
How long have you been jumping

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1 yr 3 months, 154 jumps.

Me too. I started June 8th 2002.

wow!! I know mine was sometime right around there, just can't remember exactly:S

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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3 years

Don't have a specific best memory, but I'd have to say that this summer was one of the best jump-wise. I haven't done much over the past 2 months, but I started the summer jumping HARD and got some serious kickass jumps with some serious kickass freeflyers: Craig Amrine, Storm Dunker, Dave Donnelly, Steve Curtis, Brian Buckland, and (more recently) Orly King. Learned a lot of cool shit and had a great time doing it. :) LOTSA yummy memories.B|

Fall in dove.

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8 years and 16 days, about 1550 jumps, and so many great memories...three really good ones:

- the first really charging swoop on my old Stiletto
- the Skyvan and Otter doing a flyby at about 50 feet at my first Byron Boogie
- a two way tandem lurk with Timmy D. We docked on the student at the same instant, all three of us with huge grins. She was the most stoked person I've ever seen on a tandem :)

I've gained a hundred friends, I've lost a few of them, and it's changed my life for the better in ways I would never have imagined. Fuck, is it Saturday yet? ;)

Doctor I ain't gonna die,
Just write me an alibi! ---- Lemmy/Slash

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2 months this Saturday. Hey, cool, more of a reason to celebrate, haha!

Lots of cool memories in only 2 months.

First time I was off of AFF and did my first high solo. I realized that I could do anything I wanted, so I did tracking, flips, tracking with barrel rolls, it was awesome! I felt so free. :)

When I downsized to a Sabre II 170sf canopy from a Sabre 190. It was so neat. I looked up, and it seemed so small. And, the toggle turns were super responsive, and I was going fast (at least compared to the 190)! It was really cool!

Now i'm trying to sit fly, when I finally get it, THAT will be cool!


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22 years

my favorite memory is of dragging Rev Jim around the sky like a sack of potatoes


Oh c'mon, I'm not that memorable!

I mean, sheez, Harvest moon boogie, jumping Cazadora, um, I mean jumping with Cazadora has gotta rank above me. :P
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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Ive been going 10 months.
100th was cool, 8way hybrid that kicked ass.
Had some pretty cool skysurf jumps. Every dive that works gives me a different buzz. If its a real chilled out track of a cranking RW jump. Low hop 'n' pops are cool too. Lookin forward to trying a wingsuit next weekend. Damn it - i just love jumping!

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