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    Bay Area Skydiving - Byron, CA
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  1. found this surfing free stuff this morning, Craigslist as sooo much stuff on it, and it changes from day to day. http://www.craigslist.org/nby/zip/17740085.html You may push me around, but you cannot win! You may throw me down, but i'll rise again!
  2. ewww, minifly uses a mac!! lol i bet the chair is faster :) j/k You may push me around, but you cannot win! You may throw me down, but i'll rise again!
  3. last monday sept 15 there was a bunch of stir about an earthquake prediction based of waves. I found that article here on cnn's site. Clicky about predition And a link to the event Clicky about event This guy got lucky, or did he really predict the big quake? -Jason You may push me around, but you cannot win! You may throw me down, but i'll rise again!
  4. Andrei Kirilenko, Utah Jazz player. Uglier in person. edited to upload photo. You may push me around, but you cannot win! You may throw me down, but i'll rise again!
  5. Found this on space.com this morning, talking about an elevator that can lift up to 5 tons. reducing the cost to 100.00 per pound from 10k-40k per pound. You could stow away and bail at 20 miles up :) Check it out! Space Elevator -Jason You may push me around, but you cannot win! You may throw me down, but i'll rise again!
  6. September 11, 1978. 25th was a fun one, 5 years closer to 30 ;-) -Jason You may push me around, but you cannot win! You may throw me down, but i'll rise again!
  7. Social Burn, "Down" Good track. check www.socialburn.com, I think you can preview it. -jason You may push me around, but you cannot win! You may throw me down, but i'll rise again!
  8. lol. sorry skymama. Didnt look hard for another posting of the article. :( -Jason You may push me around, but you cannot win! You may throw me down, but i'll rise again!
  9. Remember the geek star wars video that was on the site a while back, now look how far its gone!! [URL]http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/news/archive/2003/08/21/national1341EDT0610.DTL[/URL] -Jason You may push me around, but you cannot win! You may throw me down, but i'll rise again!
  10. It will be one of those things that everyone will wonder. If he is going by the revelations section of the bible, he should be removed from office simply because he is not separating Church From State. My personal opinion. Wars happen for 2 reasons, Money, or Religion. It all depends your perspective. Saddam for religion, Bush for Money (Oil), And now maybe he is trying to fulfill the bible. -Jason You may push me around, but you cannot win! You may throw me down, but i'll rise again!
  11. Hello All I recently seen treasure planet for the first time, in the begining there is a cool scene where the kid rides a solar powered skyboard, rides it way up high, then free falls pulling some pretty cool stunts. I thought it looked like disney did there homework for the scene. Anyone else have any other comments? Look to fake, or very real? -Jason You may push me around, but you cannot win! You may throw me down, but i'll rise again!
  12. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quote -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seen Metalica & Guns and Roses around 1992. It was a Day on the green in Oakland, CA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I saw that show... There was no field left after that riot... What a friggen party! ------ I saw the field 2 days later when I went to an indoor concert, got to walk right by the field, it looked like crap with all the patch work they did. -Jason You may push me around, but you cannot win! You may throw me down, but i'll rise again!
  13. Seen Metalica & Guns and Roses around 1992. It was a Day on the green in Oakland, CA -Jason You may push me around, but you cannot win! You may throw me down, but i'll rise again!
  14. wceviper


  15. First things first, a lot of you have the wrong perspective on what will kill you. The first bike I really rode was a Harley sportster 883cc, I put maybe 1000 miles on that before I got my license. Then I bought a Buell Lightning X1 at 1203cc. They are both dangerous. A lot of people look at the CC count on a bike thinking that is the death factor, but its not. And comparing a motorcycle to a Canopy isn’t really fair either. You can control your speed no matter what size CC engine you have, but parachutes you cannot control your speed with a throttle, only brakes :) My point here, its the rider that kills them self because they do not have respect for the power between their Knee's. Just like someone who jumps a smaller canopy when they are not ready for it, no respect for the dangers of the sport. I rode all types of bikes before I figured out what I wanted. I was into the sport bikes, so I bought a Buell. 1203cc, 90flbs of torque at 5500rpms, Top speed of 145. Plenty of power, And come on now, Who needs to go faster than 120 (Besides free flyers :) )?? Besides, doesn’t going fast in a straight line get real boring real quick? I think it does..... You can kill yourself on a bicycle going 10mph and hitting a curb. Don’t let the CC number make you think any different, just have respect for that number. Personally, I wouldn't get an brand new bike to learn on. Also, Check insurance prices in your Area, that will be a big factor in buying a bike. You would be looking at 2500+ a year for a new ride on what is considered a "Super Bike". I totally recommend a CC Rider course, I would compare that with first jump training, EVERYONE should take it. I learned a lot. Just my 2 cents :) Hope you get something out of it, and just like Skydiving, have respect for the bike, and ride like you are invisible. Basically, pretend that no one can see you and they could drift in your direction at anytime killing you. That will keep you more aware and it will keep you alive. My Motorcycle -Jason You may push me around, but you cannot win! You may throw me down, but i'll rise again!