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  1. Reportedly, just one line of the update caused today's mess. If five lines of the update were screwed up, would civilization as we know it still exist tonight?
  2. Chaucer has previously posted that he is in contact with CeCe Moore who is a genuine expert in tracking down people through DNA and is affiliated with Parabon (sp.?). Moore has helped law enforcement in hundreds of cases including some which received national media attention. If the Cooper case turns up meaningful DNA then Moore should be consulted and the DNA analysis handled on a professional level.
  3. Georger, why didn't you just say that you do not have a source for the claims you made in post #63673 above and for which I asked for sources in post #63674 above? You obviously have a lot of time to waste and I don't.
  4. Georger, how about explaining what exactly you mean by "high-performance combat aircraft" in this context. Do you have specific aircraft in mind? Fighters or bombers? And exactly where was this "titanium/steel alloy" used in those aircraft? In the airframe, engine, or where? My main professional interest is/was Flight Dynamics (meaning performance and stability and control) but that required a bit of knowledge about everything else for each aircraft. And remember we are talking about 1971 and earlier aircraft.
  5. Georger, I have discussed the meaning of the rotation of this pack of bills in any number of posts over probably the last 10 years. Obviously, you didn't bother to read those posts or have a really bad memory. So do read the following. The rotation means that the bills were NOT BOUND by anything in the middle of the pack when found. The rotation does mean that the bills were at least LOOSELY BOUND, or had been bound, by something on the left section (as seen above) of the pack. There is apparently not any information available on any bindings, rubber or paper, that was found on this pack of bills. In view of the overall matter, the bills were probably rotated by water action at the location where they were found. If the pack's orientation had been noted when it was found, then further conclusions as to how the pack got there might have been possible.
  6. Georger, what have you been drinking?
  7. Cola, I deal with facts and "truth" is a universal reality. What institution are you associated with?
  8. Cola and Georger, Flattery will get you nowhere. As far as I am concerned there is no ax to be buried. Let's just stick to facts. Hopefully, within the next week or so, I will have time to post on some new information related to the flight path. And a post by FlyJack played a part in getting me to check into it.
  9. Cola, could you please write in English. What are you saying above and what are you talking about? I don't know what you mean in your reference to Sluggo. But he is the one who told me how to find the Cooper forum on DropZone. Sluggo and I had other interactions, some of which are included in his site which is now available for your review on Shutter's site unless Chaucer has deleted it. If you are interested in what I have posted here over the last 15 years all you have to do is look them up.
  10. Georger & FlyJack (?), The above posts are just more of your nonsense. I'll try to answer some of them here but it is obvious that you have not even read the posts you claim you are responding to. First, the only aircraft to trail the airliner to Reno was a C-130 which had joined up with the airliner somewhere in Oregon or Northern California. The C-130 was mentioned in the handoff from the Seattle Center to the Oakland Center and then elsewhere. You would know this if you had bothered to read the Oakland Center radio transcripts which I have repeatedly encouraged everyone to do. Georger claims that I made a lot of posts in 2008. If Georger had bothered to read my first posts he would know that all of them were after March 2009 which is the date I joined this Cooper forum at the suggestion of Sluggo. If I remember correctly, my very first post on this forum pointed out that there were big time problems with the so-called FBI flight path. Over a period of time, I made additional posts that the money bag would have to land in a very restricted area (less than one-half square mile) in order for the money to end up by natural means at the Tena Bar location where it was found. There is now additional information to support the Western Flight Path and that the so-called FBI flight path always had problems. I will post on that in a few days.
  11. I agree with you that this whole exchange is nonsense. I have been there and Chaucer refuses to reveal any aeronautical knowledge or experience that he supposedly possesses.
  12. Chaucer, your last statement above is just more nonsense. In all probability, the Seattle Air Traffic Control people had access to the very same radar information that the USAF used. In instances such as this, the various Federal Government agencies would be operating under a Memorandum of Understanding between the agencies. It would be unnecessary and a waste of resources for each agency to have its own radar facility and personnel.
  13. Interesting enough, the FBI also had two different USAF Navigators calculate the descent rate and landing zone. Their names and comments have been posted on this thread. And oddly enough, the USAF Navigators were not asked to determine the flight path of the airliner. And they may not have even had access to the flight path information. Weird things happened in relation to the descent rate and flight path information used in the FBI investigation. Actually, the descent rate for the jumper and parachute were common knowledge. The flight path could easily be determined from information held by the Seattle Air Traffic Control Center. But that would be doing it the easy way.
  14. Chaucer and Georger, it has also been repeatedly pointed out to you over the last 15 years that there is plenty of evidence of redactions in the Seattle ATC radio transcripts.