
yeah, so, like when does this whole thing become affordable again?

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so far i've burnt through about $4000 in 2 months. Yes, that has bought me my AFF course, another 20 jumps and a brand new rig from South Africa, but i still have to buy a CYPRES (well not have to, but i want to), my alti, suit, helmet my WARP/FS coaching jump tickets, my regular jump tickets etc.
So like, when does this thing start paying for itself? As far as i can tell, being a video guy is about as close as i can get to getting this thing to pay its way for some part (other than a packer, but then i want to get paid to jump, not paid to kneel down packing chutes for 12 hours a day).
Other than that its finding a different job that pays more (which is sort of the opposite of what i want to do i.e. quit the office and get out the city), or splitting from the girl and going back onto my low cost ramen diet again (neither an option i want to consider right now)
Anyone got any ideas?

"Skydiving is a door"

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hmmm, you're kinda shutting down most of the regular revenue streams (packing, ramen noodles, better job etc...) i think that leaves winning the lottery. that's my plan. :S:D
"Hang on a sec, the young'uns are throwin' beer cans at a golf cart."
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I work 2 jobs to pay for my habit and still have barely enough money to live on. As for school, I'm using student loans to do that, so I'm ok there until 6 months after I graduate. I have a during the week job at a local bar and on the weekend I'm packing for the DZ (as well as doing other odds and ends like washing the plane, etc). It's not pretty, hell infact the work sucks, BUT I'm jumping more now then I ever have and I'm loving that.:)
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Just remember to do video will cost you another 200-400 jumps to get to the point that you can fly the way you need to in order to get the shot, $1500-3000 on cameras and helmets, 400 on a camera suit, probally another rig at 2500-4000 to be able to make back to back loads.... its not cheap and probally another 10 grand before you can see the first bit of income back.
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mmmmmm - affordable? Let's see - I'm lucky enough to have an understanding wife, I sell scrap metal and take odd jobs to pay for my habit, but I'm careful with the odd stuff 'cuz it can't interfere with weekends - Haven't resorted to packing yet, and things are slow enough at the DZ I probably wouldn't make much anyway- Haven't considered selling body parts or fluids yet - (not that anyone would want them in the first place - Good news is I'll be finished paying support on 1 of 3 kids in three years, that will pay for about 3-4 jumps a week, so I figure when all three are paid off (11 years from now) I'll have lots of jump money but will be into my 50's - so as long as my body holds out It'll be good-
But when I tell whuffos it only costs about 15-20 bones a jump they say "that's not bad--"
If I were single? I'd live at the DZ in a VW microbus, eating Ramen, and any girlie action would be whatever the Great Spirits sent my way- I would be DZ trash to the max, man!

Easy Does It

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Yep, plus the coach fees don't stop with WARP either. I just spent a shit-load on freefly coach jumps. I have friends in junior FS teams who spend even more on tunnel camps and coaching from guys like Solly Williams. If you want to continue in the sport as a sport it is always going to cost you everything you do (and don't!) earn. If you want to make a second job out of it one day is up to you. Personally I reckon 'working' on the weekends would take some of the pleasure out of it for me, not being able to do the jumps I want to do with whoever I want to jump with.


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Listen to Phree!

I just got into video, and he's got the money pegged. I now REALLY need a second rig. I don't know how much I can get for shooting Tandems, but most DZ's want you to have 500 jumps, 100 camera, and a D license (Asbestos suit is on! I know there are exceptions). Shooting my 4 way team means that I had to find guys who were comfortable enough with my RW skills that they would let me fly over them with all that ramming weight on my head. I paid for the first 20 jumps with the team, and now they pay my slot. I have to pay for packing because I need to dub between loads.

I should be able to shoot tandems in the next couple of months, but a second rig is really gonna be necessary then, because those guys shoot back-to-back all the time.

Camera jumping is fun, but it's not fun-jumping.

The money is in packing.

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Skydiving affordable? HA! HA! HA! LMAO!
It might get somewhat cheaper,but everyone has their own definition of affordable.To most, skydiving doesnt fit into that catogory.....IMHO.
But hey? its worth every bit!If not, you probably wouldnt still be here right?:)

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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So like, when does this thing start paying for itself?

The only way I've ever seen skydiving pay for itself is by being sponsored. Otherwise, as far as I can tell, it never does. But who cares? I think it pays for itself just by getting out of it what I want.

I'm graduating in December and working part-time. I can only afford about 3 or 4 jumps a week and still pay my bills, invest and save. I'm hoping, for me, that after I graduate, I'll be making a lot more money to jump a lot more. But for now, I'll take what I can get.

It takes a LOT of jumps before most people are good enough to get picked up by sponsors, so I think everyone pays their fair share of money in this sport, even those that are now sponsored and traveling all over the world. I think there are only a few lucky ones who had mothers or fathers who owned a dz and let their kids learn and jump for free. But those cases are rare. Like I said, for the most part, everyone pays their dues in this sport. It's easier for some, than others, but you do what you gotta do.
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LOL.....Well, have you thought of selling your home? Your car? Your TV, Fridge, your sister and or girlfriend? Are you thinking in jumps yet? ie: Hmm nice top but thats three jumps :S. COME ON! Escort work in Oxfordshire? Damn it man make an effort!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:ph34r:
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So like, when does this thing start paying for itself?

Uh, like never? It's a hobby, not a 401(k). I think there are very few people who even break even in this sport.

The good news is that once you have all your gear (for now) it'll feel less like your balls are in a vise.

Honestly, it's always going to be expensive. I think skydiving habits expand to to suck up all the money you can possibly spare. The way a gas expands to fill all the volume in a space.

Don't worry though. You'll find a way; we all do, or we give up the sport. I'm about to move from my phat downtown loft into a generic tiny apartment so I can jump more.
Skydiving is for cool people only

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I am just getting out of the debt skydiving has brought on in my life. When Pete (Spy38W) began jumping I told him that he would eventually lose his job, max out his credit cards and he will not really want to work again after he gets it in his blood. Guess what? Not two months later it all happened to him just like it did to me. I eventually had to get responsible again and get another job.

This thread reminds me of a story that occured over the weekend. This guy who jumps every once in awhile decided that he was now going to be a skydiver. He ordered all new gear, Javelin Odyssey, Sabre 2, PD Reserve, Cypres, New RW suit, helmet, audible, all in matching colors at once. His gear just came in and he waited until everything was packed this weekend. He went out and jumped. I landed and looked up and he was above me. He was too high and was heading straight for the tandem students. Last minute he made a low turn to avoid the golf cart and his canopy landed into a tree and he slammed to the ground. he blamed it on the fact that his canopy "wasn't flying right" and his new jumpsuit didn't fit right. To look cool he gave the new jumpsuit (jumped once) to another skydiver and he is selling his new main and said that he thinks Icarus Canopies fly better.

My point is that before you buy all new equipment and gear and spend all that money take some time to get proficient and make sure this is the sport you want to do. I have a feeling this guy spent all this money only to "look cool" and not jump as often as needed. As Sebazz says, "It is not how you fly it is how good you look doing it that matters!";)

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yeah, and I wish he'd stop sending all his friends up to SkyDance to jump already. I'm REALLY tired of hearing "Yeah, that Sebastian is one crazy MoFo"
I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1

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yeah, and I wish he'd stop sending all his friends up to SkyDance to jump already. I'm REALLY tired of hearing "Yeah, that Sebastian is one crazy MoFo"

He is even sending people my way Lummy! A few of us were getting ready to board late two Saturdays ago and I see two guys dirt diving a two way RW. They come over and stand by me. I asked them where they are from and they say California. I asked what dropzone and they said Hollister. I said "Do you know Sebastian?" They did a double take and said "you know Sebastian?" One guy said "he sold me this jumpsuit two weeks ago." Back at manifest we had a couple laughs at his expense. Then the rigger and tandem instructor at our dropzone walked up and they told him, "Hey, Nathan knows Seb!" He said, "You have been jumping here for awhile and I never knew you know Seb?" I had to explain that although I have never met him yet I will sometime but we mess around and make each other laugh during the workday through messages. They laughed and told me a few funny stories they have shared. This DZ.com just makes the world a little smaller! Thanks, HH! ;)

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Do what i do Round UP Tandems My dz gives me a free jump for every tandem i bring i also have a cheap jvc camera on my helmet ( copy of the sonys ) not as good quality and i made the bracket myself with my dremel tool and an old biscuit tin and some velcro straps, wham ive got a cam helmet cost me less than$700 now when people have absolutly plain out refused the $79 video done by the profesionals i swoop in and tell them i am gona video them anyway and when we get back if they like what they see and want the vid on a tape its $40 if they dont like it they dont take it so my answer to you my friend is hussle hussle hussle theres always a dime to be earned at a buzy dz and i rarely pay for jumps..

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so far i've burnt through about $4000 in 2 months.

I'll see you that $4000 and raise you another $1000.

Somehow, I don't think 'affordable' is a word that will ever describe skydiving.;) I took a second job to support my new habit. A second crappy job, but it's worth every penny.

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