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Everything posted by spikes2020

  1. is that so they can entrap more bugs or something? kinda like how whales fish with a bubble net? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJvfjiCTvq4 Cheers Jon W
  2. Please don't push me out of the door while my PC is still inside the AC. If you haven't climbed-out and I see your PC loose inside the AC, I'm gonna try to capture it before it (and you) go out. I guess it all depends on the situation, if the door is open and your right next to it. The chance of you grabbing the pilot chute before it gets taken away in the wind is a bit different than if it was maybe further back in the plane. Like Krip said some of us don't have the reaction times yet to even probably do anything.... Maybe we should practice this at our DZ on the ground so we could get it as a reaction, like our our EP are. Cheers Jon W
  3. He died because the main bag got rapped around the landing gear and pulled the guy towards it breaking his neck... but could have been prevented if maybe seen or reacted sooner. it was a C-182. that is about all the information i have. Cheers Jon W
  4. That sucks, so i either pay 20-30 bucks to check a rig and still have a chance at paying 60-80 bucks for a reserve pack job.... or carry it on and still have that chance.... lose lose If they didn't find anything i'd ask them to pay for my pack job Thanks that answered my questions! Cheers Jon W
  5. my instructor told me if i see a pilot chute about in the AC to Shout "Pilot Chute" and kick that person out the door ASAP Someone at that drop zone died and took out the plane because of something like this. On the bright side the pilot and everyone else made it out okay... Cheers Jon W
  6. I was talking with some chick that worked for some air line and she said that they can ask you to check your chute... Has anyone had any issues with bringing your rig on the plane? She said they were afraid that you would jump out... I was like "traveling 600 mph at 35k ft.... sounds like suicide before you even got a chance to pull." Also they were talking about the AAD and the cutter pyrotechnics, or that you cant open the reserve... Anyone have any of these problems? Cheers Jon W
  7. Reason i started skydiving, might start up bank robbery too =) Cheers Jon W
  8. There could be more to this story what if the guy is 120lbs... and all they had to rent was 230s? I don't think i would ever jump a 99 or let alone anything less than a 170 for a long time, but i am saying that some people do learn faster than others and yes 50-60 jumps isn't much but we still don't have all the details. ALL i wanted to know was if he landed it fine or busted his ass. A few more details would be nice too like how the remaining of his day went and stuff but damn you dont have to bite my head off.... Cheers Jon W
  9. how was his landing? just wondering...... I mean if he stood it up next to the cone, i'd say is doing fine. If he has green stains on his ass, maybe not. Cheers Jon W
  10. thanks for sharing, very awesome~ +1 Cheers Jon W
  11. if it comes down to this i'll just sleep next to my gear with my shotgun.... Cheers Jon W
  12. you ever see the TV show the Oblongs http://epguides.com/Oblongs/cast.jpg Cheers Jon W
  13. Found a used 190 rig its a good price and i was thinking of buying it but i weigh 160lbs and got a 170sf main instead. http://www.chutingstar.com/usedgear_en/reflex-spectre-190-pdr176-expired-cypres.html All it needs is an AAD and your good to go! Cheers Jon W
  14. Our dz is always looking for pilots but they only pick some trusted ones to fly their planes. Trust is earned via showing up on time and knowing what to do in every emergency. Skydiving planes could have many more different problems than most normal commercial planes. Maybe if he stuck around the DZ for a few weekends he could get in with them. Big thing is to show up on time and learn how they operate. If he is persistent enough i am sure they will see that and give him the opportunity. Most of our pilots dont need the hours, so talking with the other pilots also might be a good idea. See how they got in with the DZs. Good Luck =) Cheers Jon W
  15. lol me too! Cheers Jon W
  16. friends w/o benefits might be a way to go... I was always strait forward and told them why, most of the time it was because i don't do long distance relationships and i was moving. AH! thats it just move to a new city =) oh wait its already a long distance thing... well good luck! There is a reason those don't work Cheers Jon W
  17. sweet, its like the Wright brothers all over again Cheers Jon W
  18. Most powerful computer youll find for less than 1000 bucks! Its great for everything including gaming to just surfing the web. It has 2 video cards so it will switch to the lower end one to save power. It goes for about 6 hours on the battery. I got one and love it... i did go for a few more up grades. i5 intel proc ( i got the i7 +200 bucks) 6 gigs of ram 320gig hard drive 7200 rpm NVIDIA GT540M graphics 1.0GB Video Memory wifi, webcam, mic, SD card readers, etched name plate, glowing back lit keys (nice for typing in the dark, also you can change them to like 24 different colors) you name it it has it! It all fits in 11" laptop!!!! Edit: oh and it has a really good backup system so if she fucks it up, you can just hit one button and presto, fixed! http://configure.us.dell.com/dellstore/config.aspx?oc=DKCWCR1&cs=19&dgvcode=ss&c=US&l=EN&ST=Alienware%20Laptop&dgc=ST&cid=61341&lid=1542660&acd=dhs_pl,,901pdb6671 http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_aP29wY-0EKw/S757RUu0PQI/AAAAAAAAABU/hAIUECvsJZY/s1600/DSCF1791.JPG Cheers Jon W
  19. i got a vector 3 with a sky hook, Its nice and a few nice safety features. I don't like where they put the AAD though its hard to get at...(under the reserve flap) Cheers Jon W
  20. the hop and pops was the scariest thing for me. 3,500 ft looks so big when your use to 13,500~ Cheers Jon W
  21. What he said! a chick flick? inconceivable!! Cheers Jon W
  22. well if they wont let you jump from their plane..... I bet they will take the jumps you did in the states and apply it to getting a German license but they want their money too. I hope you have a good log book =) Cheers Jon W
  23. I am in the same situation, i am a AFF student with 17 jumps i got my own rig on jump number 10 and started packing my own rig on jump 13 (the scariest jump of my life so far). I got a spectre 170 main in a vector 3 rig. Its loaded about 1.1 and i have been loving it. I think it all depends on your drop zone. I was really lucky and found a guy leaving the sport that was my same size just a bit heaver. It was the right price and so i couldnt just pass it up =) PS the spectre is so awesome, super slow openings and always head on! even with my noob skills packing! I know i have very limited experience so take it with a grain of salt. edit: here is a 190 spectre and rig for sale, make sure what ever rig you get fits you like a glove. http://www.chutingstar.com/usedgear_en/reflex-spectre-190-pdr176-expired-cypres.html Cheers Jon W