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Everything posted by Albatross

  1. Have to say that this weekend I demoed a Saber2 170 and did 7 jumps: 4 180 right turns and 3 colapsed end cells (both sides) also I got little of the preformance increase that I expected over my Spectre. Chris
  2. Albatross


    I had the same problem. I found that I had to be faster to push the button when I was turning it off than on. Try to press as sson as the light flashes and it might work for you. God bless us and God Bless America Albatross
  3. Stealing anyones gear is messed up but stealing from those guys is wack. I hope they ground who ever did this! God bless us and God Bless America Albatross
  4. I know that you feel the love girl. You can't anything other than fine. You have done too much come too far and been loved way too much for anything but the best to be the outcome. My thoughts love and prayers are with you. Remember that you are my inspiration for getting back in the plain every time I have a bad jump, a tough landing, or a scarey moment. Love ya God bless us and God Bless America Albatross
  5. Some of the problem is in your head. Actually more specificly it is in you optic cotex. What I am saying is that you are trying to turn and keep you center still, however you brain thinks that you should keep you eyes still. To help with that try doing the turns on the creapers and then repeat the visual things in the air. OR GET TO A TUNNEL. God bless us and God Bless America Albatross
  6. MIchelle my love, I can't speak for everyone but I still get nervous. The thoughts disapear more quickly but still I have to chace them away even with 300 jumps inthe last 6 months. Anyway, as always I will jump with you anytime I can. God bless us and God Bless America Albatross
  7. I agree that relaxing is the key and making small corrections not being jerky. Also try lying on the ground or on a creeeper or bed or whatever in front of a mirror at home or a friend at the DZ and hacing them check to see if you are semetrical. If you are out at Perris feel free to ask me in person. Basicly you just need to get the feel and it will all come together. Chris God bless us and God Bless America Albatross
  8. When and in what order you cover the skills varies by school and sometimes how you do the skills varies. It is basicly UP and Down. Centerpoint turns in and out. side slides and Superpositioning (moving and spinning). You can also do verticals and someother skills. God bless us and God Bless America Albatross
  9. Lisa. Sorry to hear about the line dump or HARD opening. Glad you are alright. AND YES YOU MADE THE "RIGHT" DECISION YOU LANDED AND DID NOT BREAK ANYTHING. Lots of love from a friend. C God bless us and God Bless America Albatross
  10. Albatross

    Perris SSL

    I have been told that line "don't get your piece partner pregnant" alot lately. WHAT Pink Protec?? I think we need to privately exchange stories and pictures!! God bless us and God Bless America Albatross
  11. O.K. I am bearking out the I FUCKED UP story. You can and will take from it what you want. I now have 380+ jumps 340+ of which are on the same SPECTRE 170. I am loading it at about 1.1:1. This is clearly a conservative canopy. The design is very square and lightly loaded for someone with my exerience. I can land this canopy with in 10 ft on a swoop, harness turn, sink it in and have had like 2 or 3 less than great landings on it. Bottom line is that I fly this canopy well and know it inside and out. 2-weeks ago I was making the same set up in the same place at the same altitude as I hae for 75+ jumps and for 5 that day. I hit some unseen turbulence and hit HARD. I PLFed and rolled out of it. I walked away bruised and sore but not broken. I have sprained ankles and am very sore even 10 days later. I made one oversight, I didn't anticipate the turbulence. Other than that the 90 riser turn was just the same. Had I been on the Cobolt 135 right now I would likely be in the hospital or dead, just like the 200 jump guy who was flying the eliptical 139. Stay bigger and learn to milk the canopy for all the preformance that you can don't go small to be cool or because you want better preformance NOW. Remember that a good pilot can get a good swoop and lots of speed from a 90 on a conservative canopy and use the FX or VX because they can do these things on bigger and square mains. Please focus on your skills to improve the preformance and not on the canopy. I only can be thankful that I had this thought process in large part due to Lisa, Bill and some others here. You guys and your wisdom quite possibly saved my body or life. God bless us and God Bless America Albatross
  12. Albatross

    Perris SSL

    Stacy thanks for lettting us have Mel, I Love my piece partner, NO really. Shark we will be there with our smiles on. Time to kick ass. Lisa, just fly your slot and have fun. You are flying great and will kick ass. JUST FEEL THE LOVE! God bless us and God Bless America Albatross
  13. Happy Birthday!!!! [Albi Flashes Lisa nd Michele] God bless us and God Bless America Albatross
  14. One word VISUALIZATION. God bless us and God Bless America Albatross
  15. The hill is just a slow skydive with the addition of gravity. Some of the problem is that now gravity is now pulling towards the tail and not just down. That means that gravity and the relative wind are at right angels and that can cause some problems with the CG and CS causing dynamic instability. Also because of the lower airspeed one must be careful not to lose stability. God bless us and God Bless America Albatross
  16. Albatross


    OK Lisa I am going to give to the advice that your boss gave me, just in reverse. Tucking the booties will make you fall faster so you might just be fallign slower with the booties on. Since you have the experience you may be correcting with your arch but are popping when you move. Or the suit might just not be the right fit. The suit is much more forgiving in terms of fit without booties. God bless us and God Bless America Albatross
  17. I am game if he goes. Part of the issue is the temp. If it is too hot when they try and take off it is expensive to get the ballon in the air. Anyone want o do a 4-way. God bless us and God Bless America Albatross
  18. I was there Sat when it happened. I did not know the guy but one of the medics said that it was one of the Spanish jumpers. he was badly shaken but breathing on his own and concious but messed up. There were no obveous breaks but a messed up face. I did not get the follow up. God bless us and God Bless America Albatross
  19. Sorry to hear that love. I will pray and think happy thoughts for you. If you need a hand to hold and shoulder to cry on or a ride to DR let me know. God bless us and God Bless America Albatross
  20. Phreezone there is a van/shuttle that you can sign up or on the Skydive Arizona Web site. Lisa you have to go it wouldn't be the same without you. Jessica I'm sure that someone will keep you warm. You don't mind tight squezes do you? God bless us and God Bless America Albatross
  21. I totally agree with Lisa nd Rhino. A 7 cell and a conservative design is a good idea for a 1st canpoy because they have better lift at slow speeds. However, ultimately the type of canopy you get will have to match you style of flying, so stick with something that is close to what you learned on for the first 20+ jumps at the very least. Stay safe until you really can get the absolute last bet of preformance out of a doscile canopy before you move on. I have too many firends who were flying canopies at the edge of their abilities and got hurt. God bless us and God Bless America Albatross
  22. Two big points. 1. The tunnel is awsome!!! Especially if you have consistant problems. 2. Anything where you get to fly with Airspeed is going to make you MUCH better. SO Jessica does this mean that we will be seing you at a Skills camp in Eloy soon? God bless us and God Bless America Albatross
  23. Albatross

    stop me!

    O.K. The EX is an EX for a reason. THEY SUCK and not in the good way. If you want to call an ex and hear a woman cry (not you) then call my ex and save me all the greif of trying to be nice to her. All she wants is sex (yeah right! then love and marige and kids and the end of my jumping). The 1 and only reason to go back to an ex is if they dumped you. Then you go back have make up sex and cut them away. DON' T DO IT LISA!!!! IF YOU DO I WILL FORCE FEED YOU TAQILLA. God bless us and God Bless America Albatross
  24. Albatross


    Hopes and Prayers Lisa! God bless us and God Bless America Albatross
  25. Happy birthday Steve! I am not having sympathy sex with you. God bless us and God Bless America Albatross