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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/17/2019 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    We'll miss you Gary. He was a rock of stability on the USPA BOD.
  2. 1 point
    Long time DZO of Lake Wales and Phoenix Z-Hills passed away this morning. She did a lot for our sport and she will be missed.
  3. 1 point
    Wasn't that a great hijack? Wendy P.
  4. 1 point
    Hi betzilla, No reason for the $25/$35 cost when you make your own for about $5. Jerry Baumchen
  5. 1 point
    More $ than that if I have to untangle lines because the canopy was shipped without links.
  6. 1 point
    Sir, No. Do not learn from us guys. Us guy's should actually not engage you at all except to say: You need to get off of DZ.com and onto a DZ. This is no place for non-skydivers to get information that can be life critical. Find a school with instructors you trust and let them learn about you so they can teach you in a way that works best for you individually.
  7. 1 point
    I’m a bit older than my fellow students lol!!
  8. 1 point
    So you, too, are wiping your ass with the Constitution and the rule of law. You're no patriot Ron.
  9. 1 point
    Well, they lost the week of the 1st and the 8th, and don’t look good for the Super Bowl this season Wendy P.
  10. 1 point
    Nobody really cares about these divisive issues as much as they care about using them to paint an unflattering picture of the other side. It's all about using whatever you can to make the left look like a bunch of emotional morons and to make the right look like a bunch of heartless assholes, then you decide which one you hate less and pick a side, much like our elections.
  11. 1 point
    I was Piglet II jumper, too, and I never ever heard of even a bit of hesitiaton. Crack your back, and your ankles, too, but no mals. I did break my r. calcaneus on my reserve jump with a piglet, but that was a bad confluence of 12mph winds, apartment complex, parking lot, playground, and power lines.
  12. 1 point
    Clinton was impeached partly for lying in a sworn deposition, and honestly so much shit has flown around that I can’t even remember if there were any provable lies in Trump’s written answers to Mueller. But Clinton was also impeached for soliciting false testimony from other witnesses, and Trump is certainly guilty of witness tampering too. As an aside, it still cracks me up that one of the main reasons Trump supporters have for backing him was “he tells it like it is”. If the guy told me the grass was green I’d have to go outside and check.
  13. 1 point
    So today the Roger Stone jury is deliberating. When he's found guilty, which is all but guaranteed, and sent to prison, can we just build a new Federal prison facility and name it the Trump Presidential Library? He clearly has enough criminals to populate a facility now. He's got the best numbers. Bigly convictions.
  14. 1 point
    I watched several hours of the impeachment hearing today, and the biggest things that stuck in my craw were: Jim Jordan and John Ratcliffe shouting down Bill Taylor for theatrical points Devin Nunes opening statement of throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks 79 different defenses (no clear message) of the president that don't stand up to even the barest scrutiny The lack of specificity on the part of the Republicans with the sloppy Burisma allegations they were throwing around (The timeline of events does not lend their conspiracy theory any favors) How unprepared the Republicans seemed when Kent started listing just how many former politicians and even former presidents sat on the board at Burisma The stunning ability of the witnesses to do in a few short sentences to the entire Burisma smoke screen what Democratic Lawmakers haven't been able to do at all: make it look as stupid and incoherent as it really is. But this seems to be a hallmark of the Republicans recently: hurl a simple but outrageous allegation - doesn't matter if it's 9 parts false to one part truth - and the damage is done. No matter how logically sound the defense is, you're still on defense, and you'll never get through to low-information voters with the defense, because they already stopped paying attention. It's genius, but it's disgusting. The utter lack of competence of the Republican Counsel. He didn't know the answers to the questions he was asking. I haven't even been to law school but I know that a good lawyer doesn't ask a question they don't already know the answer to. The complete unflappability of the witnesses. The Republicans did their absolute best to try to paint them as partisan, and they failed miserably in that effort.
  15. 1 point
    The message this sends is that we've lost our way in America. We've lost our fundamental core values. Soliciting a foreign nation for help in a federal election Is a crime. If we do not pursue this criminal act, along with others our President has committed, why the hell do we get speeding tickets? Felony charges? Murderers should simply walk free now, no need to prosecute people. POTUS is now bribing those who would or could vote on his removal from office due to his criminal acts with "donations". This is no longer the American democracy we once had. No longer are we THE respected world leader we once were. Trump is destroying our nation.
  16. 1 point
    I find it interesting not a single Republican voted for exactly what they have been demanding. The support of the criminality of the POTUS by Americans leaves me completely perplexed. This isn't about a political party.
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