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Everything posted by Albatross

  1. I think that there are a few people who are being overlooked on the DZ. Christopher, David, maybe Andy and Eric? Might not get 18 out the door but still pretty sweet. Ahhh fond dreams of great 4-way back at Perris. The DZ NEEDS a great Open team. RW is becoming a red headed step child and Elsinore is picking up the slack. Chris
  2. To answer the original question. Yes and No! When moving down the sizes it seems that there are critical loading points where the preformance changes "drasticly" I saw it when I loaded my Spectre 170 over 1.0 for the first time. When I tried a 150 I saw little change in preformance. From discussions with "real" canopy pilots these preformance ranges occur at different points on different canopies and different sizes. You load a canopy to say 1.0 and it will have enough drive to plane out. At maybe 1.5 it will become much more groud hungry and snappy in the turns. At 1.8 it might not fly well at all because you are loading it above it preformance range. Bottom line is what bill said is the way to keep yourself in one piece and getting advice from an expert like Jim Slaton or other such expert will give you insight on where to expect the changes in preformance. GO SLOW THE SMALLER CANOPY WILL ALWAYS BE THERE. Chris
  3. Bill has made all the relivant points. But the bottom line is that he will MOST likely land it great. He will have much more speed and a "better flare". Depending on how his brain is wired he may love it. Now as Bill said is the problem. He can land the canopy when he is 100% focused on landing; in a controled environment; with little trafic and no one cutting him off; into the wind; with 200 feet to land in. This is not what SHOULD be used to decide which canopy to buy. If everything goes to shit what do you KNOW that you can land safely PERIOD. A little homage to my mentor Skybytch. Chris
  4. Albatross

    10 way

    Yeah the little 4 way knee fly was cool especially since they can do better 360 on their knees than most people can do on the bellys. Chris
  5. Albatross

    10 way

    SDC STL was incredible in the event, however I think that Airspeed had the best post formation hijink. I liked the swimming episode. Chris
  6. Michele: I try to have my knees abour shoulder width apart. It feels like kneeling on the ground and trying to be stable. As for the Yoga. It is very helpful to be flexable. I really think that the closest you can come to the freefall AFF arch is to lie on one of the big stretching balls. Granted it is upside down but the arch is about right and depending on height it seems to give you a bit of toes out to ballence (which keeps you from backsiding). However, all you need to do to be stable is to get your CG (Center of Gravity) below the center of lift (the imaginary spot that your body is "hanging from" which should be about in your butt if you are arched.) The further lift point is above the CG the more stable it is (Think about a shuttle cock or a space ball or streamer. THe rag is high and the weight is low and they fallvery stable). However the closer the points are the more mobility you have. Chris
  7. As the two above Newbies have said RELAX. They have been there and had the problem so listen to them. I have always tried to feel the air cradle me and to breath into the arch and relax. A few things to try if the simple answer isn't enough. First try practicing the arch on the ground and have someone look at your position nd make sure that it is symetrical. Often people try to ach witht their legs and make them tense but a bit uneven. Try, as Michele said, to clench your glutes. In the air you can try to see the same amount of each hand out of you pereiferal vision and for your legs try the toe taps. I think that most new jumpers are too narrow with their knees. Try and get your knees wide as it gives you a wider base to ballance on. Give all these things a try and listen to your JMs. They can see you and know you best. Trust them they have your safety as their primary concern. Chris
  8. I have ssen some people jump in Army surplus coveralls. they can't be more than $50. Chris
  9. Have fun!!!! Don't worry about having 1 JM they wouldn't let you go if you weren't ready. Besides in the end the JM SHOULD only be there to watch you. IF you relax, arch and visualize the dive you will sail through. Chris
  10. Dude, Just jump when you get back to sunny SoCal. Chris
  11. I'll be around but jumping 4-way most of the day both Sat and Sun. MaybeI will make it in for one of the late day jumps? Chris
  12. O.K. I am a belly flier. I am a 4-way belly flier.I love flying in the tunnel, in competition, at Airspeed camps, what ever I love doing 4-way. Hoever, I also like to Freefly. Granted I have like 10 freefly jumps (I can hold my sit, rotate, and change fall rate) but it is fun. The major difference is the way that we prepare. Hold on because i am going to get high brow. It is ike the impressionist vs the Neo-classical. One has hard and fast rule it is sharp and strong like a cathedral. The other is lose and fuzzy the feel is what is important. the lines blend it is about expression and feeling not rules. Is one better NO they are the same coin just different sides. Understand that we are best wehn we can take from it all. Chris
  13. If this is on your mind practice. First don't make the jump if you feelling is that you "Have to make and AFF jump". Make 1-1000 more tandems, go to the wind tunnel, or wait. If you want to do AFF but are concerned about the arch, try this. Get a big pillow of the couch put it on the floor and lay on top of it. Now put your arms out at 90 deg and bend you knees. Last lift everything up off the floor except your groin/belly. That is the arched position except in the air you don't have to pull your arms and legs up just relax and let the air cradle you. Chris
  14. Nah I was just kidding. I just think that it is funny how people stereotype men as shallow. As for the rest physical fitness is a lifestyle and personal commitment. I agree witht he sentiment that people are putting out there. The weight is her issue, the lack of commitment to a goal with you is the big one in the relationship. Also your post makes it seem like that is a big issue for you. Good luck. I feel for you. Chris
  15. First of all I resent being called shallow and then asked for advice. Not that it may not be true but I still resent being called shallow. As for the relationship, most women don not like being reminded that they are failing to do something. Women tend to be their own harshest critic and bering reminded of something as personal as not losing wieght tends to strike a sensative note. Possibly try a different note and clear the house of "bad" food and praise her when she does well. On ht eother hand, if you are not attracted to your partneer physically then the relationship is most likely in for hard times. Everyone has a physical need and you WILL have it filled and if your partner is not attractive to you someone else will fill the need dooming the relationship. Chris
  16. He is an accident waiting to hapen. It is like giving a 16 year old a brand new Porche. He will be able to land unders cerain conditions and that will make him bold. Everyone I know who was flying a canopy over 1.0 with under 200 jumps broke themselves somehow. JUST DON"T DO IT. Buy a Square canopy at ~ 1.0:1 and learn to fly the shit out of it. Then uses the front risers then do riser crves then do every conceivable landing, THEN THINK about trying to down size to 1.2:1. No one even died because their canopy was too slow. Chris
  17. Did someone come through for you?? Free gifts? Got to love it. Chris
  18. Yes I like the concept but don't you think that it is backwards. I mean the finger pocket is faced so that the fingers of the left hand will catch and fit but you are cutting away with the right. Just a thought. Chris
  19. Crashing a Lightning SUCKS!!! They do not flare worth a damn. However, every one i have ever jumped was OLD and Yuck. Michelle, try not to over analyze this thing to death. If you have found out that the canopy can flare and stop you down and forward motion then you just need to time it better. Remember how many landing you have total and in the last few weeks as well. Hell I ahve friends and teammates who have 100 times the jumps that you do and still land on their ass. I had my canopy out of trim and had the break lines lengthened a little too much and biffed my landings for a whole day. That sucked. I even did the Wil E Coyote thing into a big pile of dirt at Perris. Point being that this is a judgement and skill thing along with confidence and it often takes time. YOU CAN DO IT. YOU WILL DO IT. I believe in you. Chris
  20. Come on Paul I want to see you try and fly without wings Chris
  21. Offer stand any day that I am not training. I will find some way to fall with you even if it means jumping naked (strapped down of course. Damn streammer). I have weights and can always work on my fast fall. You can work on a slightly less arched position girls I have seen pics of you. You look like a U. "Damn gumby girls" P.S. click on the message icon at the top of the page to get my not if not e-mail or call me. They were just ideas to get free stuff for your staring role. P.P.S. I am very proud to know you. Will you still talk to us when you are a big star? Chris
  22. Just a thought: If you want to do any really serious FS say 4-way you might want to tkeep the colors dark because the white gloves on a dark suit come out best on video for judging. The hook knife I would reconsider for RW. Lots of RW is a full contact sport and the knife might hurt someone. Just my 2 cents. As for the rest. Get cordura grippers, butt, knees. Definitely get inside leg grippers. Don't forget big booties 300 is not bad. Mine cost me 400+ Chris
  23. Michelle my dear I am soo proud of you and all that you have overcome. As for Ideas for Sponsors. Are you going to be doing Serious RW or Just the re-enactment type stuff. If that is it, I have a few suggestions that I will send you. I am soo proud. Chris
  24. I know that for me the repetitions of jumping 4-way have really improved my awareness on exit. I spend so much time looking at myself out the door on video. Alsohaving something to think about on exit helped. Finally practicing my exit move on the ground and looking at aclone really helped.