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Everything posted by BartsDaddy

  1. And many many more less then mass shootings have been stoped by good guys with a gun. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  2. Another uninformed poster. It has happened more then once. The news Dosent report it as agresive as the shootings for whatever reasons. And most people that are concealed carring are also informed about the lawsuits to follow. Yes in a shooting like we had in Orlando the other night, I would hope they would do something instead of worrying about lawsuits. But it is a gun free zone seeing as how they Ser've alchahol. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  3. Nope. The laws are working just fine in this case. They are stopping fraud by a criminal, which is what they are designed to do. You seem unsure of the takeaway from this story. Let me put it in terms you might better understand. Let's say Joe Smith opens up a diner. He's anti-gun. He has "NO GUNS ALLOWED" signs all over the store, and exhorts his patrons to vote for gun control measures. His bathrooms feature "toddler killed by gun" newspaper clippings. He has menu items like "gun nut omelet" which sometimes contain bits of lead. You're not supposed to eat them; it's a joke. The menu even says "eat this only if you think bullets are safe!" Then it is discovered that he has a small arsenal at his home, carries a handgun at his diner, and in fact is in violation of CCW laws. Would your response be that we need harsher gun laws? Or would you think he was a hypocrite? My response would be to not patronize that establishment,and to inform the FDA that he is adding lead to the food let them do thie r job. As far as the rest it is his buiseness he can be Antigun in his buiseness that is his choice. It may bring in more money for him, it could cost him money. Are you saying people should only conduct thie r business on thie r true believes. We have had some bakers do that and get sued. So your rebuttal does not hold true to the orignap story, but nice spin. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  4. More then once on here you have stated that welfare fraud was litle and not something to be concerned about as opposed to someone needing it and being denied because of toughening welfare fraud laws. All of a sudden one person changes that. Does that mean I can count you as somebody that thinks we need harsher welfare fraud laws? Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  5. Are you jumping in a speedsuit? Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  6. Well that is old news to me. Not that they are totally correct with where the accents originated from. I think it expands to more then the few they mentioned. It's no suprise people pick up an accent from where they live. I grew up a Navy brat and lived from Hawaii to Massachusetts and many in between and north or south. I moved 13 times by 5th grade. You should have seen people trying to figure out where I was from by my accent. Now after being in southern California for 30 years I don't hear the question where are you from near as much. But a woman with a deep southern accent will melt me in my tracks. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  7. You care to post the data to suport that statement? I am not defending the politicians at all but shear numbers alone between the subsets would make your statement suspect. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  8. Ok makes sense. And after looking again I agree. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  9. Yes, But look at the plane. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  10. So 5 of them from 21000 feet sharing 2 oxygen masks. don't understand how anything could go wrong. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  11. And this suprises you? After all the researchers are human. And they want to keep thier houses and cars and lifestyles. To say thier findings goes against thier beliefes would doom thier research. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  12. That could even get me to sing karaoke. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  13. I live in southern California, that drought ain't over. Northern California got average rainfall,after years of below average. Southern California is still below average. We are still in a drought. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  14. Zip ties and a radio? WTF? Zip ties to tie people up. Radio to comunicate with accomplice, or to monitor police coms. Typical home invasion. For what end reason only he knows. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  15. 43 feet away with three pounds of tannerite. The guy is not only a bad shot but an idiot as well. He should have been a minimum of 100 yards away. And with three pounds I would suggest 2 to 3 hundred yards. But with the commentary it took him twenty rounds to hit it, at 200 hundred yards he may never have hit it. Tannerite is fun but it is no joke. It is serious danger if not properly respected. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  16. Cool very good of you to adopt. I am sure she will be well taken care of. Give the quitey a kiss from me, oh give the dog one too. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  17. I personally feel he is too stupid to enjoy his rights while he smokes meth, assault a woman while possessing a fire arm. Please do not attribute what you say to me. You have those quotes wrong. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  18. I have never watched the show, So have no base point of this guys inteligence. But at What point do we draw the line? What level of IQ do you have to have to enjoy Constituitonal rights? And does this just apply to some of the rights or all of them? This strikes me as the same thing as "Thoose black people are to stupid to vote. Who decides? Not sticking up for this guy at all, just hate statements that someone is to stupid to enjoy a constitutional right. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  19. Yep it's nice we keep looking at a comedy show for political advice. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  20. No it proves there are fucked up people on every continent. Guns were not the cause of this, just the tool. Was not able to read the story. But my sympathies to the victims and their families. Again I could not follow the link so sorry if I anticipated wrong. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  21. How many of those killings were committed by permit holders? How many by gang bangers & drug dealers? Over 300,000 guns stolen EVERY YEAR from legal gun owners. THAT is how guns get into the hands of criminals. From legal gun owners. No manufacturer sells directly to gang bangers. Blah blah blah You and you numbers... Kallend I think you would really be surprised how many gang bangers can purchase a gun legally. Not all have been caught and charged yet. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  22. The Captain has resigned because of this video now. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  23. The conversation turned to include other thoughts - So I ask again -and, before you can say that this tread isn't about car seats - I don't accept that non answer. Since Mark declines to answer the questions - I put it to all of you? I do not think they should but if it is private property parking lot they can,except in some states that have all ready addressed this issue. They can say no yellow cars and if they own the parking lot they can get away with it. So they have the right to disallow dust. Like I said I don't think they should. But they have that opportunity In till a court decides other wise. They own the property. I don't think any owner would enforce a no dust rule. A no weapon rule, while I would dissagree with , I can see the logic in it. The majority of gun owners are good people law abiding and welcome at my house anytime. There are others that I don't want to be around them when they have a gun. I still back the second amendment all the way. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  24. The conversation turned to include other thoughts - So I ask again -and, before you can say that this tread isn't about car seats - I don't accept that non answer. Since Mark declines to answer the questions - I put it to all of you? I do not think they should but if it is private property parking lot they can,except in some states that have all ready addressed this issue. They can say no yellow cars and if they own the parking lot they can get away with it. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle
  25. You would be wrong on that Bill. There is a 1000 foot gun free zone around schools. There are a couple exemptions. But if you have a gun in your car in the trunk or your glove box or seat of your car even if unloaded. You are in violation of the law. If you have a CCW or have it in a locked case you are fine. Handguns are only used to fight your way to a good rifle