
Weekend Numbers

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I can't believe this isnt up here yet:S
1 great seminar on " All you need to know about jump run"
40 German Paratroopers and 21 of them on the first load with me:o:)
17 jumps that should have been more...damn winds.
All in all a great weekend..
how about you?

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Warning: drinking may lead to the Macarena!

2 newlyweds on their way to AZ:0:0

I went to my college roommate's wedding as the old maid of honor (I ended up stealing my brother's best man's speech! :D)

The ceremony and reception went well, and everyone had a great time! The bride and groom didn't stress out too much, and they had their share of champagne (that word is funny when you're drunk!)

Just a few pictures for you guys....I didn't include all of the pictures, of course! :ph34r:

Hi, Pammi!
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning





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5 BM jumps
2 night BM jumps
0 beer owed

It is possible to do a Birdman on birdman rodeo. Kevin922 and I sort of pulled one off this weekend. The footage isn't great due to the perspective but it is possible to do

Another exit that has promise is a side body(wrist to wrist) exit out of the otter. Basically a step off and fall similar to what FF's do on the hill. The catch is that BOTH birdman(cough cough) have to open up at the same time other wise one flies while the other continues to drop.

In case you were wondering, dead air over a BM is about 1- 1 1/2 feet above the BM, otherwise you can fly directly over the lower BM all day long. if you do catch the dead air, the bump is pretty gentle since your already pretty much on top of the other BM. The one receiving the bump can go into a bit of a spin but it's all good. And yes, we got it on video

Was also able to make 2 night BM (batman?) jumps this weekend. Pretty neat with all the lights below, well worth doing and nothing really out of the ordinary as far as sequence of events, it was just dark

Did some back flying right out of the door as well as in flight. The arms really need to be pushed down and the wing stretched taught for it to work. The exit was just like a normal exit except with the relative wind on your back.

Diving out went well, just like a dive out on a RW dive. Dove toward the tail, feet on ass,wings in. Once out, opened up the arms and straightened the legs and viola, one big swoop straight out the back.

Video was excellent and is going to the editing machine ASAP. Hope you have a fat tube becasue this one is going to be big
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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No such luck in that all important first category .. again. :S

Three jumps made on Saturday (three is not enough, but better than none).

One case of beer owed for my first (not serious) significant skydiving injury. B|

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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One small injury. Tell ya about it later. Some great jumps. Learned something on all 5. 1 tasty corona..with lime. Sooo There I was... Windy ..feet hit the ground next thing I know I get yanked up in the air and get turned and thrown on the ground face first hard. Yes..dirt in the goggles, mouth and everything. Anyway no real pain then but during the course of the day and this morning increasing pain in the ribs. Decided not to do anymore jumps today till they get checked out. Yes I learned the lesson. Fly your canopy until it is completely collapsed.



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Weathered out Saturday, and the winds were just a little too unpredictable for our group today, so we talked and went out for Mexican. (Myself, Ladyskydiver, Zero-G and John, our mentor-)

Zero-G took some pics of me in the new (BEER!) jumpsuit, hopefully I'll get the film developed in the near future and post one or two.

Easy Does It

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First zero G experience. DZ clouded over on ride up, so down we go in the plane to get below the cloud layer. PilotMike pushed the yolk over and off the deck we float! I more or less fell right over PilotMike when gravity took hold again.

Fun jumps too!

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I'm not telling.;)

3 jumps, opening weekend at Gimli.

1 not really dumb-ass but not really smart landing

Opening weekend at Winnipeg Skydiving and we had a classic accuracy competition .. except that the bowl was covered in snow so I guess it wa more like a para-ski without the ski. At 3k the temperature was about 15 farenheight so not a lot of extra jumps were made by anyone.

My Raven simply 'falls out of the sky' at anything less than full flight - this I can now quantify with 2 butt plant landings 25 metres short of the target when I was set up long !

Third time I pulled a 360 degree toggle turn to sink in rather than sashay. I was THAT much too high and I all but had a guarantee of enough altitude to safely pull the spin off. It wasn't a swoop but it pushed me to the edge of my comfort zone and I liked it. Dumbass! Being "rewarded" with bonus lift and an adrenaline rush is gonna get me in trouble one of these days ... but then again it's been a slippery slope since my FJC...:)
Dave T

PS: did I mention that this was also designated as our "safety day"? ;)

Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)

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2 (the degree of the burns on my hand):0:0

Don't learn the hard way, just take my advice on this one: don't put your hand into a bonfire. :D

you shall above all things be glad and young / For if you're young,whatever life you wear
it will become you;and if you are glad / whatever's living will yourself become.

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Work on Saturday. Was gonna go to Sky Knights today, but I forgot to set my alarm clock and slept until noon (too much work and not enough sleep). By the time I was ready to leave, the weather looked like crap so I stayed home.

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New total jumps 998. Thought I would get my 1,000th this weekend, but SL went on weather hold Sat afternoon and all day Sun. :(

Oh well, now I'll get to jump big one with son, brother in-law, sister in-law, and guys who were at Eloy the past week. :)
Everything always seems to work out for the best.

Blue skies,


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5-way round built in total darkness at about 10pm Saturday night:5:0

Who says you need anything more than a sliver of moon to do night jumps when you got a soccer field lit up like daytime to land in? :D:D

I did figger out that when using a .42 lens, I need a little more IR light than what the PC5 can provide by itself. Loudiamond's Batman exit, no matter how dark it was on tape, was fucking cool as hell to watch!


Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills--You know, like nunchuk skills, bow-hunting skills, computer-hacking skills.


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3:o skydivers at Perris who all completed another lap of the sun today (45, 32 & 24)

7 wonderful jumps at Perris. 6 from their skyvan

1 case owed (paid in lemon drop martinis) for my first time at Perris..very cool place so much like Eloy in many ways i immediately felt right at home, and everyone i met treated me that way.

met quite a number of DZ.comers this weekend, to many to list and i'm likely to forget someone so i wont try..but TODAY kicked MUCH ass

Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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1 less girlfriend... (see whuffonomore):11:0 started on Friday by heading to Byron, picking up a demo rig from Bonnie and doing a couple of jumps out there - a 3-way from the King Air and a 2-way from the Cessna. Saturday am I got to Monterey just in time to jump on Otter 1 for a solo... first one in a long time... nice. Got in 3 more jumps on a very windy day.. Got home, Nicole and I broke up, she left, I went to bed. Sunday am, got to Monterey just in time to see Deuce heading off in the van to view the landing area. I hopped on Cessna load 2 for a 3-way with Polywog and Tom. Then a 2-way with Deuce and a bunch of oddball stuff the rest of the day... What a nice relaxing weekend... even wiht a little drama in the mix... ;)

gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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0:0:0 :(
1500ft cloudbase sat on the dz willing it to go away
and it didn't.
and guess what monday morning here and i just looked outside. its sods law
blue skies light winds :(

Fear is that little darkroom where negatives are developed.
Michael Pritchard.

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Beautiful day- and practically noone showed up! We only did two low loads with s/l newbies- it's always fun watching people jump out of an airplane for the very first time.
2 hop'n'pops on the Impulse 150 I flew last weekend
1 surfy landing (This thing is great. Is it a sin to covet your teammate's canopy?:P)
Other than that, no significant achievements. Unless remaining celibate for yet another week counts...

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I interrupt the weekend numbers to say....

Val, you looked beautiful at your friend's wedding! :)

She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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