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Everything posted by DYEVOUT

  1. How You Doin' ? ----------------=8^)---------------------- "I think that was the wrong tennis court."
  2. Wow, talk about false advertising - No pic. ----------------=8^)---------------------- "I think that was the wrong tennis court."
  3. MMMMMMMMMMMM. . . . . . . . Buttfloss. ----------------=8^)---------------------- "I think that was the wrong tennis court."
  4. God IS a Republican. ----------------=8^)---------------------- "I think that was the wrong tennis court."
  5. Here's some real honeys. (This is just wrong...) ----------------=8^)---------------------- "I think that was the wrong tennis court."
  6. Please note the subtle pee stain on the left legwear. Just makes the whole shot. I'm going to go hork now. ----------------=8^)---------------------- "I think that was the wrong tennis court."
  7. Very nice. Abuse an onnocent dog. ----------------=8^)---------------------- "I think that was the wrong tennis court."
  8. Do they have animal control personnel in Memphis? It sounds like the critter may be neglected, as well as untrained. It is important to remember that though your neighbor sounds like a steaming pile of shit, the canine is not at fault. It is okay to waste your neighbor, but leave the pooch out of it. ----------------=8^)---------------------- "I think that was the wrong tennis court."

    Just Curious

    I'm a rookie skydiver (don't even have a license yet), but I am interested in the specialized gear you guys use. I read Tom's article awhile back on BASE rigs, and found it quite interesting. My question regards sizing of base canopies - are they sized similar to skydiving canopies - i.e. start under 1:1 loading, and downsize in progression? Most BASE photos I've seen appear to have large canopies in them. I'd think you'd want something big, but when you guys need to turn, you NEED to turn. Just wondering. . . . . . ----------------=8^)---------------------- "I think that was the wrong tennis court."
  10. SHIT, I thought there would be pictures of bodacious meat balloons here. ----------------=8^)---------------------- "I think that was the wrong tennis court."
  11. I think Mike B.'s incident was in the previous issue. ----------------=8^)---------------------- "I think that was the wrong tennis court."
  12. I hope, while you were reminiscing, you took a gander at your left wrist occasionally. ----------------=8^)---------------------- "I think that was the wrong tennis court."
  13. Spread the word !! Cool pics, JT. ----------------=8^)---------------------- "I think that was the wrong tennis court."
  14. Does anybody know how to get a hold of the j-pegs mentioned in that string - I got a Pro-Track for Christmas, and want to mount it (very securely) in a Pro-Tec. Any data would help. Thanks ----------------=8^)---------------------- "I think that was the wrong tennis court."
  15. Did anyone notice that there is no "Incidents" column in the latest issue of Parachutist ? I just glanced thru it quickly, but my wife looked thru it in more depth. It's nice to think of no one getting hurt, but is it possible ? ----------------=8^)---------------------- "I think that was the wrong tennis court."
  16. They seem like nice girls, but did anyone notice their peculiarly large breasts ? ----------------=8^)---------------------- "I think that was the wrong tennis court."
  17. Oh O.K. he wasn't "standing on the wing", he was hanging on the strut. It' hard to believe the press could actually make a mistake, they usually write with such knowledgeable precision, and exhibit such a deep understanding of the subject. ----------------=8^)---------------------- "I think that was the wrong tennis court."
  18. #@$!!*&#!! WebBlocker ----------------=8^)---------------------- "I think that was the wrong tennis court."
  19. Does anybody know what this means ? ----------------=8^)---------------------- "I think that was the wrong tennis court."
  20. I saw a video of a cool tandem JM at our DZ, who took a student up w/video - student chickened out in the plane - cool video of tandem JM flying massive tandem rig solo. ----------------=8^)---------------------- "I think that was the wrong tennis court."
  21. It might be a good idea to actually make a jump, before attempting to plan the rest of your life around an unknown. ----------------=8^)---------------------- "I think that was the wrong tennis court."
  22. Was his pilot chute already on it's way out of the BOC during climbout ? "standing on the wing" - Beech ? Glad he's gonna get better. ----------------=8^)---------------------- "I think that was the wrong tennis court."
  23. Let the BODIES hit the floor Let the BODIES hit the floor Let the BODIES hit the floor WWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH ----------------=8^)---------------------- "I think that was the wrong tennis court."

    Yee Haaaaa!

    Sweet! MMMMMMMMM. . . .. . Jump Tickets. ----------------=8^)---------------------- "I think that was the wrong tennis court."
  25. I hate cats, but I do know how to get blood out of fabric (huntin' clothes & game bags) Make a solution of water and Adolph's meat tenderizer, apply to the stained area - soak it good. Then wash as normal. ----------------=8^)---------------------- "I think that was the wrong tennis court."