
Weekend Numbers July 19-20

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Working on my place so I can get my furniture moved in.

I have a Middle Infection so I would not be able to jump anyway.

Maybe next weekend. Who knows.

I am for sure going to Sebastain & Titusville on the 1ST. Kind of ironic being that I only live 4-miles from Z-Hills now. :):ph34r::D

That's Right 4-Miles from one of the Best DZ's in the Country. With A KICK-ASS SWOOP POND!!!!!!!!!!!



"Be Slow to Fall into Friendship; but when Thou Art in, Continue Firm & Constant." - SOCRATES

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750 miles and 4 DZs, but:only 2:0

Took a CA greenie for her introductory tour of FL and got in a jump each at Sebatian and DeLand. A very tiring but enjoyable weekend, despite being unable to jump at Titusville or JAX.

I don't owe any beer, but skybytch on the other hand...

(Edited to add that Lisa can sitfly -- first jump on Thursday not withstanding)

Faster horses, younger women, older whiskey, more money.

Why do they call it "Tourist Season" if we can't shoot them?

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First Camera Jump (with an FFX and a PC-101).

The g/f got graded by Fumio Demura for her first karate belt. The examination panel thought she had done very well - then it was mentioned she only had 4 weeks of training - which really raised a few eyebrows. They started her on learning the sai today. I guess asians are geneticlly pre-disposed to doing this stuff

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3 @ Zhills
5 @ Lake Wales

BZZZZT! Wrong!:$

The format is humps:jumps:beer owed.

One may substitute another number for the humps number as long as you explain its significance; your numbers for this past weekend should read ?:8:?, but once you supply the values for "?" you need to add 1 to your number of cases owed due to messing the post up. ;)

Faster horses, younger women, older whiskey, more money.

Why do they call it "Tourist Season" if we can't shoot them?

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Mine are "week" numbers...

45 (or so minutes spent getting soaked in a downpour while sitting in a horse drawn carraige):2:2

One jump at Sebastian that marked my first jump in Florida, my first jump at Sebastian and my furthest East jump ever - there's a case. One jump at Deland that was my first at that dz - there's the other one.

Payment to be made in Rantoul. :D

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60 ounces of swamp juice drank with ChopCHop this evening:0:0

watch out, chop chop will call information to get your phone number if he's in the area! spent the weekend cleaning and consoling a friend. next weekend, to the skies!


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3 injuries - 1 broken toe and 2 pulled muscles. Spent my whole sunday drugged outta my mind on pain pills.

9 jumps, including 2 after breaking my toe.

1 case owed for first broken toe.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Pulled 1 hamstring when doing a nice grass "surf" on sunset Saturday. Its winter down here and the grass was wet and frosty. Did straight in landing at nil wind and planed out and got a nice long surf with both feet on the grass. Unfortunately pulled a hamstring when running it out...
When people look like ants - pull. When ants look like people - pray.

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...trips to Hollister in one day. The first one with my sister's dogs who decided they didn't like being tied to the car (don't blame them) so I drove them home an hour and a half later just before being called to manifest for my first load:(. Polished out the scratches they left on the car in displeasure, and drove the 78 miles back to Hollister in 52 mimutes (do the math, not bad for 'heavy' mid afternoon Hwy 101 traffic)

2 jumps on a borrowed Javelin with a Spectre 170 (thanks Kari!!) -

1 bad ass funnelled 9 way attempt (first time I've funneled a group that large :o:|:S). Nothing quite like letting a 4 way suddenly become a 9 way "Zoo Dive" (plus camera) - the video is sure to make out year end bloopers reel and might possibly earn me an A.S.S. rating. But as Sebazz might say, "it's all good". I'd add a case for off-DZ landing but I've done that before, just not in the USA, and not on borrowed gear. Maybe lite beer for that one?

PS: in 2 jumps I pretty much survived the Billvon canopy test criteria - should say something for the ease of landing a Spectre ... you shoudda seen the faces on my co-jumpers when the dudes in the Suburban who picked me up and drove back to LZ told them all "I had landed on their vehicle" (snicker snicker, seen that new Jeep ad? that's NOT me)

Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)

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had a wedding to go to this weekend[:/], so had to leave dz early saturday and weather was crap today.
I did get to do some more CReW on saturday! It went very well, but I have so much to learn!
The mind is like a parachute--it works better when it is open. JUMP.

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Made one jump Saturday. Due to weather, the rest of Saturday was spent consuming Bud Light (not a bad day overall). Four jumps Sunday once the haze burned off. Excellent day Sunday!!

*First (and second and third) standup landing made on Sunday.

*Cleared through CAT-E and on to self-supervision!! (self-supervision...that sounds ominously like responsibility...I'm sure it will be fun though).

It was late on Sunday when I left DZ...will definately bring beer soon for "firsts".

Yes, I know it is snowing.
No, we are not putting the top up.

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4 free h'n'p's. Our DZ had a bunch of SL students doing jumps, so I tagged along for the ride. Power-on exits from the Islander are nice :)

I've been working on my accuracy for the past 10-15 jumps or so, and the vast majority have been landed within 10 m, and the last five have been within 5 m. Then I finally nominate a landing and it blows out to 20 m. Damn. Oh well, it is still within my licence requirements.....

Also, you can see me in the door at 3k before exit. I like my fluro orange pants....

1 carton owed for my new rig.
Arching is overrated - Marlies

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Hanging with the :ph34r: getting my Bird on and swooping the piss out of tandems and generally having a good time. Oh yeah, I flew right seat a bunch in the otter as well. nothing liek flying and then getting out and flying yourself:D Also, chuck and I learned how to speak in tounges this weekend. Ain't that rigth chuck?;) Whodat hummna wazza nowhat rightchere..HAHAHAHA;):D
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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53 MPHin freefall:9:2

Went to the Dayton Air Show on Saturday for most the day. Saw some impressive airshow stuff. Saw our own Airwardo under canopy opening the show. Got to the DZ about 5ish and still got in 4 jumps. Did a total of 6 more Wingsuit jumps. Average speeds are about 53-58 average. I'm finally pushing 100 second freefalls. (Not bad for only having a Classic II :ph34r:) Taught 2 more people how to jump it and one of them is ordering his own suit after 2 jumps on mine. 1 RW Video and 2 tandems wrapped up this weekend.

Beer is owed for the first paid tandem I did and first sunburn I've had in years.
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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2 tracking dives. 1 4way (that never got bigger than 2 way before giving up flat flying and sitting). 1 headdown attempt and the rest sits.

the depth of his depravity sickens me.
-- Jerry Falwell, People v. Larry Flynt

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