
How often do you wash your jumpsuit???

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I'm really rough on my jumpsuit and tend to thrash and roll around on some of my landings - so, I have to wash it pretty frequently. I just hate putting that extra "wash wear" on it.

I want a good "life" span out of it. I just bought it in January and have already noticed some wear.[:/]

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better to wash it to frequently than to rarely - i know a TI that washes his worksuit like once in the season. makes some interesting saltstains under his armpits (now where's the puke-icon when you need it)B|
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I voted "when i roll in the mud" but until recently that was most every week. I've been pretty rough on my bev suit over the last 3 years; my landings were not always graceful and I've been covered in mud/grass/blackberry stains more often than i can count.:P Washing it in cold and hang drying almost every week hasn't hurt it a bit! (If you look close you will see just the polly/cotton navy on the legs faded just a little.)

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Well, I said "once a month", but that's been my experience with fall/winter/springtime jumping. I'm sure once the real summer starts and we're jumping on 95+ degree days, I'll wash it after every weekend. At least, I hope so, for the sake of my fellow jumpers. :D

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What kind of suit and what detergent are you using? I wash Zute Sute when it needs it and it looks as good today as it did when I got it 3 years ago. I only use cold water, Tide or another name brand detergent, some oxy cleaner stuff and I never put it in the dryer.

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I never washed my jumpsuit..

My mum just occasionally grabs it out of my bag and washs it.. But I can't say why or when she is doing this. Everytime I get it back it's a little bit smaller, but perfect yellow/white..

On the other side I don't care if it has little stains, or even a big green scratch on it.. Dirty looking, clean flying ;)


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I voted once a month. Sometimes less, sometimes more. I also have a Bev suit and it still looks pretty good other than the knees which I used to like to land on! :D I have even torn up the patches that my Grandmother put on for me!


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Every Sunday after a weekend of fun. Had my Tony suit for a little over a year and no noticeable wear and tear due to washing, or my less than perfect but always spectacular landings;) As for washing, All free and clear, no fabric softener, Zout for all stains, gentle cycle, cold/cold and hang dry.
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I said, "When it's ripe." Ain't it the truth?! B|

I haven't really stained it at all -- have not missed a stand-up landing in a while now, and definitely not since I got the jumpsuit.

The problem is the sweaty Florida weather. It's starting to get really cookin' here, and will be hot as hell real soon. I'm gonna have to be washing the ol' suit a lot more than I've been. (I do it by hand. I want it to last.)

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I used to have a white jumpsuit; I washed it at least once a month (I'm also very willing to fall down when landing). So now I have a dark blue jumpsuit :)
I figure if I have to run to catch it, that'll mean it's ripe enough. Yeah, that's it.

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I said, "When it's ripe." Ain't it the truth?! B|

I haven't really stained it at all -- have not missed a stand-up landing in a while now, and definitely not since I got the jumpsuit.

The problem is the sweaty Florida weather. It's starting to get really cookin' here, and will be hot as hell real soon. I'm gonna have to be washing the ol' suit a lot more than I've been. (I do it by hand. I want it to last.)


Ditto. But it's hot as hell down here already. Last weekend was like a sauna. I wash my jumpsuit after every weekend usually, and I use a gentle detergent (not the ones with bleach), and I don't put it in the dryer. If it gets any hotter, my summer "jumpsuit" will be shorts and a tshirt.


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My Bev suit came with instuctions saying not to wash it with Tide or Woolite. Anyone know why?

I remember those instructions but I thought handwashing with Woolite was okay...just not Tide because it's too harsh and will break down the fibers and will fade quicker.


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