
Newbie Gear Question: Spectre, Triathalon, or ??

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Ok, I'm a newbie, just sort of starting to look around at gear for when I'm off student status. I'm a big boy (exit weight 210-215) so it looks like a search for used gear will take a while, can't hurt to start checking the options.

Around here, the consensus is that the Spectre and Triathalon are both good novice canopies.

I was wondering - the Spectre seems to be known for long snivels, and I don't know if I like that idea - can you reasonably pack one to make it open reasonably quick? Does the Triathalon snivel as much? What other good canopies should I be checking out?

Now, of course I'm going to double-check all this with my instructors and see about getting rental/demo gear before I buy. (if I buy used, I don't feel good about demoing though - perhaps someone can comment on the ethics involved there). I'm probably looking for a 230 main (or maaaaybe a 210, depends on what my instructors say and how my canopy control class goes).

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Definitely try out the Triathalon before you buy it. Although I've personally never jumped one, the people I have talked to that have jumped them seem to be split down the middle. They either love them or hate them. There doesn't seem to be a middle road. Hopefully, you'll love it, but I'd hate to see it the other way around it you fail to try it first.


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The Triathlon will teach you how to fly. It is an excellent canopy. Much easier to pack then the spectre and in no way elliptical. If my son were to start jumping today he would be on a Triathlon. Not downing the spectre in any way as they are both great canopies.

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I had a 190 Sabre and a 190 Triathlon. They flew the same airspeed (measured with an anemometer) and handled much the same. The sabre flared a little stronger. I demo'd a Spectre 190 a couple weeks after it was released. My Sabre had opening problems and PD was going to sell be a new canopy for $200. The Spectre took 700 ft to open whether it was at terminal or hop and pop. I don't care for canopies that open like this. I get out between 2000' and 3000' feet too often. The spectre flew fine but I didn't think it had the flare power of either the Sabre or Triathlon. I didn't want the twin control lines of the Sabre 190 so I ordered a Sabre 170 to replace the old 190. For many new skydivers the openings I like on my Triathlon and Sabre would be too hard. I consider some of these long openings to be streamers that finally clear.;) When I want my parachute open, I want it open now. Of course I'm and inch and a half shorter than I was 20 years ago. But, the market is for softer openings, which means longer openings, and younger jumpers are starting to open higher because of the new designs.

Ethics in skydiving?;) Demo what you want. Some manufacturers charge to send a demo out, some dealers have demos. But what ever, don't worry about it. Your going to be a customer of somebody some day. And the sooner someone sells you their used rig, the sooner they'll buy the new one.


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the Spectre seems to be known for long snivels, and I don't know if I like that idea - can you reasonably pack one to make it open reasonably quick?

Your body will appreciate slow openings... your mind will get used to it taking a bit longer after a few jumps. Personally, I love the way my Spectre opens because it's snivelly.


if I buy used, I don't feel good about demoing though - perhaps someone can comment on the ethics involved there

I don't see a problem with it. You'll likely buy a new main at some point in your skydiving career.

And demoing doesn't have to be a canopy shipped from the factory. You can rent from the dz or gear store, or borrow from friends.

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I have about 300 jumps on a Triathlon 150. My first canopy was an original Sabre 170. I got rid of the Sabre after 50 or so jumps as it was hard to pack back then for me and I got my teeth rattled a few times.

The Triathlon IMO is an excellent canopy for a newbie. It's very easy to pack even brand new and is a very stable canopy when you encounter turbulence. It is NOT a very good canopy for swooping, but you shouldn't be doing that for a while. It has a good flare and it very forgiving when you make a mistake ie. flare too high, learning flat turns etc. I did find mine to have fairly high front riser pressure at my wingloading of 1.35:1, however other who jumped it at evn higher wingloading said they though it was fine (perhaps I need to spend more time at the gym).

I haven't jumped a Spectre so I can't help you there.


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I jump a spectre 210. I adore it. Yes, it opens "gently" because of the snivel. While I've had one or two really long snivels, long enough to make me start to think "huh? What's with this?", it generally doesn't take that long.

And like Lisa said, your mind will get used to it, and your body will appreciate it.

I've not jumped anything else but the spectre. I liked it enough while renting to actually get one of my own without wanting to check other canopies out.

And yes, by all means, take the canopy class.


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I personally can't stand Triathalons, they just don't fly well or do much of anything well, but then again, that's a personal opinion, many people love those canopies.

I do, however, love Spectres (for a 7-cell canopy), love how they fly, really like the openings and its hard to beat that PD quality.
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You might also want to check out the the Safire, its a good mid-range canopy for an intermediate skydiver. I just re-started my skydiving after 11 years break and ordered a Safire 189 as my first canopy. My exit weight is about the same as yours.
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Original Safires are sized small for their size. If you want to compare it to a PD canopy you should get the next smaller size PD to test it against. The formula I was told was Safire size * .93 = Safire size in PD terms. A Safire1 189 is about a 175 foot canopy in PD sizing.
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I have flown both and have close 600 jumps on the spectre 170. I have also flown the spectre in smaller and larger sizes. I have 50 or so jumps on various Tri. Both are good anopies for beginners. They are relatively docile and have good flare and are not touch to packing fluctuations. I personally do not like the Tri, it is a bit too docile for my taste. The turns are slow and gentile but too mushy for my taste. THe openning are quick and I have gotten slammed a few times. The spectre on the other hand is snappier in the turns and is fun to fly agressively (although the riser pressure is high). THe landings are great. The opennings are slow especially if you do anything to cover or hide the nose. Personally I like the 0.8-1.1 loaded spectre for novices through intermediates.

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You are correct, Icarus has however changed their system to size the same way as PD. So a newer Icarus canopy size should be equal to a PD. I don't know when the change came in, i.e., from which DOM the sizes are the same.
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If its a toss up between 7 cells and you would like to try an Icarus canopy I would recomend an omni. My girlfriend bought one, said it flew, opened and landed great. She wound up sending it back and got a safire2 instead because it was a bit too "7 cell" but then again tons of people love 7 cells. Try all the canopies you can. Even though you have limited experience you never knoiw one might stand out as great.

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Hi Clownburner ( :o)!

I saw in your profile that you jump at Elsinore - the gear store there (Ground Zero) can help you with the demo process.

The quite often get demos from PD for their customers, so if you prefer to deal your gang locally rather than contact me directly at PD for a demo or two (...sniff sniff [:/]) - then just go see Kama or one of the staff at Ground Zero, I'm sure they will take great care of you. :)
And - if you ever go over to Perris, you can check in with Square One - they have quite a few demos there as well.

Blue ones,

Blue Skies Magazine

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I jump a Sectre, and prefer it to the Tri.
I load mine a little more heavily at around 1.6:1 (I'm a big boy too:):o)
I love it and prefer it to my similarly loaded sabre.
As your jumping becomes more intense, ie more jumps per day, you will really appreciate those long openings. Slow openings are easier on your body, meaning you are neither as tired,nor as sore at the end of a busy weekend.


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hey. I put almost 300 jumps on my spectre 170 (1:1) and loved it. Take one Sabre opening and the snivel will NOT bother you. the Triathalon would not be a canopy I would reccomend only because I had a friend who jump one. Jump after jump he landed hard. Over a 100 jumps before he tried anything else too because he thought it was him with the problem. As soon as he tried a Sabre 2 he realized it was the canopy. It's hybrid and it just doesn't have the best flare. Try an Icarus (if you want) but a spectre or even a sabre 2 (but you'll never find one that big used) would be what I would tell a friend to demo.

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I read somewhere (gear store site) you could order a hybrid, ZP, or a crew version (3 options)

I think there are 3 versions;

1) standard skydiving version, ZP
2) Skydiving/CReW version (continious center "A" lines, etc., ZP
3) CReW version, tail pocket, etc., ZP


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"wow... PD custom designed a 325 for you? ;) "

NoNoNo Rem you got it all wrong, I bought a tandem main and just hacked the end cells off it! Works a treat!


He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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Agree, get the 9 cell. Preferably a Sabre2, but there are also the Fusion for Precision. And I think Aerodyne recently released a new 9 cell, have not gotten a chance to fly any of them. Oh and the Lotus from big Air Sportz

I'm just an anti (anti PD snob) person (thats double anti = positive B| )
Not a fanatic of the Cobalt cult. ;)

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