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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/06/2022 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Wind has no effect on glide ratio! Distance over the ground yes.
  2. 1 point
    I don't know if I would have taken that first step if there had not been SL option... The idea of freefall was a bit too much. At least with SL, one could learn all the other parts first. I would absolutely agree with you on Tandem in principle, BUT having gotten my TI under Strong Ent, and not surrounded by UTP, my _perception_ is that the reason many places do Tandem first and primary is money. It helps fund the DZ (at some DZ to the exclusion of all else), but I see very little "training" going on. SE pressed that this was a training jump with a student. Sigma pilots seem to be all about taking the passenger for a ride. Yea, I get it... 90% will only make one bucket list driven jump. BUT as my TI-E said (in effect)... if you treat them like a student, your rate of return will go up, and those that do return already have the mind-set of learning a skill rather than taking a ride. Just my $.03 JW
  3. 1 point
    Thanks for that! So in your posts I see: Hasty generalization - finding one guy who said the world was going to end and using that to represent the whole. Strawman fallacy - claiming that scientists are arguing that no other greenhouse gas other than CO2 affects the climate. Ad Hominem - attacking Greta Thunberg's mother because she made a silly "my daughter is superhuman" argument Appeal to Authority - claiming that since Kary Mullis is a good chemist, he is an authority on climate change Begging the question - claiming that scientists think any amount of CO2 is a pollutant, which isn't true False Dichotomy - assuming that the two options are using gas planes forever or "the government makes all your planes illegal." Can you get all 10? If you do I'll buy you a beer.
  4. 1 point
    It isn't the job of the FBI to tell you anything or help you... that isn't their mandate. They made errors and held back information but to claim they lied in a massive coverup involving everyone needs evidence, you have none. Where did the FBI lie?
  5. 1 point
    Even water is problematic to life when it's not in the right proportion to the other things that are needed. Kind of like carbon and CO2. Wendy P.
  6. 1 point
    New Mexico county commissioner and Cowboys for Trump founder removed from elected office for role in US Capitol riot The ruling was the result of a lawsuit seeking Griffin's removal, which alleged that he violated a clause in 14th Amendment of the Constitution by participating in an "insurrection" against the US government. Refreshing to see a court take the 14th Amendment seriously.
  7. 1 point
    Make America last again!
  8. 1 point
    Take a look at the first few posts on this thread and you will see a discussion and a lot of bitching about Quade locking the previous Cooper thread. Carr's posts should be on that thread. I don't think he had very may posts, or maybe none at all, on this Cooper thread.
  9. 1 point
    As FlyJack points out above, Cooper was apparently not the last to buy a ticket. After Cooper bought his ticket, there was a delay of about an hour since the airliner was late arriving in Portland. So there was plenty of time for other tickets to be sold. However, Cooper was reportedly the last passenger, or next to last passenger, to board the airliner.
  10. 1 point
    Such a champion of the common man, yet so interested in our knowing how well off he is himself. Brent, never having to rent a truck doesn’t make you better or worse. A hockey mom with three dogs needs a big-ass SUV; I don’t. Neither is better. Wendy P.
  11. 1 point
    i agree with the altimeters for all students. not that easy to set up for a landing pattern at 1000' if you don't have an altimeter. i don't think a tandem screens out anything except broke people. i've seen lots of tandem passengers that shouldn't do it on their own.
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    Is it cheaper than gas ?
  14. 1 point
    The humorlessness of the Woke is matched only by their inability to do their homework. Their good intentions are those with which the road to hell is paved. I'm not sure whether to attribute the Weltanschauung to willful ignorance, active stupidity, or a combination of both. My news feed pops up such gems as this: https://cbsaustin.com/news/nation-world/social-justice-summer-camp-started-by-anarchists-to-be-held-in-oregon It concerns me that such idiocy is supported to the extent that it is. I wish people would not us comedy routines as instructional materials. While I find censorship to be abhorrent, it also concerns me that people can read or hear tripe and take it seriously. To use religion as a paradigm, it amazed me that when studying the Greek Myths it was taken as a given the mentions of the Greek Gods was treated as a literary device, while other texts of similar antiquity that referenced their deity of choice were accepted verbatim. Simply mind blowing. My son put it nicely when he noted that "God is Ignorance." His contention was that unsophisticated societies had a limited knowledge base, and that anything that was unknown was treated as unknowable and thus the work of "God." It is a curious characteristic of humanity that when ignorance is addressed, any clarification is generally met with hostility by both the unwashed masses and, to a large extent, the 'intelligentsia.' This leads to my observation that our only inexhaustible natural resource is stupidity. In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is not king - he is a pariah. T'was ever thus. BSBD, Winsor
  15. 1 point
    Zero. I didn't take courses on Lord of the Rings either, although it was a good read. Taking courses is not a requirement for knowing the nature of the authors and the content. Which 'Great Replacement Theory' courses did you take?
  16. 1 point
    A disgraceful statement. Holocaust studies are not a theory and to attempt to compare that to CRT is probably deeply insulting to the Jewish community. CRT, if you've ever read more than a few lines of the original literature, is significantly more skewed than a mere recounting of history. How does that statement make any sense (without a tinfoil hat)? Alex Jones has made disgraceful statements but it's absurd to believe that traits of either racism or anti-Semitism are defined by an individual's low awareness of history. By your logic there can be no such thing as a racist or anti-Semitic historian. Would you not find it plausible that children and adolescents, having a relatively low awareness of history, can respectfully interact within multicultural communities... until they learn a particular flavour of history designed to re-introduce old hate?
  17. 1 point
    Nice try. The Catholic Church (and to a greater or lesser extent its copycat cults) is an exemplar of the "banality of evil." The people who support the institution largely do not get in to the nuts and bolts of the institutions machinations, but are pivotal to its survival. I know/knew people who, after the humiliation of 1918 and the starvation of the early '20s, were supportive of the political system that turned it around and provided prosperity and victory (for a while at least). FWIW, people who have a literal interpretation of the Torah are, by definition, crazy. It's Bronze Age family lore, and its merits are akin to those of the Iliad and other contemporary works. BLM is 100% racist, and its apologists are generally those who qualify as "useful idiots" per Bolshevik definition. Whether their support is based on ignorance, denial, stupidity or a combination thereof, they are pivotal to the success of the organization. Interviews with key BLM personnel make this abundantly clear. "White guilt" is way fucked up. I haven't had any slaves for quite some time now, and don't support anyone who hasn't freed theirs. Having lived in very 'diverse' neighborhoods, I have witnessed more racism and 'oppression' from within the community of concern than from without. For the record, I am not cool with any variant. Your reference to Israel in another thread (I've never been there) suggests that you are projecting. You would be well advised to avoid such a one-dimensional view of complex subjects. BSBD, Winsor
  18. 1 point
    Google Frankfurt School and Critical Theory
  19. 1 point
    For crying out loud, don't be so obtuse. Glide ratio is a property of the canopy independent of wind conditions and ground speed. To consider it otherwise would make it a meaningless number with no use at all. Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.
  20. 1 point
    I haven't jumped everything, but I've jumped a bunch of elliptical stuff and the Stiletto has the flattest glide among elliptical canopies I've seen. Chuck Akers D-10855 Houston, TX
  21. 1 point
    I am not familiar with the steering lines length of the Pilot (I just jump them a couple of times). But alternatively, for this short of situations, you can see if getting longer risers is a solution for your case. Not so long that you can't reach the slider, but longer than the current ones. This way the distance between the edge of the tail and your arms at the bottom of the flare is increased, and has a similar effect to shortening the steering lines, without some of the problems that it *might* (not necessarily so) cause.
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