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Everything posted by riddler

  1. http://www.masoncountydailynews.com/news/national-news/16801-harold-camping-doomsday-prophet-wrong-again http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Family_Radio There is money in doomsday prophecy, apparently. Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD
  2. Usually, he picks on Germans. But I would like to see Bruce vs. this guy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9DkciMTsLI http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=DIIw8ZTPJio http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RP4FjODPDFA Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD
  3. Play safely: http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=keyboard+condom&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=12541215244003635830&sa=X&ei=rsyYToLHIunciALev5i2DQ&ved=0CD0Q8wIwAA Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD
  4. There goes the neighborhood. Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD
  5. In the case of my mom, it confirmed what she already had suspicions of, AND it went a little further, meaning it was great gossip, and she just had to tell someone! She went to her grave convinced that Obama was not only an African terrorist with a socialist agenda, but that he, in fact, was the anti-Christ that the Christian Bible warned her of, and he was destined to bring about the end of America. It was true because she read it from an email that had been forwarded from 15 different people. She knew the last two in the chain. Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD
  6. I wouldn't want to give Uranus a pounding in the asteroid, considering how gassy it is. Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD
  7. riddler

    Rossi E-cat

    Considering our dire need for energy, we should explore as many crazy theories as we can. I'm not a huge proponent of LENR (the artist formerly known as cold fusion), but if it works, it may save a few billion lives just in the next few decades. Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD
  8. Real quotes that you don't hear every day: ''I just went to take off, do a go-around and I didn't even see the ferris wheel there,'' ''When I turned around there was just this big plane right behind me,'' ''He hit a tree, wobbled, pulled out to sea and that's when he crashed into the ferris wheel,'' Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD
  9. Yeah, you would think that if these super-advanced aliens can travel to distant planets (Earth), and implant things in people's heads to facilitate telepathy, that they would be able to precisely determine the timeframe of a large celestial object passing near earth (we're talking Kepler equations, those are pretty simple). On the other hand, if their I.T. was written by a company in any way similar to Microsoft, I would expect exactly these types of errors. At least in version 1.0. Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD
  10. I prefer to get inside the "natural" pink. Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD
  11. Article reminds me of astrology. Tell people really nice things about themselves, and they will buy your shit: 1. Black - you are a closet pervert, and fantasize about anal sex with animals 2. Red - Take an anger management course, mr/mrs verbally abusive! 3. Orange - You only got orange, because no one makes a pink car for flamers like you. 4. Blue - one word. Pussy. 5. White - You love to hang out at intersections and pretend to be a police car, just to annoy the fuck out of people. Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD
  12. And was pissed that he lost 1/4 second breathing. Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD
  13. Sounds like Skymama's into younger guys Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD
  14. Money will be the incentive for us to go there. If we discover diamond-planets in our own solar system, the space race will be on. If we found some great source of energy out there, it would be even better. Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD
  15. riddler


    Yes, prostitution is legal in Singapore. I can't answer the expensive question, because that's relative. Pretty much everything is expensive there, by my standards. But there's still lines for the brothels. I stayed in a hotel that was in one of those areas. I watched out the window as guys lined up at the "hotel" across the street. A girl would come out, a guy would talk to her, they would go in together. A bit later, they would come out, another guy would talk to the same girl, then they would go in together. This went on pretty much all night. I guess they don't mind taking turns. Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD
  16. riddler


    It's hot. Bring a lot of shorts and t-shirts; they are fine everywhere except for the mosques that you may visit. It's very clean. There are lots of rules. Huge fines for breaking the law (like $1,200 fine for jay-walking). The MRT (train) is very nice, and can take you just about anywhere in the country. It's hot. They sell these iced-drinks on just about every block. You can get "bubbles" in them (little beads of jelly). Mostly Chinese, but a smattering of different cultures. People are nice and friendly. You'll get hit up to visit the brothels a few times when you walk in the wrong neighborhoods. Did I mention it's friggin' hot? Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD
  17. I thought she was talking to me. Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD
  18. Looks like ears are the brakes on this rig. Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD
  19. The industry is already increasing NetFlix's surcharges by an order of magnitude to make additional profit, with streaming media as the excuse - NetFlix is on the hook for $2 billion this year, which is why they have raised prices for everyone. They've already admitted that they're trying to drive consumers to their own services. Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD
  20. No single action will resolve the American economic situation. This is why, in the past week, when President Obama and leaders of Congress said that they would fix the debt problem without raising taxes ... no one believed them. It's also why Obama forestalled the next such venue until after the 2012 election. He doesn't want to be President. The next presidency is going to be dubbed the "Poison Presidency", because no one in their right mind will want to take the job. If we continue to follow Roman history, it's nearly time for the dictatorship in this country. I'm not saying it's a good thing, but it's happened before. Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD
  21. The double-dip recession finally did him in. Wasn't he supposed to protect Truth, Justice, and corporate billionaires? Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD
  22. People are not going on vacations, but going to the movies instead. It's still a much cheaper form of entertainment. Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD
  23. Sounds cool, but doesn't work, except for thin spandex. Fibers are not under enough tension. If you really hold on with your free hand, you can do it, but that's just a waste of a hand that could be used for better things. Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD
  24. My mom was a postal carrier. She knew her customers and would manually sort through the mail for each one. If the letter was not for them, she would make sure it went to the right place. She took time to talk with her customers and ask them about service, and make sure they were getting all their mail. Everyone one of her customers loved her, except a few of the welfare people that were mad because she wouldn't go to their individuals houses and hand them their checks first, before she delivered every other house. She made friends with the dogs. What did the Post Office think of that? They told her that she wasn't allowed to sort mail anymore - they thought it took too long, even though she was faster on her route than most of the people in her office. They had someone follow her and chastise her for talking to customers, because they felt it was "unprofessional". Management got mad because she was working too much unpaid overtime. They told her not to deliver any house with an unchained dog, and call the animal police, even though the dogs stayed in their yards. They had rules, and their rules included doing everything they could to alienate customers. My mom didn't care - she kept doing her job the way she thought she should, and retired to a huge party with all of her co-workers and customers from multiple routes. She screamed at the managers when they told her to do things any other way, and they got to be afraid of her. Most of the other carriers shut up and did what they were told. Now you know why the Post Office sucks. Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD
  25. Congratulations. Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD