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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/01/2020 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    MooooOOOOooOOooOooOooOoooOOOOOoo :-(
  2. 1 point
    Lisa H, aka, the confetti queen, took her final leap this morning on February 29, 2020, having succumbed to a lengthy illness. Fly free confetti woman. I will miss those surprise messes on my floor!
  3. 1 point
    Upon reflection I believe I owe you a full apology. If we were face to face I would not call you personally stupid and its foolish on my part to label trump supporters stupid. I don't believe all trump supporters are stupid. IMO self interest, fear and other factors drive their decisions. But clearly you're offended and put off by the broad brush of adjectives I use to describe trump. Then paint his voters with that same brush. Thats foolish and wrong.For that I apologize to those that support him. IMO trump is the embodiment of evil. Sometimes my opinions of him get labeled on those who have the right of democracy and free opinion to support him. His supporters need not nuance differences between him and his actions. From the real reasons why they support him. Many years ago I used to believe Greenpeace, anti-war activists, anti-gun activists, etc. were stupid. Today I know better. Feel free to correct me again should I fall into the weak trap of demonizing trump supporters. Of falsely labeling their absence of character because trump has none.
  4. 1 point
    Was out visiting another DZ.commer and they had a family emergency after we had met her for lunch. She stepped in and let me stay at her place, took me around Hollywood and then back to the airport. Even shipped some art I bought to a friend for me. Of course, there was a price we all paid... Thankfully the pics didn’t seem to survive the site conversion. Moo skies forever
  5. 1 point
    Once again this thread has been hijacked by personality conflictd, despite the fact more FBI documents have been released. We have a parachute found in E. Fork Lewis River, no more than a mile or two from a break-in at a general store. We have new information about Tina Bar. And yet we talk about events outside the case...
  6. 1 point
    Blue skies Moo. Thanks for the silly fun times. I'll miss our fun gift exchanges. Thanks for all the ketchup!
  7. 1 point
    Truly sorry to hear this. She was a kind and generous person who made everyone I know smile. Condolences to her close friends & family.
  8. 1 point
    If all Kallend can come up with is a "dick joke," it says more about him than it does about me. Sad
  9. 1 point
    Have you ever visited Mexico — with curiosity, not judgment? There are systems that work, and plenty of people there who love their country, and want to live in their homes. And I’ll just bet that they have people counting stuff, just as we do. And why would they have more corona virus than we do — the US is a far more likely business and pleasure trip destination for possible carriers than Mexico. They have a huge problem right now with drug dealer violence. We contribute to it, as their primary customers. That doesn’t make it all our fault, but it should inform our opinions. Not everything should be judged by whether you’d do it exactly the same. Maybe there’s more than one best way, and more than one valid society. Wendy P.
  10. 1 point
    This photo goes way back to 2007/2008, but it's one of my favorite memories of Lisa H. We had such a fun night! Blue skies, dear Lisa! Love you.
  11. 1 point
    Happy Birthday, old man. 14 today
  12. 1 point
    Thank you all for your kind responses and for taking me seriously. I actually sent an email to Yves and got an answer few days ago (yes I maybe cried a bit from joy). He recommended for me to continue skydiving, wingsuiting and ideally to make a pilot licence as well. I decided that for now I will just continue to fly for fun and get as many experience as I can :)
  13. 1 point
    Sorry...no 401K for me. I just think this is another media sensation guaranteed to sell newspapers. A few years back somebody was quoted saying "never let a good crisis go to waste"."
  14. 1 point
    Hi Mark, And, speculation is all I can do. However, I previously posted this: IMO this is very common practice in the business world. A good friend sold his business when he was ready to retire. His real only competitor in this area bought him, moved the equipment & closed up his former business. The parachute industry is a very small industry when one considers total production of all mfr's world-wide. I was once in a foundry in Brazil that had 6,000 workers. Jerry Baumchen
  15. 1 point
    Hi HPC, Re: makes me wonder why Sandy decided to sell He did not sell, it was a merger. Re: had he first tried to sell the company I had heard that it had been for sale for about 4 yrs; no takers. Re: the second largest manufacturer of H/Cs I do believe that Sunpath is the largest mfr of H/C's. Re: their decision to buy out RI Again, not a sale, a merger. The devil is in the details. Jerry Baumchen
  16. 1 point
    You know, a lot of people survived the Black Death despite being exposed to it. I suppose you might call it luck of the immune system. It is well documented that some people have an active immune response to influenza viruses which accounts for their resistance to getting any nasty symptoms even when exposed, and that response is just as active as the response others get which is being sick with the sniffles, fever, coughing and sneezing. It’s just that the immune system responses are different, not "luck". I've made it through 74 years living in big cities, spending most of my life in educational (classroom) settings, and through four recognized flu pandemics without ever getting sick with flu.
  17. 1 point
    Move to Dubai and start blowing fake royalty and say fuck women’s rights and accept slave labor as the norm and all your dreams will come true. And yes I’m jealous of the few that will ever get to fly that thing.
  18. 1 point
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