
If there was no risk, would you still skydive ??

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The thrill, excitement or adrenaline rush you get from skydiving wouldn't be there to the same degree if it weren't for the chance of life altering injuries or fatalities. If there were zero chance of injury as a result of jumping out of the plane, it wouldn't be skydiving as we know it. It would have about the same attraction as a really really good video game.

That was taken verbatim from the NCS and it got me thinking about it and I wonder what the rest of you think. If there was NO chance in hell that you would die or get injured, would you still skydive ? Isn't half the fun, dealing with the risk ? A gamble if you will...mostly in your favor.

I don't want this to turn into a "practice safety" and "accidents can be avoided" type of thread. This is simply a question that you should ask yourself: " If there was no risk, would you still skydive ? " I also did not give you very many poll options.... just answer yes or no and give a reason if you care to.

I would still do it, cause I like to fly my canopy and I like the people, just to name a couple reasons.

Butthead: Whoa! Burritos for breakfast!
Beavis: Yeah! Yeah! Cool!
bellyflier on the dz.com hybrid record jump

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Northern California Skydivers list.
It is a yahoo group that contains information from all the nor*cal drop zones in the bay area. Not intended for talkback, but about events and incidents in the area.


Butthead: Whoa! Burritos for breakfast!
Beavis: Yeah! Yeah! Cool!
bellyflier on the dz.com hybrid record jump

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I've never considered myself a thrill seeker or a risk taker or an adrenaline chaser. Maybe thats the major appeal many who jump, but not for me.

My god, it's the outfits and all the cute accessories. They would still be there if the thrill was gone!



The last mosquito that bit me had to book into the Betty Ford Clinic. -Patsy

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Good god, I don't skydive because it's a risky sport. I skydive because I love to be in the air, because it's fun, because it's challenging, because most of the people you meet in the sport are cool and because I'm constantly going through new experiences in the sport.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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oh yeah...risk is nice, but the joy of freefall isnt in the risk, its in the flight..

move the planet and let me fly forever (no risk of impact if theres nothing to hit;))
and i would still step into the sky ever chance i could...
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Good god, I don't skydive because it's a risky sport. I skydive because I love to be in the air, because it's fun, because it's challenging, because most of the people you meet in the sport are cool and because I'm constantly going through new experiences in the sport.

what he said eh

Don´t belive the hype

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Assuming everything besides the danger factor was still the same, I'd keep on jumping. One downside I could see would be the types of people who'd start getting into it. All of the ignorant people who will never ever jump because they once read about somebody dieing might start showing up at the DZ.

Personally, I think the threat of danger keeps many people away that we want to stay away. Just my $.02

And remember, 'It's not a real sport unless you can die from massive internal trauma'
I got nuthin

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I answered yes, and I do wish there were no risk at all, but at the same time, part of the appeal is the occupation of mind. You can't be thinking about anything but what you're doing, because you know you'll die if you get distracted for too long. It's freedom from all worries, cares, distractions, and petty details of life (like gravity). But if you didn't have to be concentrating on the moment and could let your mind wander back to reality without the fear of injury, would it be the same?

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Yes, but I know I wouldn't be pining for it at the end of the day. After all .... It is the adrenalyn that really does it for me. And I certainly would not pay as much or go without as much as I do to get to skydive.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
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One downside I could see would be the types of people who'd start getting into it.
Personally, I think the threat of danger keeps many people away that we want to stay away. Just my $.02

I don't believe that we have a "death wish" or anything like that. I don't. It's not a macho thing eithher and I wish there were more women in the sport because skychicks are the coolest. But really, what kind of dolts would come out of the woodwork if our sport were totally guaranteed safe ? So many of the people who've written in say they like the people the best, but what kind of people is it that they like so much ? People who are willing to take intelligent risks for an incredibly beautiful reward. If it were completely safe, we'd get a bunch of slovenly couch potatoes, and believe you me, they'd take over and try to tell us what to do. I'd rather play with matches at a refinery. Over and over I tell my friends that skydiving's not for everyone, that nobody should ever feel they have to jump to please somebody else, that if you're not doing it for yourself, don't do it. I also tell them that if just anyone could do it, probably 90% of us would quit and move on. It's not a macho thing, but there is a life and death drama that makes it so damn powerful. I can't even make a hop & pop withhout feeling like I've accomplished something.

On the other hand, if it were that safe, we wouldn't have to buy gear, we'd all just land on our feet...

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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I would still skydive even if there were no risk because of the challenge the sport presents. I enjoy pushing myself to become better and learning new things. I doubt I'll ever be absolutely freakin' awesome or anything but I'm easily amused. Hell, landing on my feet is enough to make my day! ;)

You're always learning something new, whether you have 1 jump, 100 jumps or thousands of jumps...I think that's my main attraction to the sport.

I also enjoy the hell out of the people I hang with! The usual gang and meeting new people from all over...it's all good!

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No, I wouldn't be doing it because everybody would be doing it - it would be like golf - and I can't stand golf -

One of the things that makes us so unique is we take an extreme risk and manage it very effectively.

Now take note of my signature line -

Easy Does It

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oh yeah...risk is nice, but the joy of freefall isnt in the risk, its in the flight.

Well said. I totally agree. A proof of this is when I meet people at the tunnel in Orlando. There are people who never wish to be skydivers, but they do tunnel time every month. I've talked to them about it and I get a big smile. B|

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oh yeah...risk is nice, but the joy of freefall isnt in the risk, its in the flight.

Well said. I totally agree. A proof of this is when I meet people at the tunnel in Orlando. There are people who never wish to be skydivers, but they do tunnel time every month. I've talked to them about it and I get a big smile. B|

I will have to agree there too...
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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I would still jump. I think would be come a part of peoples' Faith, like a church in some cases.
I can't wait to convince the "flock" of "No, you don't have to worry about being dunked in the cold water anymore, Baptism has changed now".:):)
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I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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