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Everything posted by Albatross

  1. Peace and love to our departed brothers. Even those of you I have never met I will miss. Much love to the friends who are really feeling this loss. God bless us and God Bless America Albatross
  2. Night life in Eloy! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAH God bless us and God Bless America Albatross
  3. Albatross


    Can't wait. ALl I care is that friedns are there and the jumps are safe. God bless us and God Bless America Albatross
  4. TOtoally agree about the helmets ot being great protection from serious impact. You might want to check out down hill ski helmets as well. God bless us and God Bless America Albatross
  5. Remember that Lisa and Quade and most of us are trying to present rules not as a way to control but rather as a way to keep us all safe. Nothing is scarier than a poorly planed underskilled big way. God bless us and God Bless America Albatross
  6. I think that we need to up the requirements for the participants. I think that they need to be registered for at leat 1 month or have posted at least 10 times. I mean this is a record for all of us in our little comunity not one to be grabbed and dishonestly attained. However I also think that the formation should be planned and the slots idetified before the jump goes up. God bless us and God Bless America Albatross
  7. Albatross


    My love and prayers to both of our friends. I know that I am part of a big family bacause I shiver every time I hear about one of my own getting hurt. God bless us and God Bless America Albatross
  8. If you don't want o tchange your CG towards your head try a wieght belt so that the weight is where it will do the most good. The other thing that I might suggest is that you think about getting your head and chest up and to counteract the back slide it will induce a little more legs our or knees up. It helped me alot and I get much better vision. God bless us and God Bless America Albatross
  9. Like I said if the first was the Euros then they each should get to send in a peice to represent their part and each group sends in the number of items equal to the increase they made. So we will have like 6+ Palm trees, Nuts, Surfboards or what ever. It needs to be fun but gaudy. God bless us and God Bless America Albatross
  10. How about a Keyboard with little cowboy hats for the Texans that broke the original record. Then when we smash that record we can put our own little items on it up to the number that we set. I was thinking kind of like the God Frog trophy. God bless us and God Bless America Albatross
  11. A concpet that I can help you with. I am 6'1"b and weigh 165ish. However I have wide shoulders and can comfortably fall with the skinny girls. That is the great thing about being tall and thin you get to jump with all the cute women because you can float. Also you can do all your jumps with just a bit of weight and maybe sleeves. The Fat boys need 2-5 jumpsuits to have the range you will with 12 lbs of weight. I have a weight belt and love it. I have jumped with the vest but find that they cange the weight distribution and are not as comfortanble or as easy to remove and put back on. Borrow a few and try them out. All weights do is give you more range. DOn't use them as a crutch not to arch but do use them so that you can fly in the middle of your range. God bless us and God Bless America Albatross
  12. Lisa, I hope that you will reconcider. Let me tell you a story about a young skydiver who came to this site and was looking for some help. I had just made something like my 45th jump and had spent the better part of an hour holding someones throat open because they had dragged their 1:1.5 canopy out of the closet where it had been for the last several months and made a low toggle turn. Your advice and this bloody scene showed me the way to safely get down to a size that I could enjoy and be safe on. I am constantly amazed at the new bits of preformance that I can wring out of my Spectre 1:1.15 and always think back to your sage advice. Please take up the fight it is a tough one but one that we must all try to fight because nothing is more painful than seeing a friend carted off to hospital or morgue because no one was there to say no. We ned you. God bless us and God Bless America Albatross
  13. Since Texas is about to loose the title I think that they should put up a trophy so we have something to win and put in the Bombshelter. God bless us and God Bless America Albatross
  14. Doubt that I can do the 23/24th of Feb due to team training But most of the people one the team are folk. Maybe we can make the Sunset load that weekend and all get on. As for SBS getting on his belly. No one said it had to be all belly RW could he dockin a sit if he can slow down enough. God bless us and God Bless America Albatross
  15. When are you coming? If I am out that was I'll give you a ride. God bless us and God Bless America Albatross
  16. I am just starting a new 4-way team am "the most experienced" member. I only ahve 60-70 4-way jumps and ost have been at a skills camp. i need help designing simple training jumps and planning dive flows. Right now I am having a hard time planning all random all infacing jumps. Any advice! God bless us and God Bless America Albatross
  17. Quade's 115 from the ground but 46 + camera in the air. God bless us and God Bless America Albatross
  18. No a smooth AFF progression is fairly common but so is getting stuck. Out of my 3 friends who did AFF we had 1 repeated level and it seems that the less time between jumps the easier it is. However, I do have another friend who repeated one level 7 times. It seems to depend mostly on what type of body awareness you have and if you can relax. Good athletes seem to have an easier time of it in general. God bless us and God Bless America Albatross
  19. I know that you said that you were kind of set on buying the Triathalon but I am going to suggest that you might want to consider a Spectre loaded at the same range. I bought mine (loaded at 1.15) at about 45 jumps and loved it. Now 200+ jumps later I am just begining to play with the higher end preformance of the canopy. I have flown the Triathalon and never liked its handling. But concider the larger canopy if you have any doubts because the canopy will retain a lot of value and it is much better to be in the air wishing that you had a hotter wing than be there stressing if you can land in that back yard with the cross breeze with the piggish loaded canopy. God bless us and God Bless America Albatross
  20. My current favorite was during a tracking dive at Eloy. It was a huge group like 18 or so and we put out 7 floaters. All of a sudden one fell off the worst thing that could happen. We all watched her fall away and went right back to the jump. When we got down she was all red and embarassed. That put it in perfect perspective. You fall off so you free fall alone. God bless us and God Bless America Albatross
  21. Are you going to be in the group tomorrow Lisa? I'll be there with the dregs of my Starbucks and a bad hat. God bless us and God Bless America Albatross
  22. SWEET!!! I get to jump the bytch. I mean I am going to be in the big ways too. God bless us and God Bless America Albatross
  23. My non-rigger opinion is that this is an antiquated idea left from the days or perishable materials and round reserves. I have heard that the reserve doesn't change shape, volume or deployment speed after the first 30 days so if there were a day with any significance it would be 1 month not 120 days. God bless us and God Bless America Albatross
  24. Arthur, I know that this has been hard on you but you have been a great man throughout. I know that the people who know you have only respect and love for you and the way that you delt with this. NOthing that I could say will help but remember that even if you do not think so you made his last weeks and months special and much better. Much peace and love. You always has a family here that understands about tough losses. God bless us and God Bless America Albatross
  25. Bottom line is that a Funnel is an exit that ends up bad: Splits apart or has one or more people not belly to earth. God bless us and God Bless America Albatross