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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/05/2022 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Holy shit. That extra 10 minutes in the tunnel really sank in to grasp the meaning of a fluid environment. I get it now. Less about perfect body position and more reacting to the airflow with controlled movements. I still suck at flying but at least I can fly. Left 360s are fantastic. Right 360s are slow. Realized my body has a weird twist it wants to do naturally so I'll have to overcome that.
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    He doesn't bother to read the stuff he himself links. What makes you think he reads anything anyone else links?
  4. 1 point
    Yeah, someone that was pregnant got my grandma pregnant just by breathing on them, just like COVID.
  5. 1 point
    Well, it's not like England was sending us their best... Wendy P.
  6. 1 point
    Amongst the Star Wars fan fiction it had been pondered if the character of Yoda had any other names. It had been suggested by one that his family name was Layheehoo.
  7. 1 point
    It should work with Epix. I did not yet have the time to test it. Connect your garmin to your PC and copy this file into the Garmin/app folder and it should be ok. You should see an altimeter app into the Garmin. be aware you need to be outside to use. During the initiation, the Garmin will get a position fix, which will be assumed to be the dropzone. BarometricAltimeter.prg
  8. 1 point
    Yes, the unit is set in the standard Garmin menu. The app just uses the unit set in the Garmin menu. Will check for the Epix... I will be back
  9. 1 point
    Dear jakee, Warfare is never as simple or as pretty as portrayed in the history books. History books are written by the victors. One of the reasons that victors need so many decades - to write memoirs - is that a fireplace can only burn so many embarrassing documents per hour. Hah! Hah!
  10. 1 point
    This is why the US religious right finds Putin so attractive.
  11. 1 point
    Basically, we're all grasping at straws trying to find a fix. Anything promising gets tried, and anything that you customers think might work will get added in, in an effort to keep the customers happy. Tension knots are the last great unsolved malfunction in BASE. I know tons of people who would love to find an answer for them. I know good, knowledgeable, experienced jumpers and riggers who think that; Thinner lines tension knot more often Thicker lines tension knot more often New lines tension know more often (because they are stiffer) Old lines tension knot more often (because they are fuzzier) I know a master rigger who squeezes beeswax into his lines so that if they tension knot they will 'slip out'. I know a leading European jumper who sprays his lines with food grade silicon lubricant, for the same reason. I even know a jumper who replaced his upper control lines with a giant triangle of mesh (no lines = no tension knots). The 'trunk and branch' system was created by Simon Perriard for the prototype that became the Squirrel Outlaw, and then added to and refined as it was replicated by other manufacturers. I think there is some good thinking there--I just haven't seen any evidence that it is actually effective in reducing the malfunction rate. I think everyone is still working on the problem, though, which is good.
  12. 1 point
    What bugs me is even a cursory search of the internet would have showed you the name 'BASELog" is the name of a logbook I designed in 1989. You really should have used another name, or at least asked my permission first. Here is the first BASElog and I've sold around 100 of these over the years. And I know a few people still using them. NickDG :-) BASE194
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