
The past year - whats it been like for you?

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75 jumps, so far this year
most memorable- 13 pt. 4 way from 9000'
got D license
next year- try for 100+ on the year
hopefully most from a turbine, if Tom and Dz gang gets our way.
down size with a new canopy, at least, all new rig would be better.
get around to more Boogies / Dz's.

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This year F'n rocked....
Met so many new and cool skydivers reinforcing the fact that we have such a cool family. Cruised up to Washington over Labor day weekend and went to Kapowsin (probably one of the greatest groups of skydivers anywhere). Got an AFF-I rating which was one the funnest challenges ever. And well just jumped my ass off!! Lookin forward to the same next year and maybe getting out to the east coast see whats happening ou there.........

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* Got a rig!
* Got laid off from a job.
* Moved from NYC to Ohio - That sucked.
* Wrecked my car. That sucked too.
* Got a new job. That's good - Jump Money!
* Moved from Ohio to Delaware.
* Made about 120 jumps, never got hurt, no cutaways.
* Weather is getting cold, but still plan on making more jumps!
Looking forward to next year.

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Highest: 17,100 - just this last weekend.
Lowest - 3,500 for the AFP 15.
Most memorable - #53 - a Bell-222 eggbeater at 4,900 (the ride was way more fun than the jump), #78 - actually managed to hold a headdown (yes, yes, I know I am not supposed to try headdown till I master my sit - but I was just itching to give it a shot *heh*) and #92 - just after I exited, I got to watch the Twin Otter, a few hundred feet away, go into a dive..way too cool.
Got 'A' and 'B'.
Next year: Get a huge number of jumps in, learn this 'belly flying' thing, after figuring out this 'belly flying' thing - look at getting a 'C' and USPA coach rating

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Started skydiving in april after saving up for a year for the coarse, then got my own gear on jump 21!!!! Now as of today have 59 jumps and my A lic!! (waiting to take B&C together)
Highest exit was 16,600...lowest was 3900.
Most memeorable jumps I'd say was when the Super Otter came up to visit and we got into some 12, 9, and 8 ways. Not that we really turned anything on them but it was still a riot!!! Also jump 49 I held my first stable sit without rolling all over the place!!!!! As of now no major mals, one end cell closure, couple line twists and two hard pulls, but nothing requiring a cutaway!
I'll be heading down to elsinore soon to do some ballon jumps so I'm sure my memorable skydive is soon to change. Not that the others jumps werent fun but I've never jumped a balloon before so I'm pretty excited about that.
( I also enjoy quiet dinners ,long walks in the park, and bunnies!) NOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!

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Good year overall
Number of jumps this year 63 (up from 4 last year)
Highest: ~15K
Most memerable jump: First night jump was pretty cool, as was my AFF graduation jump. They are all good
Malfunctions: 0
Lots of good times on the DZ where I meet the most amazing woman I know.

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Hmmm..... this year has been both good and bad for me.
I started the year off with major back pain, on pain meds and off work on disability. Got cut open and had some bone from a dead person added to my lower spine on the fourth day of the new year. That was both bad and good - surgery sucks, pain sucks, but pain meds are good and the pain finally going away (albeit veeerrrrrry slowly) is very good.
Bought a new 'puter with my tax refund. That was good. Eight months later the 'puter still works. That's good too.
Served on a jury for the penalty phase of a death penalty case. That was interesting.
Got a promotion shortly after returning to work from disability. That was good. It didn't involve a pay raise. That was bad.

Did one jump in June even though the surgeon said I shouldn't. That was fun! What sucks is that was the only jump I've made all year.
Went on an actual vacation for the first time in about 10 years... that was really good.
Bought a new Firefly RW suit to replace my almost 12 year old Pit Special. That's good... and will be better when I can finally jump it.
Today my new (sponsored even!!!!!!!!) custom container arrived. That's better than good. And my parents are kicking down some cash towards a reserve for my Xmas present - that's scary good (most they've ever given me toward jumping in the past was a couple of jump tickets).
My only child turns 18 on Christmas. I can't even begin to tell you how good that is!!!!!!!
Oh, and I just bought the winning California lottery ticket. ;)
Next year is gonna be WAY better....
pull and flare,

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My Skydiving life rocked:
Met some of the coolest people ever
Became part of the family with jump #1 on Aug 7th
Graduated AFF Sept 1st
I now have 32 jumps, 2 of them were helicopter jumps, SWEET!!! B|
Got new to me, but used gear on jump 14
My Real Life Sucked:
My fucked up father walked out on me, my sister, and my mom. Totally fucked life up, and now he says that he doesn't want to pay for my college. FUCKING ASSHOLE!!!!
Two Words: Women SUCK (at least in my age category)
Can you say "STRESS!!" (finals week)
Partook in Natural Selection: Hit and killed a dumb ass deer caught in my head lights, $3000 damage, Ouch, and I haven't been able to jump in a month b/c my car was in the shop >:(
Work sucks, but pays for the dumb ass deer, and keeps me jumping
Hopefully next year will be better
Blue Ones,
A# 39553

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Because you're gonna pay his way through student status, right?

You're smoking what? ;)
Nope. I'm buying his AFF level one with video and stills for his 18th b-day. It's up to him after that. Yeah it'd be cool to jump with him, but I'd rather spend that $1200 that I don't have on gear for me!
pull and flare,

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Memorable things about 2001 for me -
1. Not jumping enough
2. A job where I spend a lot of time flying around the US in a private jet
3. Drinking with the Russian chick during the 120 ways
4. Setting the Nevada state record in a casino (over a casino, actually)
5. Jumping with Valerie, and going from her first 4-way to her double falcon
6. Avoiding getting blown to bits on AA flight 11 by 30 minutes
I guess it was sort of a memorable year.
-bill von

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3. Drinking with the Russian chick during the 120 ways

Weren't the other 118 people upset when you blew your slot because you had a beer in your hand? It's pretty damn hard to swoop a formation if your sucking down a cold one...:D
AggieDave '02
Blue Skies and Gig'em Ags!
BTHO t.u.

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Good year overall.... and still not over.
Should hit about 180 jumps this year;
Awsome time at Espace: great dives, great people;
Lots of formation loads, both at Espace, but also at Langar;
Did one xcontry (yes, this is what I call my reserve ride from 14K);
Work sucks, but it pays the bills...
Muff 914

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Laura and I both had a great year. Nothing to complain about (except not getting enough jumps).
Jumps made: 41
New gear (rig, helmet, jumpsuit, ProTrack, Alti III, etc)
First boogie
There is more, but I can't think now...or ever.
Anyway, glad to see that a lot of you got a lot of jumps in and had a great time!
JumpinDuo.com...news, guestbook, and links.

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What a year it has been, but it's not over yet!!
My highlights so far include:
First raft dive (thanks Phree:)Jumping from 17,000
Learning to hold a sit
Being pulled headdown a few times
Tackling my sweetie out of the CASA
Having a girl suck my boobie
Landing in a field next to a horse
Jumping out of the helicopter
But most importantly finding my new home dz, having FUN, and making new friends!!
My goal for next year is to meet and jump with Clay. ;)
"You know the way you scream is the ultimate" ~ LFO

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