bones or other Native American grave-related items, as the sale of such items may violate federal law. Examples of prohibited items include, but are not limited to: organs bone blood waste sperm eggs Sellers may not include such items as a gift, prize, or giveaway in connection with an item listed on eBay. Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  24. A sandwich fits in there pretty well, but make sure you put it in a baggie first... the peanute butter is hard to get out, and the jelly gets really sticky. Socks are probably a better idea. Jeff Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!